Payback Part 1

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Wayo's POV

My ears are listening to the lectures, but my mind is wandering back to the previous scene in the lobby. He is with that woman. Are they together? Maybe... Since they behaved so intimately just now. I smile sadly at the thought of him being together with someone else.

He saw me, but he didn't come over like what P'Beam did. He stood aside with that woman. Maybe he is disgusted with me for being a gay. That's why he didn't want to come near me.

I don't know whether I can even consider myself as a gay since I'm only interested in one guy. The thought of me being together with another guy besides him makes me flinched. Does that mean I can't love anyone else but him in my life? Then I guess I will be spending the rest of my life alone.

Find someone who can love me? But what if I can't love the person back? I will be ruining his or her happiness. I know how it feels like to be staying together with someone who don't love you. It's like the thing you desire the most is just right in front of you, you can see it, but you cannot touch it.

And it's not right to give people false hope or promise that you can't fulfil. If being alone is my fate, I will learn to accept it.

I feel a pat on my right arm and I turn to my right. Suthee who is now sitting on my right asks, "Yo, what are you thinking about? It's lunch break now. P'Forth will be waiting for us at the cafeteria and Park is waiting outside."

"Nothing. My mind is just wandering around somewhere." I reply with a shrug.

"Oh! Could the 'somewhere' be 'Business Faculty'? Don't lie to us. We are friends, remember? You can talk to us about anything and everything. You can unload all your problems onto us. No matter what the problem is, we can solve it together." Suthee says while pinching my cheeks and Nate who is beside him nods.

I am touched and grateful to have them in my life.

"Thank you." I say with gratitude.

"Don't be so polite. Let's go now. We are running late." Suthee says in his cheerful voice and drapes his arm around my shoulders.

I guess even though I don't have the one I love by my side, I am still the fortunate one because I have them, the ones I call as friends.


Forth's POV

Beam they all are now sitting at somewhere hidden as I instructed. Now, I'm waiting for N'Yo and the trio to arrive, and I must make sure that everything we need are in place.

And the ball will start rolling after the last player arrives. Hope everything will go as what she planned.

"P'Forth, sorry for keep you waiting." N'Yo apologises.

"It doesn't matter. I've just arrived." I lied. I can't simply tell him that I need to come early for preparation.

"Nongs, what you all want to eat? I buy for you. Park, come and help me." I take down their orders and go with Park to buy our lunch.

As for my cousin, I'm sure she is at somewhere waiting.

After we finished our lunch, we just sit back and relax while waiting for the last player to arrive. The trio, Beam and my best friends knew about the plan.

"Wayo, I need to talk to you for a moment." Seeing her, N'Yo's face turns pale.

The game starts now!

"Sorry! Not going to happen. N'Yo is not going anywhere with you." I reject her request.

"P'Forth, I'm not asking you. Who are you to him to answer for him? Oh! Don't tell me two of you are sleeping together!" She sneers with her arms crossed on her chest.

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