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Wayo's POV

Tonight is the night we can sleep late and don't need to worry that we can't wake up in the morning since we don't have classes tomorrow.

Most of the students here call it 'wild night' because it's the night you can get really wild without any worries.

But I hate it, I hate this 'wild night'.

To others, it's a 'wild night' but to Ming, it's his 'hunting night'.

It's the night he go pub to have some drinks and searching for targets to get laid. And it's also the night he won't be home till the next morning.

And it's the night I feel lonely the most.

His 'hunting night' is my 'lonely' night.

*knock* *knock*

There's knocking on my bedroom's door. I opened the door and saw Ming outside of my room.

He's wearing black tee, black pants and a black leather jacket. I can see that his 'bad boy' mode is on now.


"Yo, I'm going out now, won't be back tonight. Remember to lock the door before go to bed. Sleep early. Don't stay up too late. Call me if anything happens, ok?" Ming said with a concern.

He worries about me. I know he really cares about me.

"Ok. P'Ming, don't worry about me. I'm a big boy now. I know how to take care of myself. Enjoy yourself. Bye bye." I fake a smile to put him at ease.

"Ok. Bye."

Before he walked out of the house, he turned and remind me again. "Remember to lock the door and call me if anything happens."

"Yes, sir."

He ruffled my hair and smile at me before closing the door.

The minute the door closed, all the smiles flew from my face.

You are not mistaken. He is a playboy. He prefers one-night stand or a fling than dating.

I asked him once, he told me that he's still young and he doesn't like the feelings of being tied down to one person so he prefers one-night stand the most because it's the less complicated, no strings attached and no commitment to be made.

He even told me that one-night stand is for two strangers having fun together for just one night and go separate way the next morning.

Sometimes I really envy those women. They can have him for one night. How I wish I could be them? Just to have one night with him.

*sigh* I know I'm silly. I know I'm foolish. But I really love him so much until it really hurts.

Sometimes I will think that if I can't have him forever, maybe one night will be enough for me.

A tear escapes from my eye. I wipe it off with the back of my hand. I close my eyes, taking a few deep breath trying to calm myself down.

In order to stop myself from thinking too much, I log in to YouTube and start searching for new songs or music.

This is when I stumbled across this song. The name of the song is what pique my interest. It's a Japanese song named 'First Love' sang by Utada Hikaru. I don't understand Japanese but the video I found, has lyrics with English translation.

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