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Wayo's POV

Time flies...

Ming is graduating soon, and I still have one more year before graduate. School break is around the corner and we are planning to go to Japan for a holiday trip with the others even though the purpose of this trip is to celebrate our one-year anniversary.

Yes, you heard it correctly. Ming and I, we have been married for a year. The wedding reception was simple but joyous and blissful. We do fight and quarrel like other normal couples, but Ming is always the first one to apologise, just like what he had promised.

Lots of happy and unhappy events happened in this one year.

P'Forth and P'Beam met both of their parents and successfully got their parents' blessings. P'Forth had talked to his parents about P'Beam before he arranged them to meet. P'Forth's parents had welcomed P'Beam with open arms when they first met him whereas P'Beam's parents took quite some time to accept P'Forth as their son's lover.

Since they had their parents' blessings, I guess the wedding bells will be ringing soon for them.

As for P'Kit and P'Pha, things between them and their parents are not as smooth as P'Beam and P'Forth. P'Pha's parents couldn't accept their son is a gay and P'Kit's father couldn't accept P'Pha as his son's partner because he thinks with P'Pha's good looks, there will be no guarantee that he won't have a change of heart in future. In other words, he doesn't trust P'Pha.

P'Kit and P'Pha still have a long way to convince their parents but I believe one day they will prove to their parents with the love they have for each other. As their friend, I'll give them my support whenever they need it.

"Darling, what are you thinking about? I received messages from Kit and Beam. They are on their way here." Ming, my hubby, hugs me from behind and pecks on my cheek.

"I'm thinking of how fortunate we are to have our parents' blessings the moment they knew about our relationship. We are the lucky ones." I speak with gratitude.

"Yeah, we are and I'm grateful that we have such wonderful parents."

I turn to him and exclaim, "Oh yeah! I nearly forget! Suthee said he and Nate will be late, and Park is on his way to pick up his girlfriend before coming here. So, I guess we need to wait for them before we start our lunch."

Ming pinches my cheek and plants a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

"Hungry now?"

"A little but I still can wait."

"Don't faint from hunger." He teases.

"Hey! I won't." I pout.

"Then I better go and check on the food to make sure we can start eating the moment they arrived. Darling, don't worry too much about Kit and P'Pha. They will be fine because they have us by their side." Ming pecks on my forehead before going to check on the food.

We are having a discussion meeting for the holiday trip at our apartment. Ming and I have plans to buy a new house, a bigger one after I graduate. We won't sell away this apartment because this apartment contains all our memories, but we will rent it out to our school's students who need it. This is what we plan at this moment.


P'Kit and P'Pha are the first one to arrive. Few minutes later, P'Forth and P'Beam arrived, then followed by Park and his girlfriend. Suthee and Nate are the last couple to arrive.

You heard it correctly! Suthee has finally wins over Nate's heart after months of courtship. I feel happy for them. Oh! And Park too, to finally met someone who can pique his interest.

We have a wonderful lunch together. I really appreciate the time when all of us being together. It will not be easy for us to get together like this in future, but I believe we will make efforts to have one of these get-together lunch or dinner.

"N'Yo, I'm sorry to inform you, P'Gemma will not be able to join us for this trip." P'Forth says apologetically.

"Why? She got caught on a case?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nope. She can't take flight now and P'Aaron is not going to let her out of his sight for the next few months." P'Forth replies with a chuckle.

"Oh my god! Is she?! Is P'Gemma pregnant?" P'Kit is the first one who caught the hint.

"Yes, she is. But the doctor said she shows signs of miscarriage and she needs to be on bed rest until the baby is stable. That's why she and P'Aaron couldn't join us for this trip." P'Forth explains.

"Oh no! Hope she and her baby will be ok." Nate comments.

Ming suggests, "Hey, guys! What about we change the location of our trip to Taiwan? We can go to Japan some other days, right? Don't you think we should be there for P'Gemma?"

I whisper a 'thank you' to him. He had voiced out what I'm thinking about. He smiles at me in return.

"Yeah. I'm thinking of that too. P'Gemma must be very scared of losing her baby right now even though she won't be voicing out her fear to anyone other than P'Aaron. Maybe our surprise visit will help to cheer her up." Kit added.

I remark, "I agreed. P'Gemma is always there when we need her. Now is our turn to be there for her."

Beam urges, "So, what are we waiting for? If everyone agrees to go to Taiwan, we need to make amendments in our original plan now. By the way, we still need to book hotels and flights, and we also need to work out an itinerary. Let's don't waste any more time and get things started."

We spend the whole afternoon discussing how we are going to spend our ten days in Taiwan including spending time with P'Gemma.

We are a family. How can we enjoy ourselves, knowing she needs us? Maybe we are not much of a help and there's not much we can do for her, but we can give her the support and encouragement she needs, and to be there for her.

P'Gemma is my saviour and my teacher. In the past, I always thought of myself as an ugly duckling that no one would ever noticed. She was the one who made me understand that an ugly duckling could transformed into a beautiful swan if he or she had the will to make changes. She was the one who made me understand that everyone is special in their own way.

She was the one who helped me to build up my confidence and courage to go after what I wanted. She was the one who made me open myself to others. She was the one who made me stepped out of my comfort zone to where others were.

And now is my turn to do something for her...

I was once an ugly duckling with sadness in my heart but now, I have found my love, happiness and the friends I can rely on.

I was once an ugly duckling, but I had transformed....

"Ming hubby..."

"Yes, darling."

"I love you."

"I love you too, darling."


This story has come to its end.

I can't describe how I feel now but I really like to thank everyone who reads this story. I know I'm not an excellent writer, there're flaws in my writing but you, all of you, give me lots of support and encouragement I needed just by reading my story.

When I first started writing this story, I was so scared that no one will want to read my story. I was so surprised when there were votes for my story and even comments too.

I'm not really good in expressing myself. All I want to say is thank you, everyone. 🙇🙇

Thank you for the votes you gave for my story.
Thank you for the comments which I enjoy reading.
Thank you for the time you spent for reading my story. I really appreciate it.

Lastly, thank you, everyone for the support and encouragement. It means a lot to me.

Thank you... 🙇🙇

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