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Second day of the First Week

Wayo's POV

The first thing I do when I woke up this morning is to look at the mirror. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and I still can't believe that's me. I can't believe that I can look so much different without the glasses and braces. And of course, with a new hairstyle.

This is me and it's real. I am not dreaming. Yesterday wasn't a dream. I never thought that I can look like this. It seems like a dream to me.

How will Ming react if he sees me like this? How is he now? How he feels when he knew I was gone? Happy? Or angry?

I'm not sure how long I have been staring at the mirror. A knock on the door pulls me out from my thoughts.

"N'Yo, are you ready to go jogging?" P'Forth ask.

"Sorry, P'Forth. Give me another ten minutes." I answer with a blush on my face.

"Ok. We will wait for you in the living room."

"Ok. Thanks, P'Forth."

You didn't hear wrongly. We are going for a jog. It's P'Gemma's idea. She said I need to exercise to build up my stamina and keep my body in shape during last night's dinner.


At the dining table

"Baby Yo, tomorrow morning we go jogging together."

"Huh! Jogging?!"

"Yes, jogging. You need to build up your stamina and keep your body in shape. And I have asked Forth to teach you some self-defence skills to prevent similar incident that had happened in the alley. You need some skills to protect yourself." I stare at her with my eyes widen like goldfish's eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. I had already told you, we must make good use of these three weeks to transform you into a brand new you that no one can recognise. Changing your appearance is just part of the transformation. You still have to boost up your confidence, widen your circle of friends, change the way you view things, etc etc."

I ask myself, do I really need these changes? If you ask me few days ago, I will say I don't need any changes as long as I have Ming by my side.

But after what had happened yesterday, I will tell you I need these changes, I want to have these changes. I want to be different, different from who I was in the past.

And I believe in P. I know she cares for me and I know whatever she plans for me is for my own good. I just need to follow her instructions.

"Ok, P. Wake me up early. We go jogging tomorrow morning." I said with a gentle smile.

P'Gemma stares at me for few minutes before smile widely at me.

*End of flashback*

"P'Forth, P'Gemma, I am ready to go." I hurriedly descended the stairs, hoping I didn't keep them from waiting too long.


I heard something dropped on the floor, I turned to the source and I saw P'Forth stare at me with disbelief all over his face.

Oh, right! P'Forth have not seen me yesterday, he had activities in school and reached home at about midnight when I was already in bed.

"You are N'Yo??" I nod with a smile.

He looks at me up and down, and still can't believe what he has seen.

Hahaha... What a pleasure to see a suave, handsome guy like him dumbstruck.

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