Leaving Soon

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Here comes the chapter. Hope you enjoy it. 😊


Wayo's POV

Recently, I have a feeling that someone is following me. Do I have a stalker? Is he/she stalking me? Why? What he/she wants from me? Is he/she one of my fans? No matter who the stalker is, just hope that he/she won't hurt me.

I sigh.

Six weeks... to be exact, should be five weeks four days. I have been here for so long. Times flies, the day I left that apartment I shared with Ming seems like just happened yesterday. A lot of things happening during these few weeks and lots of changes too.

Speaking of Ming, we haven't spoken to each other for five weeks four days. I notice something very weird. If he is disgusted with me, then why I always see him hanging around my faculty. But he never approaches me, not even once. If he is not looking for me, then why he keeps coming to my faculty.

I really don't know what he is thinking about. And every time I saw him, he is wearing that kind of weird expression like....like someone fall out of love. I sigh again. So many unanswered questions are spinning inside my head like a merry-go-round and I don't like it.

"Baby Yo, what's bothering you? You looked troubled. Come and tell me what's bothering you."

"P, I really don't know what Ming is thinking about. I always see him hanging around my faculty during lunch break, but he never approaches me, not even once. If he is disgusted with me, he should avoid seeing me, right? But why? Why he keeps appearing in front of me but never once approached me? I don't know what he is thinking about?"

"Baby Yo, what makes you think that he is disgusted with you?"

"Because... I'm a gay..."

"Did he tell you that?"

I shake my head, "No."

"Baby Yo, do you really want to know what he is thinking about?"

I nod.

"Then go and ask him."


"Baby Yo, answers won't drop down from the sky for you to pick up. You want to know the answers, you must go and search for it yourself. No one can help in that. If you want the answer, search for it. If you want something, go for it. Baby Yo, have you ever asked yourself, what do you really want?"

"I....I..." I bite my lower lip, not sure how to answer.

"Ask your heart, what do you really want? Do you want him to leave you alone? Yeah, maybe you should. After all, he had broken your heart and made you suffered so much."

"No, I didn't blame him for that. I admit I was angry with him at first because he didn't believe me. But I never blame him for not loving me back. I was the one who choose to love him. He didn't force me to love him. It's not his fault if he can't return my feelings. I can understand that. It's like I can't return Nate's feelings."

"Ah! You knew."

"P, I'm not that stupid and I can sense that. We are together almost every day and it's hard not to notice, especially Suthee keeps dropping hints all over me." I can't help rolling my eyes at the thought of Suthee dropping hints to me every day without fail like it's on his daily to-do list.

"Ah! Suthee? Hmm... suspicious... Anyway, back to our topic. So, do you know what you want?"

"I want us to be back like what we are in the past."

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