Framed Part 1

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Beam's POV

"Starting from tomorrow is our school break. Guys, got any plans for this three-weeks school break?" I asked.

"Nope." Kit answered.

"So, guys, want to go on a tour trip together? Or we can book a resort and enjoy ourselves. What you guys think?" I suggested, hoping we can have fun together during this school break.

"I think the resort will be a good idea, but we need to ask P'Pha and Wayo first before we make any decision. Ming, you ask Wayo about it first, then let us know."

We turn to look at Ming when we didn't hear his reply. He is in deep thoughts again. He has been doing this quite often recently.

"Wake up, Mingkwan!" Kit smack Ming's head to wake him up.

"Ouch! Kit, it hurts." Ming groan in pain, rubbing the area which Kit had smacked.

"Seriously, Ming, what is bothering you? You haven't been yourself lately. By the way, what's wrong between you and Wayo? I am sure there are something amiss between both of you. Is there anything happened that we are unaware of?" Kit ask impatiently.

"Guys, I think I am sick." He replied.


"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He told us about the night he went to talk to Wayo.

"I swear Yo really smells like that dream girl. And I don't know why, after that night I nearly kiss him, whenever I get close to him, I will have the urge to touch him or worse, kiss him. I think I am very sick."

Of course, Wayo smells like your dream 'girl', he is indeed your dream 'girl'.

"Don't worry. You are not sick. You are just having some sort of attraction for Wayo." I said.

"WHAT?! Are you kidding? Wayo is my little brother. How can I have attraction for him?"

"I am not kidding. By the way, need me to mention that you and Wayo are not blood-related. It means both of you are not real brother even though both of you grew up together. And for your understanding, it is normal to have feelings for someone close to you."

"I have to agree with Beam."

"Geez... Kit, you too?! It's ridiculous. You guys know I am not interested in boys so how can I....." Ming trailed off and back to his deep thoughts.

Kit and I look at each other and shake our heads.

Ming is too inflexible. Once he had make up his mind that Wayo is his little brother, he won't think of other possibilities. Maybe therefore he can't see Wayo's true feelings.

I just hope that he won't regret if he loses Wayo.


Kit's POV

He is just too blind. Obviously, he is attracted to Wayo, but he just keeps denying it. Hope his denial won't cost him Wayo.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

I glance at my ringing phone and frown when I saw the name of the caller.

"Hello, P'Pha."


"Ok. Ok. We will be there right away."

I hang up the phone and shout, "Beam, Ming, both of you come with me. Now!! We have no time to waste."

"What happened?" They asked with a confused look on their face.

"It's about Wayo. I don't know what's going on. P'Pha only said something happens to Wayo."

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