Chapter 10

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"I just don't see why the others couldn't have offered to be stuck with a fame whore like Amber" I whined to Joel.

"Maya, how many times do I have to tell you? It wasn't my choice and the others sort of threw me in there because none of them wanted to take her either" he explained.

"You know what, forget it. I'm going for a swim" I take off my silk cardigan revealing my one-piece swim suit.

The boys, Ingrid and I were currently at the beach. We had just gotten here and were setting up our mini beach picnic. Joel and I have been at it for almost an hour about the whole 'fake dating Amber' situation.

"No, you're not. You're coming on a walk with me and we will talk this out once and for all" he grabs my arm and leads me away from everyone.

"Careful, anyone sees you touching me, it's going to be all over social media. We were meant to be broken up remember?" I pull my arm away obviously annoyed as we began walking at a normal pace.

"I don't know how much more you want me to explain to you. I had no choice but to agree to fake date her so she can get some exposure to her YouTube career. That night that she showed up to your house I had no idea she would be there with all her camera men. She obviously wanted those photos of me and her all over social media. I promise you Maya this is just a minor setback. I won't let this continue on forever. You're the one I want and you're the one I actually want to be with" he stops to face me and looks into my eyes.

Who could be mad at those beautiful brown eyes under those beautiful long lashes.

"Do you promise?" I ask, my facial expression showing that I was still clearly upset about this.

"I promise"

He pulls me into a hug and keeps me in his arms for several seconds before pulling away. Dating Joel would have its pros and cons. But for him, I was willing to be patient and compromise. I knew it wouldn't be any easier on him either.

"And about the number you found in my jacket the other night" he adds. "She probably slipped it in without me noticing"

"I know" I replied with a smirk. "I ripped it in half and threw it in the trash" this time I was now proudly smiling.

Joel just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Now come on, there is a whole ocean out there calling our name!" I make a run for the water towards where Ingrid, Erick and Zabdiel were already splashing around in the water.

"Wait!" I hear Joel call.

Chris and Richard were caught up with a few fans by having their picture taken with them. After they were done, they joined us. I still hadn't stepped into the water because I couldn't even swim. My feet were dug into the sand as the water kept stirring back and forth from the sand to the water. It was an embarrassing secret that I still hadn't told anyone but I didn't care either way. The more I looked out into the blue ocean, the more beautiful it looked. Therefore, without a second thought, I slowly walked into the water as my body was growing deeper and deeper into the water until I was waist deep.

"Hey this isn't that bad" I look at my surroundings and being in the water this deep felt quite nice.

Making my way towards everyone else I thought of a mischievous plan to scare the daylights out of one of them. Ingrid still hadn't seen me approaching them as her back was towards me while she was casually floating in the water as she stood up. Therefore, I pushed myself under the water, held my breath and pulled Ingrids leg as she flipped over into the water with me. Quickly coming back up, I heard incoherent screams as everyone else was laughing at her reaction. It was about time until she came back up out of the water.

"Maya you jerk! That was not funny!" she groans trying to get some saltwater out of her eyes. Her breathing had become uneven.

"Oh really? That's not what everyone else thinks" I pointed to the boys who were trying to hold their laughter, not wanting to be on Ingrids hit list.

"Guys, I see a big wave coming up ahead" Richard states as he was looking out onto the ocean.

He wasn't wrong; in the far distance we all turned to see a huge wave building up and making its way towards us.

"Everyone get ready" Chris yells excitedly as a smile spreads across his face.

My heart was beating fast. As a person who couldn't swim, I don't know how I was going to survive a wave like this. It was getting closer and closer and I was thinking of a quick plan.

"Here it comes!" Ingrid yells.

I tried grabbing on to Joel's arm as he was the closest but it was too late. The wave had pulled me down into the water and my body was rolling everywhere. I was having trouble breathing and keeping my body stable. I see bits and pieces of seaweed rolling around underwater but I still couldn't find a way to bring myself out of the water. I was frightened and desperate for air.

Joel's POV

We all had managed to swim through the wave that had hit us and it was the most fun experience so far.

"Uh guys...where's Maya?" I looked around to see any sight of Maya but she was the only one who hadn't come out of the water.

Far off into the distance I see someone stick their hand up out of the water before it went back down.

"Oh my gosh I think that's her! The wave must have pulled her in deeper and further into the ocean" Ingrid points out.

I hold my breath and swim towards her as fast as I could. Going underwater once again, I see her body fighting to get out of the ocean. I was only inches away from her before I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me out of the water.

"Maya what were you thinking"

"I'm sorry Joel, I was scared. I was drowning and thought I was going to die, it was so scary I was being pulled into the ocean" she cried as actual tears left her eyes.

"Baby then why didn't you say so. Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim"?

I pulled her towards me and she rested her head on my bare wet chest feeling safe.

"My hero" she whispered as we stood there in the water holding each other.

4:32 pm

The boys of CNCO and I were called up for a meeting in a conference room. Renato had announced that the Latin Grammy's were coming up and we were one of the nominees for several categories. Sitting at a large rectangle table, the boys and I were given outfit options to wear on the night.

"I like this one" Maya points as she was sitting on my lap with my arms wrapped around her waist.

"Me too" I look up at her smiling as she pecks my lips giggling with her hand wrapped in my hair.

Once. Twice. Then another third one.

"You guys can be gross later, but first, we need Joel's input on outfit options" our stylist interrupts.

Maya's POV

Everyone else was busy in their own conversation while Joel and I's attention was on each other. With my forehead resting on Joel's, I brush my nose against his and giggle at the tingle sensation which then made Joel also leave a wide smile from his lips.

"Joel, management needs a word with you" my dad interrupts as he enters from the door.

I released my fingers from his hair and stood up from his lap so he could leave. A while later he comes back with an unhappy expression.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Amber. According to our management team, they want me to take her as a date to the Latin Grammy's"

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