Getting Closer

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Kit's POV

I'm now making my way to P'Pha's class, carrying a small paper bag with me.

Want to know what's inside? Can't tell you. Hahaha... Just kidding. It's a palm-sized plush toy of a kitten and this kitten is going to be added into P'Pha's favourite collection.

I found it on a window display of a gift shop when I walked pass after having dinner with Beam. I even had to lie to Beam when he asked me whom I was buying for.

I can't tell him the truth. I had promised P'Pha that I won't tell anyone, I had to keep my promise. Ever since I know P'Pha's secret, we seem to be getting closer to each other like a long-time friend. I even shared secrets with him, secrets that I didn't even told Beam or Ming.

I heard noises coming out from P'Pha's classroom.

"Pha, this keychain is so cute. Belongs to your girlfriend?" P'Pha's classmate A asks.

"Definitely belongs to his girlfriend. If not, who can it belongs to? Definitely not Pha's. Pha won't like this kind of cute and girly stuffs." P'Pha's classmate B concludes.

"I don't have a girlfriend." P'Pha replies.

You sure don't have. You always hang around with us. If you have, then I guess I will be very surprised.

"What? Then whose keychain is this? Don't tell us it's yours. Haha... We won't believe it." Classmate B says.

It's your problem if you don't believe.

"That's right! It must be someone else's keychain. Definitely not yours. A man like you won't like this type of things." Classmate A remarks.

Who says a man like P'Pha cannot like cute little things!


"It's mine." I say.


"Oh! P'Pha, you have found it for me. Thank you. I thought I lose it."

"Nong, are you sure this is yours?" Classmate B asks.

"Very. Why? Oh! P, are you saying a man like me cannot have this kind of cute little stuffs? Ps, is there any rules indicate that a man cannot possess or likes cute little things? Or is it just your own perspective? Ps, please don't put your own perspective on others. Not everyone likes the same things as you. Everyone has their own likes and interests."

"Ps, I am sorry if I had said anything that offends you. I'm just voicing out my perspective." I continue with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Ps, P'Pha and I got to go now. P'Pha, let's go."


"P'Pha, did you forget that you have promised me today after school, you will accompany me to go and buy these cute little stuffs? Let's go now before the shop closes." I grab his hand and drag him out without giving him any time to speak.

I let go of his hand when we are out of our faculty building.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome and P, I'm just doing what I can to help."

"Why were you in my class? Are you looking for me?"

"Oh! This! I'm going to give you this." I hand him the paper bag.

He takes out the plush toy from the paper bag.

He takes out the plush toy from the paper bag

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"Do you like it? Hehe... I kind of stumble across it. It's the only one left but the shop owner told me that there will be new stock coming in around next week. You can go and have a look when the stock comes."

"Thank you, Kit, for your gift and for helping me just now." He smiles politely.

"P'Pha, you are too polite. We are friends. We are supposed to help each other, to have each other's back."

"Oh! Shit! P'Pha, Beam is waiting for me at the carpark. Got to run now. See you tomorrow. Bye, P'Pha."

Just received a message from Beam, urging me to hurry up. I run towards the carpark after waving 'goodbye' at P'Pha.

"Ok. Bye."


Pha's POV

After Kit left, I stay at where I am, holding the gift in my hand, feeling all sorts of feelings and thoughts that I can't explain, running around inside me like a bunch of wild dogs. Just now, I nearly gave in to the urge of hugging him.

Since when? Since when my feeling towards Kit has changed?

"Aww... So cute!"

A familiar voice pulls me out from my thoughts. I turn towards the owner of that voice, she is standing beside me, staring at the plush toy in my hand with interest.

"Is this yours? Can I have it if you don't want?" She looks at me with pleading eyes.

As a gentleman, I know I shouldn't reject her request but sorry, I can't give it to her.

"Sorry, P, I can't give it to you." I say firmly.

"Oh! I see... It must be a gift from someone important. Then *sniff* I guess I have to give up on it *sniff* since it's from someone important *sniff* to you." She is sniffing and wiping fake tears while saying this to me.

I never know that Forth's cousin is a drama queen. The first time I saw her, she was like a bystander, stood beside Forth watching. The second time I saw her, she was like a devil from hell, coming to claim Moowan's life. Now is the third time I see her, and she behaves like I'm the one who bully her.

Forth, where are you? Can you come and take your cousin away?

"P, what do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something? Don't worry, I want nothing. I passed by here and saw you in daze. I thought maybe you will need some help so here I come. Hehe..." She says with an innocent smile but her eyes...tell another story.

"I'm fine, P and I don't need any help. Sorry, P, I got to go now." I turn and was about to leave.

"Not everyone in this world is able to find someone who can completely accept who they really are. Treasure that person if you have found him. You had given up once without trying. Don't make it twice. Never give up anything without trying! It's a bad habit. Even if you failed in the end but at least you have tried your best and there won't be any regret."

I turn around and look at her. She has a serious look on her face and so much different from the person she was minutes ago.

"Nothing in this world can compare to your own happiness. Why cares about what people will think? Be true to yourself. Think carefully how much weight that person holds in your heart. And remember, don't give up easily without trying your very best. Some people are worth trying." She winks at me with a smile before she walks away.

Who is she actually? Why does she know what I am thinking about? I guess I need to find a time to talk to Forth about his creepy cousin.

But I must admit what she said was right. I really need to think carefully about my feelings. Hopefully I can have the answers before I go for the internship.

But... even if I have feelings for Kit, in Kit's heart, there is... Forth...


Thank you for your votes, comments and for reading my story. 🙇🙇

Hope everyone has a nice and peaceful day. 😄😄

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