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Wayo's POV

When I open my eyes, the unfamiliar surroundings make me panic. I jump out of the bed and look around me before last night's memories came rushing in.

Oh, yeah! I am now at P'Gemma's house. I glance at the clock, it's 8.30 am now. I take a shower before going down to the living room.

"Good morning! Baby Yo, have you sleep well last night?" P'Gemma calls out from the kitchen.

"Yes. Good morning, P'Gemma." I walk into the kitchen

"Come and have some breakfast. I don't know what you like to eat so I just prepared porridge and some toast."

"Thank you, P'Gemma. I'm not very particular about food. I can eat anything."

"That's great! So, I will prepare whatever I can find in the fridge for today. Honestly, I am not good in cooking. Forth is the one who cooks in this house, but he has some activities in school today." P'Gemma stated.

"P'Gemma, I know how to cook. I can help you with the cooking."

"Oh, really?! Wow! What a treasure I have found!" She suddenly moves forward and hug me.

I am shocked by her actions, but she seems so natural, like she does it often.

After we finished our breakfast, we went into the living room and sit on the sofa to relax.

"Baby Yo, I have to tell you that I am that kind of person who speaks whatever's in my mind. Baby Yo, I can see misery and pain in your eyes. Do you mind sharing your story with me?" P'Gemma asked with an earnest look on her face.

"I can see that you are that type of person who don't usually share their problems with others, but baby Yo, it's not healthy to bottle up everything inside you. You must learn to share or talk to someone you can trust with your problems. You must learn to open yourself up, to accept others into your world. Baby Yo, no one can help you if you keep everything inside you, no one will know what you are thinking about and no one will understand you. And this usually will lead to misunderstanding."

I don't know what to say so I remain silent.

"Baby Yo, I don't want to lie to you or pretend that I don't know. I know what happened to you yesterday in school. Yes, Forth had told me about it. I believe you are innocent and I don't think you are that kind of man who will treat a woman that way just because of jealousy. I want to help you, baby Yo, but I can't if I don't know the whole story. Baby Yo, I hope you can tell me your story, so I can help you. Let me help you, baby Yo."

I am touched when she said she believed me. She only knows me for less than a day and yet she believes in me. I look into her eyes and see sincerity in them.

"Baby Yo, do you trust me? Trust a person whom you had known for less than a day?" She asks.

I can't explain why but I have that kind of feeling that I know I can trust her, I know I can believe her and I know she will not harm me. This is the first time I am feeling this way for someone I just met in less than a day.

I swallow hard and answer, "P'Gemma, I trust you. Ok, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

I told her about my love to Ming, about Ming's sex life, about Moowan's insults, about that 'one night', about what happened yesterday in school and about what those men said to me in the alley.

P'Gemma is a good listener. She didn't interrupt me or ask me any question in the middle of my talking, she just listens quietly. She only asks questions after I finished talking.

"Ok. I think I get the whole picture about what's going on. But baby Yo, did you really believe yourself as an ugly duckling?"

I nod. She takes my hand and holds it between her hands.

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