Chapter 36

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"Who is it?" Joel opens the door wider to see me standing there speechless.

"Maya it's not what it looks like" Ingrid steps forward to explain.

"No, just stay away from me. Both of you" I turned around and began to run as fast as I could before hearing Joel say a few words.

"Let her go"

By now I was tired of running and just started to walk now. I didn't know where I was going I just wanted to go somewhere there's no one and complete silence. However, the closest thing I could find was a park that had a bunch of boys playing soccer. Any other park was too far so I decided to pick an empty secluded corner and sat on the cold wooden bench. Thought's were racing through my head, thoughts that didn't even make sense to me.

Ingrid and Joel? Really?

What about her boyfriend, Jason? Does he know about this? The poor guy has been so faithful to Ingrid, he doesn't deserve this either.

"Something on your mind?" I hear a familiar male voice.

I look up to see Emanuel approaching me.

"Are you following me?" I jokingly ask.

"Yes Maya, because the whole revolves around you" he sarcastically replies.

I rolled my eyes and giggled at his smart comeback as he takes a seat next to me.

"Don't let me stop you" his arms rest on his thighs diagonally as he looks out into the park.

"You know you're sort of making it hard for me to think when there's a person right next to me. Especially if I'm planning a murder against his brother"

"What did he do now?" he looks at me, sitting straight ready to listen.

"I caught my best friend at his house" I look down, remembering flashbacks of Ingrid and Joel.

My hands gripping onto the bench on either side of me.

"Maybe it's not what you think" he replies.

"Let me guess, you know about it too? What is wrong with everyone, just because my own best friend and boyfriend are cheating on me doesn't mean everyone has to know about it except me" I was beginning to get frustrated. "What am I talking about? You're his brother of course you'll take his side" I shake my head in disappointment.

"I'm not taking sides. I know my brother and I know he would never do anything to purposely hurt the people he loves"

"Anyway, it's ok. I don't want to talk about it"

Wrong. I did want to talk about it, I just didn't want to bother Emanuel with my problems.

"So, what are you really doing here?" I ask, looking over at him.

"I was out playing soccer with the boys when I saw you from across the field so I decided to come and say hi" he looks over at the boys who continued to kick around the ball.

Joel plays soccer, in fact, he was quite good at it.

"Well, I should get going then. You probably want to continue playing" I say.

"You can stick around for a bit and I'll give you a ride" he offers.

"Thanks but, walking home would help clear my mind"

Saying our goodbyes, I stood up and began walking home at my own slow pace. As soon as I had reached home, my mum called me into the kitchen.

"Yes?" I ask, entering.

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