Lunch Break

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Ming's POV

"Ming, ready to go to Wayo's faculty?" One of my buddies, Kit asked.

"Yes. I'm ready. What about P'Pha?"

"P'Pha just send me a message saying he is now waiting for us outside our faculty." Beam replied.

"Ok. Let's go."

Since Yo's faculty is just beside mine and it's only ten minutes walk so we don't bother to drive.

Having lunch with Yo is a daily routine to me. Even though he has been here for two months but he is that type of person who live in his own world and don't really like to mix around with people other than me.

He had spent more than a month to get used to my friends.

If I don't accompany him for lunch, he will be all alone by himself and I don't even know he will go for lunch.

I had promised his parents to take care of him so I can't let him be alone by himself.


Wayo's POV

I'm currently sitting in the canteen listening to some music while waiting for them.

About few minutes later, there's a commotion at the entrance of the canteen which tells me that they're here. Only them can caused such a commotion. I see them stroll into the canteen and smile to everyone like some sort of celebrities walking down the red carpet.

I still remembered two months ago, the first time I saw this scene, I nearly run for the door. After seeing it for two months, I'm glad to say I get used to it.

Ming and his friends are the most popular and handsome boys in our school.

The one with light brown hair and dimples, that's P'Kit.

The one with black hair and flirty smile, that's P'Beam.

And lastly, the tallest one among them with the 'Leave Me Alone' expression on his face, that's P'Phana and we usually call him P'Pha.

P'Kit and P'Beam are in the same class as Ming. P'Pha is their faculty senior, a third year student.

From what I heard from Ming, all of them study business because they need to take over their family's business after they graduate.

As for me, I am lucky that I don't need to take over my father's business. Why?

Firstly, I have no interest in business. Secondly, I have no talent. I can't guarantee that if I take over the company, it won't close down within a year so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Let's just say, I'm not that piece of material for business. Fortunately, my daddy knows about it and didn't forced me to study business.

I sigh deeply while looking at them making their way to me.

From the entrance to my table is just less than two minutes walk, but usually they can used at least ten minutes to reach.

They had been stopped multiple times, mostly by girls along their way to here. I think they're going to break their ten minutes record.

"P'Ming, I have some drawings that I want to show you and ask for your opinion. When are you free?" Again, stopped by one of the girls.

"Let me know the time, then I'll try to make myself available." He smiled gently at her.

Argh.... Ming, can you stop smiling at her like that?

I'm jealous? Of course, I'm jealous. Who will want to see the one you love smiling so gently at someone else? But there's nothing i can do but to watch.

Ming is always polite to girls, too polite for his own good if you ask me. What if the girl gets wrong ideas? You will never know, right?!

"P'Beam, want to join us for drinks tonight?"

P'Beam won't reject such invitation.



"Hey! Kit, I had learned some new dance moves recently. Want to have a dance battle with me now?"

I don't think P'Kit will entertain you right now. P'Kit will only dance when he is in his mood, his dance mood. But from what I can see, his dance mood is not on yet.

"Sorry. Nope." He walked away after answering, without waiting for the other party to reply.

Haha... I told you.

"P'Pha, .....enjoy your lunch."

Wow! I admire your courage, girl. No one ever dare to speak to P'Pha when he's wearing that 'Leave Me Alone' look.

"Good afternoon , P'Ming, P'Beam, P'Kit & P'Pha" I greet them.

"Hi!" Ming replied.

"Afternoon to you too, Wayo." P'Beam and P'Kit greet me back while P'Pha respond with a nod.

"Let's go and buy our lunch." P'Kit said.

"Ok." The rest of us answer in unison.


Kit's POV

After we finished our lunch, as usual, we will just sit down there and chit chat until the lunch break ended.

We will talk about lots of things such as our assignments, Beam's nightlife, or any topics that interest us. The only person who didn't join in our conversations is Wayo. He always sit there with us and listen quietly to our conversations.

I know Wayo since high school. Beam and I are Ming's classmates in high school. He's always friendly towards us, but somehow I can feel that he didn't really open himself up to us, maybe because we are Ming's friends, not his.

He only hangs around with Ming and I don't think that's healthy.

I really think he should have some of his own friends besides Ming, someone he can really talk to, someone he can share his problems with. It's better than bottle up all the problems inside. It's painful.

I know Ming is also his friend, most probably his only friend but I don't think he can talk to Ming about his problems since Ming is the actual source of his problems.

How did I know? Hahaha... It's too obvious and I'm not the only one who knows. Beam and P'Pha know about it too.

Wayo thought that he has hidden his feelings well.

I have to agree, he really hides his feelings well, but only to the outsiders and Ming, not to the three of us who always hang around with them.

Actually, I can understand how he feels because I'm in the same situation as him. I'm also secretly in love with someone, someone I'm not supposed to be in love with.
[A/N: Who is Kit's secret love?]

But what can I do?

When love comes, there is no way you can stop it. Falling in love is just like falling into a hidden pit, everything happened so fast that you have no time to think. When you realise it, you are already at the bottom of the pit.


Wayo's POV

Lunch break is over, they have to return to their faculty.

I enjoy having lunch with them. They are funny and they joke a lot. Honestly, I enjoy every moment with Ming, even if just sitting beside him, listening to him talking to his friends, joking with his friends, laughing. I'm satisfied.

I don't expect him to love me back even though I have wished for it but I know he won't. I have know him for years and I know that he is not interested in boys.

He had ever received confessions from boys in high school. Yes. Boys. Not one but a handful of them. He had rejected all the confessions and told them that he will never love a boy.

So if you were me, will you confess to him and risk the friendship between you and him? Will you?


Thank you for the votes, comments and spending your precious time reading my story. 😊😊

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