Chapter 63

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     A/N: Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes previously, you guys are amazing xx

By now I was in excruciating pain which was unbearable. I was told the ambulance was on it's way and was currently sitting down waiting. Everyone was in panic mode, especially Joel. Even though I was in extreme pain, I couldn't help but laugh at how panicked Joel was. The poor guy has no idea what to do.

"It's here" he says as we see an ambulance van pull up.

It was only Joel and his mother who had come inside the ambulance with me while I was being taken to the hospital. My parents would follow us in their own car.

"Take deep breaths Maya, it's going to be ok" Patricia was holding my hand and guiding me through the steps.

As each second had passed, I felt like the babies were going to burst out. I didn't know how much longer I can take this unbearable pain without fainting. As soon as we had reached the hospital, I was quickly put in a wheelchair as the paramedics were rushing me into the childbirth ward.

"Ok, I'm going to need immediate family only in the delivery room" the doctor says opening up the door.

"That's us" Patricia says, referring to Joel and her.

"In a lot of pain here!" I yell as my hands gripped tighter onto the wheelchair rail.

I was rushed in and put into a hospital gown as multiple machines were being attached to me.

9:47 pm

I had started giving birth to the twins sometime around midday and I had now jut finished. Both of them were taken away by the nurses for a quick wash while I would have the chance to rest up.

"You did an amazing job sweetheart, rest for a while and I'll let you know about any news" Patricia says as she rubbed my hand.

"Thank you but it's alright, I can stay awake a little longer"

Just then, two nurses come in, holding both my babies wrapped up in warm clothing. They then placed both of them on my bare chest as I ran my hand on top of both their heads. Joel wanted to hold the boy as I held the girl tight to me.

"They're so tiny aww" Joel says as he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"Yeah, that's kind of how new born babies are" I giggled.

Just then, there was a knock on the room door as I see my parents come in. They both greeted Patricia as they sat down beside the bed, looking at my new born twins. My daughter suddenly curled up her hands into fists as she sensed the increasing presence in the room.

"It's ok baby mummy is still here" I run my hand over her head gently, trying to calm her down as her eyes were still shut.

Patricia had only stayed a little while longer as she had to head home and check up on her kids. She apologised for leaving but we insisted that she also needed to go home and have a good night's sleep. My mum insisted on staying with me overnight if I needed any help. Just then, I see Ingrid walk into the room carrying flowers and two balloons. One that read 'It's a boy' and one that read 'It's a girl'

"Sorry for the delay, I didn't know what gender your baby would be so I bought both balloons" she says, trying to catch her breath.

"Well you're in luck because it's both" I giggled as her eyes roamed towards the twins.

She sat next to me on the bed as she ran her hands over my daughter gently.

"Aww they're so tiny" she says.

"Ok does nobody in this room know how babies work?" I asked, since Joel had said the exact same thing previously.

"I've never actually seen a new born baby up close. Especially one that's only a few hours old" she says.

"Actually Ingrid, Joel and I have made a decision previously" I look at Joel who nods his head.

"What decision?" she asks.

"We thought it was best if we made you the godmother of our twins. You've been so caring and amazing as a best friend my whole life and I'm hoping you can give our children the same love if we longer are in this world" I finish up.

"Wait you're serious?" a smile spreads across the face.

I nod my head as she hugs me in excitement.

A few days had passed and Joel and I were now back at my apartment with our twins. We had already completed the shopping for the twin's necessities such as; clothing, diapers and baby food. Even though they weren't able to eat at only a few weeks old. We had also bought a baby crib which Joel had built in our shared room.

"All this hard work has me starving" Joel says, standing up as he was finished putting together the last bits of the wooden crib.

"I haven't cooked in so many days, so do you want to order Chinese takeout?" I offered.

"I wouldn't like anything else" Joel says.

He stood up and began ordering in food to be delivered because the two of us were too tired to go out now. In addition to that, the CNCO boys wanted to come over for a visit together because they still hadn't had the chance to meet the twins.

"Did you make sure to order enough for everyone?" I asked as Joel had hung up.

"Yup and along with pizza if no one likes Chinese takeout"

Before I had a chance to reply, one of the twins began crying which then made the other twin begin to cry as well. Making my way into the room, I pick up my son as I knew he had started all this.

"Yes baby what is it, why are you crying huh? You were so quiet and sound asleep" I pick him up in my arms and begin bouncing him slightly in my arms.

He continued to cry as the loud screeches of both babies had filled my ears. Just then, Joel comes in and carries the girl and takes her out into the living room to calm her down. I had realised he wasn't crying for no reason; he was just hungry. I wasn't allowed to put him on solid foods or even baby food yet so I continued to breast feed him, just as I was advised by the doctor.

"My little man is just hungry, isn't he? Shh it's ok sweetheart"

Getting comfortable on the bed, I lift up my shirt, along with my bra as I carefully attach his mouth to my breast. His stomach was full and he fell back asleep in no time. Carefully placing him on the bed, covered with the blanket, I make my way outside to Joel who was happily playing with our daughter.

"How are you so good at this?" I sigh and take a seat next to him.

"Don't be silly Maya you're doing an amazing job" he gives my lips a quick peck before going back to playing with her.

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. Opening up, I see Richard, Christopher, Erick and Zabdiel make their way in.

"You guys made it" I greet each and every one of them.

Joel had already placed our daughter back in our room with her twin as I stood up to go check on them. The two of them were awake and silently staring around the room as they were laying on their backs.

"Looks like you two have some visitors outside. Let's go meet your new uncles shall we?" picking them both up gently, I make my way out to the boys who were already seated.

"Boys, meet your new nephew and niece. Isaac and Isabelle".

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