Chapter 13

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My finger danced over the mousepad as I contemplated whether to play Amber's video or not. I cannot believe the nerve of this girl; why is she acting like some top A-list celebrity when no one even knows who she is.

"Whatever, not worth it" I sigh to myself and close the YouTube tab.

It's always been my dream to walk the red carpet with Joel and experience it for the first time but all that's definitely not happening. This fame whore stole my man and my dreams.

'Did you watch it???'

Ingrid messaged me a few minutes later but I just ignored it.

Ingrid's POV

Ok so I know it's none of my business trying to intervene with Joel and Maya's relationship but it's actually causing me emotional pain. Those two love birds and madly in love but don't want to express their feelings. Therefore, it's my job to interfere and I knew exactly what to do. I had come over to Maya's house the next day ready to begin my intervention.

"So, Ingrid, what have you been up to lately?" Mrs Francis was asking as I sat on the kitchen stool having a little chat with Maya's mother.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing new"

Just then, Maya comes running down the stairs with a simple yet gorgeous rose in her hand looking confused.

"Does anyone know why Joel is sending flowers?" she asked us in confusion.

"Nope" I lied

I knew exactly where it came from because I'm the one who placed it on her bed along with a card. It was meant to be from Joel, except without him knowing. I must have left that tiny detail out.

"Wait, now that I think about it. I saw him leaving your house on my way here while you were in the shower" the lies were dripping off my tongue.

"Really? Joel? Hm, who would have thought" she sits down next to me examining the flower more. "My question is, why would he want to communicate in roses?"

"Hey some people like roses, they're happy flowers" I argue back.

"No, sunflowers are happy flowers. Roses seem too mysterious you know?" she placed the rose down and pulled out her phone opening the message to Joel.

"Wait!" I snatch the phone out of her hand before she had a chance to tell Joel about this.

"What the hell Ingrid!" she yells annoyed.

"I just remembered, Joel didn't want me to tell you it was from him. It was sort of a surprise you know?" I nervously laugh hoping she wouldn't catch on to my lie.

"Fine. Just give me back my phone" she reaches for her phone but I pulled my arm back further.

"Ok but promise me you won't tell Joel. It's just meant to be a surprise"

"Ok fine I promise, now hand it over" I gave her back her phone as she glares at me shooting daggers into my soul for snatching her phone.


Maya and I were currently at CNCO's concert backstage. I was chilling on the sofa's enjoying some free food while Maya was busy running small errands for her dad. The noise of screaming fans and music filled my ears as I tried to take a mini nap. However, I knew I chose the wrong venue for that.

An hour had passed and the boys were still out on stage performing when I realised I was meant to be completing Joel's part of the intervention. Grabbing the second rose that I had hidden in a closet, I head over to Joel's dressing room and place it there quickly on his table, along with a card signed with Maya's name before running back out.

"Were you just in the boys dressing room?" Maya asked as I saw her walking down the hallway.

"Uh, maybe" I froze.

She chuckles lightly shaking her head then continues doing her job. Honestly, I don't even know why I come to their concerts. Maya heads off doing her job while the boys perform which leaves me sitting like a loner, eating food to pass time.

An hour later, their show for the night had ended and this is where I wanted things to fall into place. Walking down the hallway sweaty and breathless, the boys head over to their dressing room for a change of clothes. I closely follow behind Joel hoping he would see the rose along with a small card I had written down signing Maya's name down the bottom.

"Who sent this?" he asked lifting up the rose and smelling it.

"I think I might know" I enter the room pretending like I wasn't just following them.

"You do?" he asks.

"Yep. It was Maya. She wanted to say she was sorry for blowing you off that day at her house so this was her way of apologising" I lied.

"That's strange, she's been here all night but hasn't said a word to me. Maybe I should go talk to her" he begins to walk before I stepped in his way blocking the door.

"No!" I yell causing everyone to turn their heads and stare. "Um I mean, no you shouldn't. She wanted it to be a surprise. Please don't say anything.

"Shouldn't I at least thank her?" he asks with the flower still lingering between his fingers.

"You can thank her tomorrow. It says here in the card that she wants to meet tomorrow for a picnic date. Until then, keep your lips shut".

Maya's POV


"I don't understand him. I've come across his path so many times yesterday but he never said a word to me. If he wanted to take me on a picnic date he could have just told me face to face instead of writing it in a card with a mysterious rose" I complain to Ingrid as I was getting ready for this little picnic that Joel hadn't mentioned anything about.

She was on the phone on speaker and I had been complaining to her for the past hour or so.

"I understand Maya but for the sake of love, please be patient" she replies.

The place where Joel wanted to meet me wasn't far at all. It was almost at a walking distance and that's exactly what I was doing. I had reached the park where I see a picnic basket set up in the middle of the garden but no sign of Joel anywhere. I sat down fixing my dress and waited for Joel.

"Maya?" I look up to see Joel approaching and he seemed just as confused as I was.

"Hey" I smiled hugging him.

After he had gotten comfortable, we both began taking the food out of the basket. He was insanely quiet for someone who invited me on a picnic date.

"So, I like the picnic surprise" I say awkwardly.

"Thanks? But you're the one who set it up I think I should be thanking you" he smiles grabbing a strawberry in his hand.

Say what now?

"Me? You're the one who's been sending me flowers asking me to go on a picnic date" I mention to him.

"I didn't send anything I thought this was your idea" he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

We both look stare into each other's eyes not knowing what to make of this situation until we both came to the same conclusion and busted out into a fit of laughter.

"Ingrid" we both giggled and said at the same time.

"This must have been her plan to get us together" I chuckled looking into the basket filled with many sweet yet romantic fruits all cut up beautifully.

Joel and I decided to make the best of the situation and had our picnic in peace.

"I'm going to go see if I can fill up some more water" he stands up and walks around looking for a water fountain to fill his bottle.

I returned back to eating until I see a message pop up on Joel's phone as a notification. It was from Amber and I picked up the phone to read the rest of the message.

'Can't wait for our date tonight Joey. Paparazzi will be dying to get shots of us together'

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