My First and Only Love

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Wayo's POV

Both of our parents are friends since college. They even bought their house near to each other after they got married. I can say that I know him even before I was born, when I was still inside my mummy's tummy.

Despite of one year difference in age, we still managed to be in the same school, from elementary school to high school.

I'm very thankful that I have him by my side all these years. Because of him, I didn't get bullied by others.

I believe in him and I know he'll always protect me, always shielding me from all the harms and dangers. He's my hero.

I still remember when we were in elementary school, we would spend one weekend night at my house and the next weekend night at his. We started to have this weekend overnight stay at each other's house because both of our parents wanted to have an alternate weekend off from us so that they could go on date and spent time with their other half without us tagging along.

This routinely weekend overnight stay continued all the way until he graduated from high school. And after I graduated from high school and went to the same university as he, our parents bought us an apartment because they want us to stay together so that we can take care of each other like we always do since we were kids.

That's right. I'm currently living with him in the apartment our parents bought for us.

I'm not sure whether it's a blessing or torture, or maybe both. I'm very happy that I can see him everyday but at the same time, I feel sad because I can't even tell him that I love him. I have to hide my feelings from him and I'm so afraid that one day, he will find out.

If that happens, I don't know what's his reaction will be, finding out the one he see as a brother, love him the way he didn't expected.

I don't want to lose the friendship between us. I don't want to lose him. I just want to stay by his side, a friend... I have no regrets in loving him...

He's my best friend, my only friend...
He's my first love, my only love...
He's Ming, Mingkwan...

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