Framed Part 2

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P'Pha's POV

Wayo walked away after his outburst, ignoring us calling for him. The moment Wayo left, I notice that there is a small smile on Moowan's face and it disappears in a blink of eyes. I guess things are not as simple as what we see here.

Suddenly, Beam rushes towards Ming and punches him on his face. Kit grabs Beam and tries to pull him away from Ming. I run forward and step in between Beam and Ming. Moowan helps Ming to get up.

"Beam, what the hell are you doing?" Ming yells at Beam.

"I am knocking some sense into you, idiot." Beam yells back.

"Wayo is right. Both of you have been friends for years. You should know him better than anyone else. You should believe him." Beam snarl at Ming.

"I didn't say I don't believe him."

"But you didn't say you do. I have been keeping quiet for so long and I am not going to keep quiet anymore. Don't you want to know why you have that dream? What if I tell you that's not a dream, it's real?"


"Kit, I don't see what's the point of hiding it since Wayo already come clean with his feelings."

After hearing what Beam said, Kit lapse into silence. And me, well, I don't know what I can do now. Things are getting out of control and Beam is getting out of control too.

"Beam, what do you mean by it's real?"

"What do I mean? I say your dream is not a dream, it's real, it happened on the night you were drunk and that dream 'girl', 'she' is real too. Do you want to know who 'she' is?" Beam said with a smirk.

"...... Who is she?" Ming asked in a shaky voice.

"What are you all talking about? What dream? What dream girl?" Moowan asked with fear.

"None of your business, Bitch!" Beam snap at Moowan.

He moves closer to Ming to grab his collars and say, "Who is 'she'? Haha... By the way, is not a 'she', is a 'he'. Your dream 'girl' is a 'he'. He is someone who grew up with you. He is someone who always by your side. He is someone who always believe in what you said even if you lied to him. Do you still want to know who he is?"

Beam let go of Ming's collars and Ming collapses on to the ground with shock in his face.

" It can't be real... You are lying.... This can't be real..." Ming shakes his head in disbelief.

"I am not the only one who knew. Ask Kit and P'Pha. They knew it too."

Both of us nod our head when Ming turns and looks at us for verification. I walk towards Ming and help him getting back on his feet.

He looks lost. I feel sorry for him, no one will want to know the truth in a situation like this.

"I don't understand what you all are talking about. Can anyone explain to me? What dream girl? And what's real? What's going on here?" Moowan screams impatiently.

None of us make a move to explain to her. Ming is not in a good condition and Beam looks like wanting to throw her back into the pond; both Kit and I don't think we should share Wayo's secret with her.

"Moowan, don't say I didn't warn you, you better shut your mouth up before I throw you back into that pond and let you swim with the fishes there." Beam said calmly with a warning tone in his voice.

"......" Moowan doesn't dare to speak a word when she realises that Beam is very serious with his warning.

"Ming, Wayo always think of himself being not good enough for you but from what I see, you are the one who is not good enough for him. He deserves better." Beam said before walking away.


Kit's POV

Everything was in a mess and Ming was in a mess too. Everything seems to be falling apart.

What makes me worried the most is Wayo. I don't know how he is now. He looks shattered and broken. Hope that he will alright, and he will not do anything foolish.

Looking at Ming, I know he is lost now, and I know he needs time to think it through and accept the truth. It's understandable if he can't accept the truth now. Things happened too fast and he has no time to think.

I don't blame him. Anyone in his situation will react the way he reacts. I can't guarantee if I were him, I will react differently.

He needs time to think and Beam needs time to cool down.

"Ming, let's leave this place." I hold on to Ming's arm and lead him out.

"Ming~" Moowan calls out for Ming.

But Ming is already too stunned to speak or listen to what she says.

"N'Moowan, Ming is not in a good condition to talk to you now. And I advise you it's better to change into dry clothes now before catching cold." P'Pha said to Moowan while stopping her from coming towards us.


Wayo's POV

I don't know how I get home from the campus. I don't know how long I walk. I just keep walking. The moment I snap out of my thoughts, I'm already at my doorstep.

I get back into my room and sit on the floor at the corner of my room, hugging my legs and bury my face in my knees, and start crying out loud as if pouring out every pain, anger and sadness I feel.

I calm down a little after crying out for quite some time. I look at my watch, it's already 7 pm. It means I have been sitting here for almost two hours. I try to stand up but there is numbness in my legs because of sitting in this position for too long.

I manage to stand up after some exercising of my legs. I look around my room. I know myself too well and I know I can't stay with him anymore, after what had happened hours ago. I am a coward. I don't even know how to face him after what I had said to him.

I take out a small luggage and a backpack from my cupboard, and I start packing all the things I need. In less than thirty minutes, I fill up my luggage and backpack.

Before I leave the house, I leave a note on Ming's door.


Ming's POV

I finally reach home at about midnight after hiding at Kit's dorm. I don't dare to come home early with the fear of bumping into Yo. I don't know what to say to him. I don't think I can face him right now after what I have learned today. I need time to think.

I close the door quietly, hoping that he will not wake up. I walk lightly towards my room, but I pause when I see the note on my door.

To: P'Ming,

I don't think I can stay together with you anymore. Sorry for all the troubles I caused.

From: Wayo

I can't believe what I have read. I read it twice before I turn and run into Yo's room. I open his cupboard and see that his luggage is gone, some of his clothes and toiletries are gone too.

I stagger out of his room and back into my room. I sit on my bed with my hands on my face. The only thought in my mind right now is 'he is gone'.


Double Updates for today 🎉🎉

Hope everyone enjoy it. 😊😊

Thank you for all your votes, comments and reading my story. 🙇🙇

In next chapter: Wayo will meet someone who changes his life.

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