Friends Again

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Ming's POV

"Guys, here's the plan. Kit and Beam, you two approach Suthee and Park, and try to distract them for me, try to make them focus on you instead of Yo."

I turn to P'Pha and speak in a low voice, "P'Pha, same thing here, you try to distract Nate with your charm, make her focus on you."

"When they are distracted, I will run over and grab Yo away. You must try to block their way and stop them from coming after us, got it?" I whisper my plan to my buddies.

We are somewhere outside the canteen discussing my plan. Today is the day that I'm going to implement my plan.

"Ming, are you sure this's going to work? And honest speaking, I find this plan childish. Are you still in high school? Why don't you just simply walk up to Wayo and tell him that you want to talk to him?" Beam asks with a disbelieving look.

"If I can just walk up to him and talk to him, I will but I don't think the trio will let me."

"How do you know? Have you ever try?"


"Ok! Guys, now it's not the time for you to argue." P'Pha states.

"Beam, I know this plan sounds childish, but I can't think of any plans better than this. I really want to talk to Yo and seek for his forgiveness. Guys, my happiness is in your hands. Please...." I plead.

"Ok! Guys, let's do it for Ming. And Ming, you owe us one."

"Thanks, Kit. Guys, I swear if one day you guys need my help, I will do anything and everything I can to help." I lift my right hand with open palm facing them.

"Ok! Ok! Let's do it!" Beam surrenders.

"Do what, Ps?"

We all jumped and startled by the sweet and familiar voice behind us. We turn around and gulp with wide eyes that are ready to pop out from our sockets.

"Ps, are you alright? Anything happen? Why all of you look so shocked?"

Yo.... my Yo is just right in front of me with concern on his beautiful face. Oh my god! Am I dreaming? I slap my face to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Yo is stunned by my action. His eyes widen and asks with a caring tone in his voice, "P'Ming, why did you slap yourself?"

"Wayo, don't worry about him. He just forgets to eat his medicine today." Beam states.

"Medicine? Is P'Ming sick?" Yo's face is now full of worries.

"Yes, very sick. He was down with some rare but not life-threatening disease called 'Stupid Fool in Guilt with Love Sick'. Nothing to worry about. Wayo, he'll be fine after a while. Nothing serious." Beam replies with a broad grin.

What?! Hey! Beam! Are you my friend?!

"Huh!!" Yo is obviously confused by what Beam had said. I try to open my mouth to explain but I can't find my voice.

Shit! Finally, have the chance to talk to him and now I'm too nervous that I can't even speak.

"Ahem... Wayo, don't... listen... to Beam... He's talking... ahem... nonsense." Kit is clearing his throat, struggling to speak in full sentences while trying to contain his laughter.

"Wayo, are you looking for us?" P'Pha attempts to change the topic to avoid falling apart with laughter and that culprit, he is covering his mouth with his hand to hold in a laugh.

And me? I'm standing here with fingers rubbing my forehead, still deciding whether I should whack Beam first or I should dig a hole and bury myself first.

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