One Night

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Beam's POV

"Kit, what is happening to Ming?" I whispered.

Ming has been drinking heavily since he got here. Must be something to do with Wayo.

Kit responds with a shrug.

"Hey! Ming, that's enough. Stop drinking! What's happening to you? Tell us so we can help you." P'Pha said to Ming while trying to take the glass from his hand.

"Yo...Yo has me. I don't...know why.... These two... weeks, he..he...has been of me..but I..I...can feel... that..that...he distan..cing... him..himself... from... me...Wh..why... he wa..wants... to that...? Is.. it because... o..of... that... incident...? I..I... think.. he..he... hat..hates..."

"I don't think Wayo hates you. He will never hates you." I answered.

How stupid is this friend of mine? Why can't he see how much Wayo loves him?

I can understand Wayo's thinking. I know he is afraid that he will lost his friendship with Ming if he confess to Ming about his feelings.

If you ask me, I will encourage Wayo to confess. If Ming really end their friendship because of that, that's it, he will no longer a friend of mine.

I know I have no rights to reprimand Ming if he really hurts Wayo because I have also hurt someone who loves me.

But what can I do? If you were me, what will you do when you found out that you and your best friend fall in love with the same guy?

I choose my best friend over him. I rejected him. I can't bear to break my best friend's heart so I choose to break his.....and mine.

A pat on my shoulder snapped me out of my trance.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean by 'what'? What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about him and Wayo." I point at Ming and answer.

I'm not lying, not completely. How can I tell Kit the truth? He doesn't even know that I already knew about his secret.

"What are we going to do with him now? He is drunk." P'Pha asked, pointing at Ming.

Looking at Ming, we sighed.


Wayo's POV

Ming has been out for drinks with P'Kit they all. I have been distancing myself from him since that incident.

What Moowan had said affecting me so deeply that I start to feel like I shouldn't be around Ming.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

There is knocking on the door. I glance at the clock, it says 11.40 pm.

Who could it be? Can't be Ming. Ming has keys.

"Who's that?"

"Wayo, it's me, P'Kit. Please open the door."

Huh! P'Kit?! Why is P'Kit here? Something happens to Ming?! No, it can't be. Please, Wayo, don't scare yourself.

I opened the door and my eyes widen when I saw Ming is in between P'Kit and P'Pha with them holding on to his arms.

"What happened?

"Drunk" "Wasted" P'Kit and P'Pha answered at the same time.

"P, help me carry him to his bedroom." They nodded.

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