Chapter 62

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A/N: I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. It was my birthday yesterday and I have been drowning in exam prep and what not. But here's a long ass chapter for my patient little angels. Thank you for waiting even though I took forever.

My pregnancy month had passed faster than I had expected. It felt like just yesterday I was with Joel receiving an ultrasound examination and now I was due in a week. My baby bump had grown much bigger as I was now in my last month. It had made walking around and doing every day tasks a mission.

"Joel, I'm craving ice cream" I say, laying in bed, feeling somewhat hungry even though I just had dinner not so long ago.

"But we don't have ice cream" he simply replies.

"Yes, but you have a car" I stare at him blankly.

"Maya, it's 1am"

"I don't care, I need some ice cream in me before I explode" I was starting to grow impatient with Joel arguing back.

He was about to retaliate but closed his mouth again before standing up and grabbing his keys.

"Fine, which one do you want?" he asks.

"Oh no you don't, I'm coming with you" I remove the blanket as I slip on my warm winter shoes and put on a robe.

I knew Joel wanted me to stay home for my own good but he knew better than not to mess with a pregnant woman if he wants to stay alive. Patricia was generous enough to lend Joel and I her room while she took Joel's. She knew walking up and down the stairs would be painful and a hassle so she made things easier for me.

"You're her first daughter of course she would be excited to have you staying with us. My mum wanted a daughter but she got us instead" Joel laughs at the last part.

"Trust me, I share her pain" I say back.

Getting into the car, we made our way to the nearest gas station which had a shop that was open twenty four hours. Walking inside, I made my way towards the freezers while Joel followed. Picking out a chocolate flavoured ice cream, I made my way to the counter while Joel was grabbing himself an energy drink. Paying for our things, we finally made our way back to the car and headed home.

"Do you have the key?" I ask, standing in front of his house door.

Everyone had fell asleep by now so I can understand why they would lock their doors at this hour of the night.

"No? I thought you did" he lifts an eyebrow.

"Why the hell would I have a key to your house!?" I whisper yell.

"Just kidding, I do have it" he chuckles pulling out his key and unlocking the door.

"God damn it Joel, you had me worried" I groan in annoyance.

He held the door open and stood aside, waiting for me to go in first.

"Ladies first" he says.

"Aww how cute" I enter.

"Yeah, don't get used to it. Once the babies are out, you're opening your own doors" he says jokingly.

We silently made our way back to our room and spent the next hour or so eating and chatting away about our future.

10:35 am

I was woken up by the sound of footsteps and the shutting and opening of the door of our room.

"Morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" Joel walks over to me and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Better now" I smile, rubbing my eyes. "Why didn't anyone wake me up? I feel bad being the only one sleeping in while everyone else is awake".

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