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Ming's POV

It's so quiet. The whole house looks empty and quiet.

I realised that I'm too used to his presence. Sometimes I woke up in the morning, I was hoping that when I walked out of my room, he was there, telling me that breakfast was ready.

He never leaves my side for so long since we were young. He is always there where I can see him. Without him by my side, I feel empty like something missing inside me.

I miss him calling me 'P'Ming' in his sweet voice. I miss his cooking. I miss him sitting beside me and listen to me quietly when I was talking.

I miss his smiles and the way his face lights up when he smiles. He always calls himself ugly, but I never once thought of him as ugly. He's not bad looking.

I miss making fun of him because he always believes in everything I said so occasionally I will prank him to see his reaction. Never once he disappointed me, his reaction was so cute that I can't help pinching his cheeks.

I miss the way he was by my side when I was down or upset. He will not ask too much questions, he will just simply stay by my side listen to all my grumblings and rantings.

*sigh* Kit asked me to think carefully before Yo comes back.

But the problem is I don't even know what love feels like. I have never fall in love before so how am I supposed to know whether I am in love with Yo?

I even Googled 'what is love?'. The information told me that if I'm in love with someone, I will feel lonely when he is not around. I will always think about him and he is the first person I will think of whenever I am happy or sad. I will smile when I see him smiles. I will feel satisfied when I have him by my side. I will feel heartache when I see him cry.

I have all those feelings, as what the information stated, for Yo. Is that means I am in love with him??

If yes, then what should I do now? He must have hate me after what I did. Why am I so stupid? I always thought I have those feelings is because he is my little brother. What if deep inside my heart, I didn't treat him as my little brother like what my head thinks?!

Ah... I feel like banging my head against the wall. Why am I so stupid! Why didn't I see it! How can I atone for hurting his feelings? He must be very angry with me right now! Will he forgive me? What should I do now?

Stop fidgeting, Mingkwan! You need to calm down and think. Think...... Oh! Maybe I should call him now. If he answers my call, it means he is not angry with me. Ok, where's my phone?!

I snatch my phone from my bed and dial his number.

"The number you just called is unavailable now. Please try again later...." He switched off his phone!

I stared at my phone for a while and then decided to call his parents' house. I wait patiently for the other party to pick up the phone.

"Hello~" A woman's voice, must be mummy.

"Hello, mummy, I am Ming." Oh! Forget to mention, I call Yo's parents as Daddy and Mummy while Yo calls my parents as Ma and Pa. What to say, we are like a big family.

"Oh! Ming, what a surprise that you call me! Did something happen?" Mummy sounds worried.

"Oh, no! Mummy, nothing happened. I am just looking for Yo."

"Yo? He never came here. Ming, are you sure nothing happens?"

WHAT?! Yo is not at his parents' house! Then where had he been?

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