Chapter 7

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I wasn't too thrilled about coming back home because Joel had ruined the only thing I was looking forward to. Sitting silently in the backseat of the uber looking out the window, I was nervous as ever about going home. I didn't want to deal with anything or anyone but I knew I needed to go back to my family.

"Your destination ma'am" the driver interrupts my thoughts.

I came back to reality and began to gather my things. After paying the man I waved him off and took a deep sigh as I stood in my driveway looking at my house. Dragging my suitcase on its wheels, I stopped as I reached my door. I knocked on my door several times until I see my mothers face appear as she opens the door.

"Maya sweetie" she pulls me into a hug.

"Hi mom, I missed you so much"

She made room for me and my bags to come through the wide spaced door.

"Quickly freshen up and come downstairs. Everyone is here for your welcome back lunch"

"Everyone?" I stopped in my tracks and stood there staring at my mum.

"Yes everyone. Joel and the rest of the boys were also invited. Along with some other guests.It's just a little get together."

I throw my head back and groan in annoyance before I continued to walk back to my room. The more I was trying to avoid Joel, the more he seemed to appear in front of my face.

"Maya hey baby you came" we were walking to each other from opposite directions.

I was actually heading to my room so don't get too happy Joelito. Whereas Joel was just coming out of the bathroom.

"Talk later, I'm tired" I coldly said keeping a straight expression as I entered my room.

"Wow, nice to see you too then" he sarcastically gestured his hands mid-air heading back downstairs.

After freshening up from a shower, I walked towards my closet with a robe tied around me searching for an outfit. Just as I was searching, a smirk creeped up on my lips as I had thought of an idea. Pulling out an outfit I thought I'd never wear I yank it off the clothing hanger. This specific outfit was a little more skin revealing and it did expose some parts of my breasts. 

"Perfect" I smile to myself as I took one last look

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"Perfect" I smile to myself as I took one last look.

Pulling out my phone, I took a snapchat of my outfit and posted it on my story. I was now satisfied and ready to head downstairs. Of course, my parents wouldn't let me leave the room looking like this so just for the sake of it, I grabbed a jacket which I put over myself but knew I would later take it off when the right moment came. More guests were beginning to arrive and the doorbell rang nonstop.

"Maya hey girl where have you been I've been looking all over for you!" I see Ingrid making her way to me.

She tackled me in a hug which made me let out a small 'huff' sound from her tight hug.

"I missed you too you idiot" I giggle.

"Come on, Joel has been asking about you all day. The guy is smitten about you" she pulls my arm and begins to lead me outside into the backyard.

"More like smitten over his fame" I scoff. "I don't want to go out there yet, I'm starving can we eat?" I ask.

I took my time in eating and chewed as slow as possible while Ingrid sat beside me.

"What is wrong with you?" she groans deeply slamming her fists on the table.

My elbows were resting on the table as I looked at the cheese frittata in my hand. I had only taken a small bite out of it and that too, at a slow pace. Looking at my piece of food, I looked back at Ingrid then back at my food before I took another bite.

"There is a gorgeous boy out there waiting for you and you want to spend an hour making love to a piece of cheese frittata?" she was becoming impatient but I was having the time of my life.

"The boy may be gorgeous but at least this piece of food doesn't throw his girlfriend into the dirt just to improve some random fame whore's career" I roll my eyes.

"Ok I'm definitely missing something here" she leans back.

"You know what? On second thought, lets go meet the guys" I hopped off the chair and fixed myself before walking away. "Wait" I stopped myself before I had reached the backyard entrance.

Taking off my jacket slowly, I see Ingrids eyes widen and her jaw dropped to the ground.

"Sweet Jesus" she whispered to herself, obviously being shocked by my fashion choice.

"Now let's go" I sweetly smile and take her hand in mine while stepping out. "Hey guys" I happily yell as the CNCO boys were all sitting together talking amongst themselves.

They all turned around and seemed happy to see me.

"Maya long time!" Chris yells as I went up to him and pulled him into a hug.

Soon, I had greeted all the boys and gave Joel a plain hug. As soon as we pulled away, I felt his eyes moving down from my face to my exposed chest. His mouth unintentionally opening.

"Here take my seat, I'll grab another one" Richard kindly offers but I declined.

"No it's fine I'll just sit here" I sat on the arm rest of Richards chair instead.

Technically we weren't doing anything wrong; I wasn't touching or flirting with anyone. I was just being a little free with myself tonight and I'm not harming anyone in the process of it. We were all happily talking and catching up with each other's lives however, even that was rudely interrupted by cameras flashing from behind us.

"There he is" it was Amber and she had purposely brought camera men to this gathering. "Joey!" she squealed excitedly as she pushed her way through the crowd and made her way towards Joel throwing herself at him.

"Hey Amber... whats going on?" he asks.

"Shh no talking. Here guys take a photo of us" she sat down on Joel's lap and cuddled close to him as the men began taking photos with flashing lights.

The view of this made me want to throw up so I decided to make my way back inside while the others sat there not wanting to miss Amber's little show.

"Excuse me" I quietly make my way through the crowd and as soon as I reached inside I see a familiar face enter the door.


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