Chapter 46

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Ingrid's POV

"I'm sorry Joel, I did try to help her remember" I tried to comfort him.

"No, it's ok. It's not your fault. If she doesn't remember me then it's fine. The only thing I can do is make her fall in love with me all over again and I'll do anything it takes" he replies.

Maya was nowhere near us because she started walking away after her talk with Joel.

"Just give her time, I'm sure she will slowly gain her memory back"

"You're right, as much as it hurts to be patient, I don't mind waiting a lifetime for Maya" he slightly smiles.

"How about I bring her to your next concert? Maybe it would help her too?" I asked.

"Yeah that would be nice actually"

"Alright, I'll do that then" I pat his back before walking away and making my way to Maya who seemed to be waiting for me.

As soon as we had reached home, I made it my number one priority to convince Maya's parents to allow her to go on tour with the boys again. She could really benefit from socializing with the world again.

"Alright but if one small thing goes wrong, she's coming right back" Mrs Francis says.

"Yes! Thank you, and don't worry I will keep an eye on her every second of the day" I excitedly squeal. "Did you hear that Maya? You're joining CNCO on tour, aren't you excited?" I turn to face her.


"Don't say a word, we have to help you pack first" I grab her arm and drag her upstairs to her room.

"Where am I going?" she asks as I was rummaging through her closet.

"You're going to be travelling to a lot of places, that's all I can say"

"Is Joel coming too?" she asks.

"Of course he is"

After Maya and I were done packing her necessities, I told her I had to head back home if I was going to get anything packed in time as well.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning?" I give her one last hug before making my way home.

11:37 am

"When are we going to board the stupid plane?" Maya eagerly looks at her watch.

"We're still in line, relax Maya we will make it" I tell her.

In front of us was Renato and behind us were the boys, ready to board the plane. Maya and Joel haven't spoken much this morning but hopefully that changes when she sees him perform. As the line was moving forward, we pulled out our plane tickets to hand over to the air hostess.

"Just walk all the way to the end and your seats should be on the right" she says pointing down the aisle.

Maya and I were seated together but unfortunately, Joel didn't let that happen.

"Don't you think I deserve some quality time with my own girlfriend? Move over kid, you've had your turn" Joel tried his best to swap seats with me.

"The ticket says what it says, deal with it" I show him the seat numbers on Maya and I's ticket while she was already seated, getting comfortable.

Joel is a good guy at heart but when it came to Maya, he became a stubborn little five-year-old who wouldn't stop until he would get what he wants with Maya.

"You know what, lets just ask her who she wants to sit with" Joel says. "What do you think Maya?"

We turn around to see Maya already asleep on her seat, snoring away within seconds.

"Wow" I say in shock.

"Poor girl must be so exhausted" Joel says as we both continue to watch her sleep.

"Ok fine, you win. You can sit next to her. But you owe me" I gave into this useless argument and moved myself next to Erick.

It took a while for all the passengers to be seated but after all that was done, the plane finally began to take off. The flight was a few hours and I spent the whole time either listening to music or sleeping. As hours had passed, we finally landed at our next country. Germany.

"Finally some fresh air" I raise my arms up as my feet left the plane, taking in the cold breeze that flew through my hair.

It wasn't long before we all placed our bags into our ride that would be taking us to our hotel.

"Wow" Maya says in awe as she looks out of the window.

Taking in all the bright lights and tall buildings at night, she seemed to be enjoying the scenery. As soon as we had reached the hotel, we checked into our rooms before we had to head out for the boys show again.

"Isn't Joel coming too?" she asks, looking out the door of our room.

"It's just us girls in here" I say fixing up my hair in the mirror.

After freshening up, there was no sign of the boys when we were looking around.

"Did they leave us?" Maya's eyes were about to tear up.

"No one left you girls, they just had to head to the stadium a little earlier" Renato says, coming down the hall. "You'll be coming with me"

We followed him into the car as the driver made his way to the staduim where the boys would already be setting up and preparing to go on stage.

"Will we see Joel there?" she asks.

"He will be there babe, don't you worry" I reassure her.

I don't know what had gotten into her; first she couldn't even remember who Joel was and now she can't spend a second without him. However, she still denied Joel being her boyfriend, she didn't want to believe it was true.

"Here we are" Maya's dad says, stepping out of the car.

Making our way backstage, we decided to relax for a while before the boy's show would start. Unfortunately, Amber was still here too. Maya was too busy looking around all the photos up on the wall of multiple celebrities who have also performed here previously. Just then, Amber walked into the room with her attention on her phone and therefore, ended up bumping into Maya.

"Ow, watch it" Amber bends down to pick up her phone.

"Sorry didn't see you there" Maya replies looking at her.


"By the way, I'm Maya. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

Uh oh. I knew this was my cue to jump in.

"Have you lost all your brain cells? We've met before you idiot" Amber cocks an eyebrow at Maya.

"Hey watch it! She's not feeling well, give her a break" I snap at Amber.

"She's not feeling well? Then what is she doing out. She doesn't look sick to me" she continues.

"Really Amber? Are you really playing dumb? You don't believe me then look at this" I lift up Maya's shirt to reveal her multiple stitches and deep scars all over her stomach.

"Hey!" Maya pulls her shirt down.

"Sorry" I chuckle, removing my hands.

"That's so gross ew. I don't want to see that" Amber cringes.

"Sort of like how we feel about your face. Let's go Maya, the show has started" pulling Maya's arm away from Amber, we make our way side stage as the boys were busy performing for thousands of screaming fans.

I felt like I made a mistake bringing Maya side stage because as soon as she saw Joel dancing and singing away, her face lit up with excitement.

"Hey looks it's Joel!" she screams as she began running onto the stage towards Joel before I could stop her.

"Maya no! Come back!"

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