Payback Part 2

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Beam's POV

Bravo! Well done, bro! I'm so proud of you. I'm cheering mentally, looking at Ming being dragged away from Moowan by Kit and P'Pha.

I salute mentally to P'Gemma too. She is my idol now. I love the way how she makes that bitch shakes like a leaf. That bitch deserves it after what she had done to Wayo.

"Don't you want to know who save Wayo? Let me tell you, I'm the one who saved him, I'm the one who brought him back with me and I'm the one who transformed him. Look at him. Did you see how beautiful he is now?" P'Gemma says proudly.

Moowan stares at P'Gemma without saying anything.

"I heard that you have a sound recording of you and Wayo. Is that recording genuine?" P'Gemma asks bluntly.

"Of...of course, it's real..." One look at that bitch, everyone will know she's lying. Plus, after what we saw in that video, no one will believe a single word from her.

"Oh! Really?! Girl, you still haven't learnt your lesson. N'Adam, please come and tell us what you know."

A plump guy appears beside P'Gemma. I guess that guy is the 'N'Adam' P'Gemma mentioned just now.

"N'Adam, tell us what this Moowan asked you to do for her and what she gives you in return. Tell us the truth." P'Gemma speaks softly.

He nods and says, "I'm an IT (Information and Technology) student. I usually edit music recordings during my leisure time. One day, Moowan came to me and asked me to edit a sound recording for her. I was hesitant at first because I don't edit sound recording, especially those with people talking. But she said if I do it for her, she will... she will have sex with me..." His face turns red with embarrassment.

"You are lying!" Moowan screams.

"I am not. And we really had sex after I passed you the edited recording." Adam defends himself.

"Don't makes me vomit, fat boy. Who will want to have sex with you! Look at yourself, full of fats like a pig. Have sex with you is like having sex with a pig. I feel disgusting at the thought of it. A pretty girl like me can get any man I want. I'm not that desperate to sleep with a pig. And do you think people will believe a girl like me will sleep with a pig like you?"


"I believe."

My eyes widened of what I just saw. Wayo is standing in front of Moowan, holding an empty cup and the water inside that cup is now all over Moowan's face and hair. Moowan, she looks like a mess and the way she stares at Wayo as if she had seen a ghost.

"A girl like you? I must admit that you are beautiful. You have good qualities in appearance but that doesn't mean you can insult people like this. Having good looks doesn't make you superior than others. A girl like you? Shine on the outside but inside, is as black as a charcoal. You said he looks like a pig but you, are worse than a pig." Wayo says with a firm tone and an angry glare.

Wow!! This is the first time I see Wayo behaving like that. I am amazed of how much he had changed.

The Wayo in the past would never talked back even if he was being treated unfairly; but the Wayo now, can even stand up and defends others. If you ask me, I will say I prefer the new Wayo than the old one.

*Clap clap* *Clap clap*

P'Gemma begins to clap for Wayo and soon, others join in too. Of course, I'm one of them and I'm proud to say I'm one of them.

"Who are you talking to me like that?" Moowan rises her hand to slap Wayo but someone catch it before it lands on Wayo's face.

It's the girl from the trio. If I'm not wrong, her name is Nate.

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