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Ming's POV

What's wrong with Yo? He has been avoiding me since the incident with Moowan. I have given him time to cool down, hoping that he will be back to normal and we will be like in the past.

But it seems like all the time I have given him, has been flushed down the drain. I know it's my fault that he had been insulted but I am still hoping that he can open himself up and talk to me.

I don't mind if he scolds me or throws temper at me, but I do mind if he keeps everything to himself and refuses to talk to me about what's troubling him.

I am his big brother, I am supposed to protect him, to help him solve his problems and share his burdens. Why can't he talk to me?

I think I am in some kinds of bad lucks nowadays. All my problems, one comes after another. I haven't solved the problem between Yo and me, the new problem arises. Oh, yes! That damn dream! It's still bothering me. I feel my head is growing twice as big as it should be.

I run my hand across my hair and pull it in frustration. That's it! I had enough! I am running out of patience. I am going to make him talk to me.

I walk out of my room and knock on Yo's door.

*knock* * knock*

"Yo, it's me. I need to talk to you."

"Hello! P'Ming, what do you want to talk to me about?" Yo open his door slightly and it's just wide enough for me to see his face.

"Something serious. Can I come in?" I said calmly.

"Ok." He answered hesitantly.

He opens his door wider now to let me go in. Once in the room, he sits on his bed fidgeting his hands nervously; I pull out a chair from his desk and sit in front of him.

"Yo, can you tell me what's wrong with you? Does anything happen?"

"Wh...what makes you think that something happens?"

"Are you sure? Then why you are avoiding me?"

", I...I didn't..." he stutters.

"Yo..., I am worried about you. Can you please kindly tell me what's wrong with you? You have been distancing yourself since that incident. Are you still thinking of what that woman said?"

"Not because of her."

"Then why you are avoiding me? Did I do anything wrong? Or did I make you angry?"

"P'Ming, I am sorry for making you worried. You didn't make me angry or do anything wrong, and there is nothing wrong with me. I...I am just..just feeling stress because of the upcoming performance. Nothing to worry about."

His eyes are wandering around, glancing here and there, and he is still fidgeting his hands.

He is lying.

"P'Ming, I'm sorry. I am very tired now. I need to go to bed."

Is he chasing me out? No way! Yo will never do this to me. Something must have happened to Yo.

He stands up from his bed heading towards the door. I grab his arm and pull him towards me without realising that I have used too much strength, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards.

Both of us landed on his bed with him on top of me and my arms around his waist.

His face is so close to mine that I can see his features so clearly. This is the first time I have been so close to him since he started acting weird in high school.

His body is laying on top of mine and I can feel the warmth of his body, it feels so comfortable.

And his scent.... so familiar... like that smell in my dream... like the dream girl...

Wait!! Yo smells like the dream girl?? Huh!! How can it be? No, it can't be...

Something must have been messed up inside my head or maybe there is something wrong with my nose.

"P'Ming." The sound of his voice pulls me out from the trance.

I look up and meet his gaze. Because of the distance, I can see his eyes clearly through the glasses he is wearing now. I never aware that his eyes are so beautiful.

Spellbound, I shift my gaze slowly from his eyes to his mouth.

He has a little cherry mouth which makes me want to taste it. I move my head closer and closer until I can feel his warm breath on my face.


I can hear a heart beating. Is it coming from me?!

"P'Ming...., can..can.. you please let go of me...."

Yo's voice once again pulls me out from the trance.

After realising my arms are still around him and my urge to kiss him, I immediately let go of him and sit up straight.

"Sorry." I said with embarrassment.

"It's ok." His face is so red like a tomato, makes me want to bite it.

Shit!! What am I thinking about? How can I have this kind of dirty thoughts towards him who is my little brother? Am I going crazy?

"Ahem... I must get back to my room. I just remember there is something urgent that I need to do now. Sleep early. Goodnight." Embarrassed with my thoughts, I find excuses to retreat to my bedroom.

"Goodnight." He said and close the door after I walk out.

There must be something wrong with me and I am very sure of that. If not, why I have those funny thoughts towards Yo? If not, why I have the urge to kiss him, to taste him?

Mingkwan, clear away all those dirty thoughts you have inside your head. He is your little brother. How can you have these indecent thoughts towards him?

I guess I must go and see a doctor and have a body check-up to find out what's wrong with me. Or maybe I should go and see a psychologist.


Wayo's POV

I close my eyes and lean my head on the door after I closed the door.

What's happening just now? Is he going to kiss me? Why I have the feeling that he is going to kiss me?

Oh My God! My heart nearly jumps out of my body.

I turn and lean my back against the door. I cover my face with my hands.

What should I do if he really kisses me? Should I push him away? Or should I let him kiss me?

I touch my lips with my fingers involuntarily, remembering that kiss we had on that 'one night', our first night.

Suddenly, I was like snapping out from my thoughts. I put down my hands and shake my head as if to clear away the thoughts.

No, it can't be real. He is not going to kiss me. It must be because of the atmosphere just now that cause me to have that kind of hallucination.

Wayo, stop dreaming! Why will he want to kiss you when he has so many beautiful women for him to kiss? Look at yourself and look at those women. Who's in his right mind will choose an ugly boy like you over those women with large breasts and a curvy body?

Yeah. No one in his right mind will choose me over those women. This is reality and I must learn to accept it.

I smile sadly at my thoughts.

Will there be any rainbow after rain?


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