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Pha's POV

Ming ran out of the cafeteria through the side entrance after he saw the touching scene of Wayo and Forth they all. Kit and I were worried about him, so we followed him out.

We are now in the small park near the cafeteria. Ming is sitting on the bench with his body slouched and his head buried in his hands.

"It's all my fault.... It's all my fault..." He has been mumbling the same sentence since he was here.

"Ming, it's not your fault. It's that woman, Moowan's fault." Kit says while putting a consoling arm around Ming's shoulders.

"How can it be not my fault? Yo suffered because of me! He went through all these terrible experiences because of me! I'm the source of his pain and sufferings! Beam was right. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve him at all!" His face is etched with sorrow and guilt.

"He was lucky that P'Forth's cousin was there to save him. If...if.. she wasn't there, what will happen to him....? Have you ever think of that? What will happen to him if no one was there to save him? I'm the one who supposed to protect him, to keep him safe but I failed. I failed to protect him, I failed to keep him safe. It's all my fault..." His voice is cracking with emotion and his eyes are bloodshot red with unshed tears. I can feel the pain, the anger and the guilt radiating from him.

Seeing him like this makes my heart ache.

"I'm sure Wayo will not blame you for that." I say. I see Kit stares at me with concern. I know he is worried about me and he is the only person who can understand how I feel. I give him a 'I'm ok' smile to put him at ease.

"I know. I know he won't. He is too kind, but I will. I will blame myself. I will blame myself for being foolish. I will blame myself for not being there when he needs me. I will blame myself for all his pain and sufferings...."

"Instead of blaming yourself, don't you think it's better to do something to remedy it." We turn towards the speaking voice. It's Beam with Forth standing behind him.

"How to remedy it?" Ming questions Beam.

"...... Forth, any ideas?" Beam pauses for a while at Ming's question before turning to Forth.

"Not at this moment and I don't think he can get any closer to N'Yo now. But N'Ming, you must be mentally prepared. I know my cousin well, I'm sure she has something prepared for you." Forth replies.

"What she is preparing for Ming? What she plans to do with Ming?" Kit demands with worries in his voice.

"Haha... N'Kit, relax, don't worry. My cousin is not a monster. She won't do any horrible things to N'Ming. Maybe she will make N'Ming suffers a little for making N'Yo sad, but she won't do any harmful things to him. My cousin is very fond of N'Yo. She treats him like her own baby brother. My cousin is the only child in her family, she always wants to have a baby brother and N'Yo is just what she wants for a brother. So, you can't blame her for being overprotective." Forth says with a soft laugh.

"I don't know what's her plans for N'Ming, but I can guarantee it's not dangerous or life-threatening. You can trust me on that." Forth continues.

"I don't care what she wants to do with me or plans to do with me. I deserve it. I deserve every punishment she plans for me even if she wants my life. She saved Yo. I'm grateful of everything she had done for Yo. If not for her, I really don't know what will happen to him. She's not only Yo's saviour, she's mine as well." Ming says with gratitude.

"She won't want your life, N'Ming, at least not for now. But she will if you dare to hurt N'Yo again. N'Ming, if you really love N'Yo, don't let go of him. Grab him tight. No matter what happen, don't give up. And one last thing, try to get on the good side of the trio because they are N'Yo's protectors. You'll need them one day." Forth advises.

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