Under One Roof

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Wayo's POV

Every morning, I'll wake up early to make breakfast for both of us. It's our usual morning routine.

I make breakfast and he clean up after breakfast, just like a married couple. *Blush*

Then he'll send me to school, just like what a husband will do. *Blush*

Benefits of living together is that I earned myself a chauffeur since I can't drive. I think I should thank our parents for the benefits I'm having now.

Even though we are not in the same faculty but we always try to accommodate each other's schedules, just like what couples do. *Blush*

Argh... stop imagining things that is impossible... I have to keep reminding myself about that.

"Good morning! P'Ming, Breakfast is ready. Come and have some." I smiled sweetly to the person who has just emerges from his room.

"Good morning, Yo." He walks to the dining table and sits in front of me.

He's wearing a dark blue jeans with a black tee and a light blue jean jacket, looks simple but yet handsome.

In our school, we don't need to wear uniforms like some schools. We can wear anything we like as long as it's not pyjamas. Who will wear pyjamas to school?!

"You have already been in school for two months, right? So how's your school life? Busy? Anyone bullies you? Let me know if someone bullies you. Making any new friends?" Ming's voice kind of pull me out from my thoughts.

I shrug my shoulders and say, "So far so good and no one in their right mind would dare to bully me since the whole school knows that I'm your friend. And I don't need new friends... (I just need you.) Anyway, no one will wants to be friend with someone like me too." [A/N: words in brackets ( ) = unspoken words.]

"Oh! Come on. What do you mean by someone like you? Don't talk like that about yourself. I'm sure there will be people who want to be your friends. You just need to step out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to others. Have some confidence in yourself, ok?"


"Good boy" He ruffle my hair and smile at me.

I like his smile. It's like the sun, so bright and warm. It always brightens my day just by looking at his smile. If smiles can be collected like stamps, I will collect every single smile of his into my treasure box and guard it with my life.

"Yo, stop daydreaming. We have reached your faculty."

Once again, I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice the car had stopped in front of my faculty.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important."

"Ok. Remember to wait for us at your faculty canteen during lunch break. We're coming over for lunch."

"Ok then. See you at lunch. Bye bye."

"See you. Bye."

I wave goodbye at him until his car slowly disappears from my view, then I turn and walk into my faculty.

It's just 9 am now but I already can't wait for the lunch break to come. Having lunch together becomes a routine for us too. Ming's faculty is just beside mine so it's convenient for us to meet for lunch.

Come to think, we not only have lunch together but breakfast and dinner. It's also one of the benefits of living together under one roof. I think I really should thank our parents for that.

Oh! Did I mention that Ming is a second year student of Business faculty?


Thank you for the votes, comments and for reading my story. 😊😊

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