Weird Dreams

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Ming's POV

"Kit, I need to take a nap before my head exploded. Help me take down the notes."

"Ok. You owe me one."

"I know. Thanks."

I lay my head down on my folded arms on the table. Within few seconds, the sleepiness taking over me.

I find myself on a bed and there is someone beneath me. I don't know who she is. It's so dark in here and I can't see her face, but I can feel the warmth of her body.

Soft lips, taste like fruits..... so addicting... so different from those women I had... can't get enough...

She has velvety skin, so smooth and soft.... it's so comfortable to touch.... it feels good....

She smells like fruits too... so refreshing.... it's the smell I will like... and so familiar....

She is so tight and hot.... it almost drives me crazy... 


I wake up with a start by hearing my name. I rub my eyes and look around me to see where I am.

I am in my classroom with Kit and Beam are staring at me with a puzzled look on their face.

It's just a dream?! But it feels so real. Wait a minute.... Am I dreaming of having sex just now?

"Hey! Ming, are you ok? You look pale."

"Kit, I am ok, just a little headache."

I can't tell them about my dream without being laughed by them. They will tease me about it for sure.

"Oh! Ming, it's lunch break now. Are we going over to Wayo's faculty for lunch?" Beam ask with his hands and eyes on his phone.

"Nope. Yo's class for today has been cancelled due to the preparation of the performance so today, we are on our own for lunch."

"Ok. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go now. P'Pha is outside waiting for us." Beam said with hands and eyes still on his phone.

"Ok" Kit and I answer in unison.

Why I have this kind of weird dream? And who is she?


Kit's POV

"Hey! Ming, you messaged us and said that there is something you want to discuss with us. What is that you want to discuss?" I ask with concern in my voice.

Ming had messaged us out of the sudden, saying that he has things to discuss with us. We get worried. He had been acting weird this past few days since the morning after he was drunk, and we have no ideas of what's wrong with him at all.

We meet at the cafe near my dorm. Unlike Ming and P'Pha have their own apartment, Beam and I are staying in a dorm near our school.

After we ordered our drinks, I asked Ming again.

"Ming, what do you want to discuss with us?"

"Erm.... I have been dreaming the same dream repeatedly for four days."

"A dream? What kind of dream?" Beam who is sitting on my right, ask with curiosity.

"I dreamed of having sex with someone."

We stared at him in astonishment. We can't believe what we had heard.

"WHAT? You called us out is to discuss about your wet dreams?" Beam ask with disbelief.

"It's not just normal wet dreams. Can you guys hear me out first?"

We nod and let Ming talks without interruption.

"The first time I had this dream was on ..........." Ming tells us about the dream he had.

After he finished, the first thought that comes into my mind is 'Wayo, what have you done?'.

From the looks on P'Pha's and Beam's faces, I surmised that they have the same conclusion as me. The only one who is clueless is the one sitting right in front of me.

"Ming, you say you had this dream right after the night you got drunk, right?" P'Pha asked to ensure that our assumptions are correct.

"Yes." Oh dear!

"Seriously, guys, I don't know what's wrong with me recently. Things keep getting in my way and Yo, he's still avoiding me. And now, this dream! I really don't know who she is and why I keep dreaming about her. I have been asking myself, 'do I know her?' since that morning."

Oh, yeah! You not only know 'her', you even grow up with 'her'. By the way, idiot, not a 'she', is a 'he'.

"As your best friend, I advise you to start noticing people around you. Who knows, maybe your dream 'girl' is just somewhere around you." Beam said with a hint.

I glare at Beam. I know what he is trying to do. He is trying to help Wayo, but I don't think it's a good idea to interfere.

Turning back to Ming and saw that he didn't get the hint, I sigh with relief but at the same time, I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad for Wayo.

"Don't think too much on it. I believe the identity of that dream 'girl' will come out one day. Just let the nature takes its own course." I console Ming.



Beam's POV

I wonder, is Ming's brain got eaten up by worms? He can't even tell a man's body from a woman's? I mean, a man's body is so much different from a woman's body, so he should know even he can't see.

I even drop a hint for him, but he didn't catch it.

I don't know what exactly happened that night but there's one thing for sure, they had sex.

I am going to kick his ass if he hurts Wayo. Wayo and I may not be close to each other but deep in my heart, I treat Wayo like my own brother.

Ming, you better treat Wayo well.


P'Pha's POV

They had sex.

And my heart hurts.

I already know that I don't stand a chance, but when I heard that they had sex, my heart will still hurt.


How you find about this chapter? Curious about the identity of Kit's secret love, the one whom Beam rejected and the one who makes Phana's heart hurts?

There will be chapters about them but not so soon. 😆😆

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for the time you spend reading my story. 🙇🙇
Secondly, I want to thank everyone for the votes and comments. 🙇🙇
Lastly, I wish everyone will have good health and stay happy every day. 😄😄

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