Chapter 9

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"Sorry what?" I asked as I was being pulled out of my chair.

"We're going to have to take you for questioning at the local police station"

"But why?" I was told to place my hands behind me while the officer locked the cold metal handcuffs around me.

Awkward was an understatement; I'd describe my situation as social humiliation and my reputation was ruined. Being arrested in my own house during a family get together that I, myself, was hosting. People were being told to leave and my mother was apologizing to everyone as she lead them out the door.

"Lady, please. Leave all questions to the end. You're only making this harder on yourself" the officer explained as he lead me to his car outside.

My family and all my friends had to stay behind as they drove off. Sitting in the backseat of a police car with my hand cuffed was definitely not how I imagined my night to go.

10:38 pm

At the moment I was locked up behind bars. My phone was taken away from me and I was bored out of my mind while a number of police officers made phone calls. A security guard was keeping an eye on me as he stood in the corner.

Now, a normal human being like me would be freaking out about this whole situation. But I know for a fact that I didn't do anything wrong. I am innocent and never in my life have I ever broken a law. In my head, this was all just a misunderstanding.

"Excuse me officer I've been patient enough tonight. May I at least know exactly why I'm here?" I stand up and wrap my hands around the metal bars.

"You've been accused of physical and sexual assault tonight" he blandly replies.

"Excuse me?" I ask stiffening up.

"I don't have the right to state names but we received a phone call from your house tonight informing us that you've assaulted a certain someone"

"Does this certain someone happen to be a male?" I ask squinting my eyes.

The police officer refuses to answer that last question. However, I didn't need him to; his body language gave all the answers. Of course it was Ryan; who else would rat me out for something I didn't do? Whatever happens, I will not stoop down to his level and turn him in for inappropriately abusing me. I took a deep sigh and walked away from the bars to sit back down.

"Oh my gosh you're ok" I look up and see the people I wanted to see the most.

Ingrid was worried the most as she ran towards my cell and her eyes almost tearing up.

"Ingrid! Thank god you're here. You have to get me out of here" I run towards her and take her hand.

"It's ok that's why we're here. Your dad is trying everything he can to bail you out" she reassures me.

I then see Joel walking up to me looking completely distressed.

"You came" I smiled. "Where are the others?"

"They're back home. Everyone is worried about you Maya. They wanted me to tell you that; they really wanted to come but..." his gaze moves towards Ingrid.

"Its true, they wanted to come but I violently fought for the spare seat in the car" she proudly gloats.

I giggle at her words and then go completely quiet as my gaze also moves to the floor.

"I'll give you guys a minute" Ingrid weakly smiles then walks away.

Without hesitation, I pull Joel in from his shirt collar and smash my lips on his. He gently kissed back enjoying every split second of this. Even if this kiss was between metal bars I still didn't care.

"My hero" I whispered closing my eyes and resting my forehead on his.

He chuckled which caused him to force a smile on his lips.

"It's kind of hard to believe I'm a hero when the love of my life is still behind bars"

"I'm not just talking about now Joelito" I give his nose a peck.

We were interrupted by officers making their way towards us. The security guard let open the cell as I was being told I could go.

"Ok missy you've been bailed out. Since we have no physical evidence of your accused assault we have no reason to keep you here. You're let off with a warning"

"Oh finally!" I grab my phone and was about to sprint out the door when I stopped myself.

"Wait, is any of this going on my criminal record? Because that would be an ugly look for any job application in the future"

The officer shakes his head from side to side which made me let out a little shriek of happiness.

"Here put this on" Joel hands me his jacket.

"Why? I'm not even cold"

"Just put it on. You never know how windy it's going to get" his eyes travelled down to my chest and I realised I had been wearing the same exposing outfit.

After giving in and putting on his jacket, we made our way back to my house. As we pulled up in our driveway, I see a human figure sitting at the edge of a kerb.

"Give me a second guys, I have to go check something out" I tell the others as they head inside.

I made my way towards the human figure and it was the exact person that I suspected.

"Ryan, what are you still doing here?" I ask looking down at him as I stood in front of him.

His face lightened up as he saw me but he stayed sitting down.

"Wanted to see if you were okay" the street light was making his eyes sparkle and I saw a bit of guilt in them.

"That's funny; coming from a boy who wanted me arrested. What's your deal? What do you want?" I cross my arms.

"Who is he Maya?"

"What are you talking about?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Who is that scumbag who stole you away from me?"

"He's my boyfriend, Joel and he's twice the man you'll ever be" I spit back.

"Remember when I got locked up in jail a few years ago and you promised me you would wait for me. What happened to that? You promised"

Thinking about what he said, I realised he was right. Ryan had scared me into making him a promise that I would wait for him.

"I guess some people change and some people don't. For example, us; There's people like me who have changed for the better since my past experiences and realised my worth. I don't need to be with an abusive so-called boyfriend. Then there's people like you who never change and are still the same abusive jerks that they were before" I finish off.

"Just leave me alone Ryan. I'm done with you" I turn on my heels and walk away back into my house, not daring to glance back at him. Because if I did, I knew I'd end up feeling sorry for him like I always had.

"You good?" Ingrid asks.

I just nod my head with a bland expression.

"Hey listen, I'd love to stay but it's getting late and my parents keep calling. I'll see you tomorrow?" she says.

"Yeah, of course. Drive home safely" I embraced her in a hug before she headed out the door.

I made my way to Joel who was currently on his phone with his eyes glued to the screen.

"Hey" I playfully nudge him placing my hands in the pockets of the jacket he had lent me.

I felt a piece of paper in my right pocket and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Pulling it out I see the words 'Amber' along with her number written down.

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