Their Loves

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Forth's POV

*knock* *knock*

"Coming. Who's that?" I open the door and I am surprised to find Beam standing outside.

"Beam! Come in and have a seat. By the way, why are you here?" I am puzzled of why he is here.

"P'Gemma messaged me and told me that you had injured yourself." He is looking at the bandage on my forearm.

Wait a minute! Since when both are so close to each other? And how did my cousin have Beam's contact number?

"Nah, it's just a small cut. Nothing serious."

"Let me have a look. Did you go and see a doctor?" He asks with concern.

"It's a small cut." He unwraps my bandage and examines the wound before applying medication that he had brought here with him.

"Don't you know a small cut like this can also cause infections or other complications or worse, can even cause death? Don't you know how to take care of yourself? How can you be so careless to get yourself injured? Why can't you be more careful? Do you think you are a super hero that won't get injured? You should see a doctor immediately after injured. You should take it seriously. Injuries without a proper treatment can cause infections....."

Staring at him, I feel my chest fill up with warmth. He looks so cute when he is ranting and frowning at the same time. He cares for me. I know he cares for me, but I am a greedy man and I want more. I want his.... everything...

I lean forward and wrap my arms around him.


"Beam, just a few minutes. Just let me hug you for a few minutes. This is all I'm asking for." I whisper in his ear.

If I'm true to my heart, what I really want is not just a few minutes, is a lifetime. His lifetime....


Kit's POV


I don't know how many times I have sighed. I can't believe my friend, Ming, has turned into a stalker now. Whenever he has free time, he will run to Wayo's faculty just to peek on him, to see what he is doing.

Can you imagine that one of the most popular guy in this school has become a stalker to another? Yeah. Wayo's popularity now has make him one of the Mr Popular.

The number of his fans are increasing. Well, I'm not surprised. Wayo is friendly plus he will not look down on people no matter how they look, makes him more popular among the students. He is now an angel to them.

Hahaha... I know I should feel sorry for my friend, but I didn't. Maybe deep down, I feel that he deserves it. This is what you get when you didn't treasure what's in front of you.

"Kit, you alone? Where are Ming and Beam?" I look up and P'Pha is standing in front of me.

"Ming is at you know where. And Beam? Honestly, I don't know where he is. He disappeared right after the class ended." I explain.

"Have any plans for the evening? If not, let's go and grab some dinner together." P'Pha asks.

"Ok. Since I have nothing to do."

"Let's go." P'Pha says with a grin.

After we had our dinner, P'Pha drove us back to his apartment for a drink. Since both of us don't have classes tomorrow, so we decided to bury our stress, our sorrow and every negative feeling into the bottles.

"P'Pha, what makes you fall in love with Ming?" This question pops out from my mouth before I can stop it.

"Ermm....'s just a feeling... I can't explain... it's a feeling that kind of drawn me to him... What about you?" He takes a sip of his beer before answering.

I choke a little, "Me? ......Erm... I can tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't laugh."


"When I was a freshman, there was one day Ming and Beam had something going on, couldn't drove me home so I went back myself. It was raining heavily on that day and I didn't bring umbrella. I was there at the main lobby of our faculty waiting for the rain to stop. That's when I met him, P'Forth. He walked into the lobby with long and confident strides. This was the first time I saw him."

I pause for a while to take a sip of my beer, then continue, "The second time I saw him, again it was a rainy day and I was alone. He gave me his umbrella with a polite smile and dashed into the rain. It was the time I started to notice him and slowly I fell in love with him. At that time, I didn't know he and Beam knew each other."

"So, it's love at second sight. Wow! So romantic. Hahaha..." He laughs.

"Hey! You promised me not to laugh." I smack his upper arm while pouting.

"Ok, sorry. It's my fault. I break my promise."

I notice he had stared at me for quite some time. I ask while touching my face, "Why are you staring at me like that? Is there anything on my face?"

"I just noticed that you look cute when you pout."

"Huh!! Are you drunk? I don't think the word 'cute' is suitable to use on me. I'm anything but cute." He laughs softly at my comment.

No one ever talk again. Both of us sit at his living room drinking our beer in silence. But the weird thing is I don't feel any uncomfortable about it. It seems so natural for us to just sit together quietly without saying anything. I'm not sure how P'Pha feels but I can tell you this is how I feel.

I turn my head to look at P'Pha. He is lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, both feet on the floor and hands on his lap.

He must be exhausted. I heard that the third-year students have lots of assignments and tests. In a month time, all third-year students will be going for their six months internship. P'Pha won't be hanging around with us after he goes for his internship.

With a sigh, I stand up and clear all the empty bottles before getting a blanket from his bedroom to cover him.

I heard that the best way to forget a romance is to start a new relationship. Maybe it's time for both of us to find someone and move on....


Thank you for all your votes and comments. I enjoyed reading your comments. 😊😊

And thank you for your precious time reading my story. Hope you enjoy it. 🙇🙇

Hope you have a nice and peaceful day. 😄😄

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