Chapter 8

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Warning: This may or may not trigger anyone who's ever been a victim of physical or sexual abuse and I dont mean to offend anyone who has. I only write for the purpose of entertainment and for the sake of this story so enjoy my lovelies :)


My first initial reaction was to drop everything and run for my life; run far away from him as possible, which was insane to think about since this is my own house. I quickly look around at all my surroundings from left to right thinking of a direction I could run in. Dashing towards the nearest door, I pull the door open and throw myself into the darkness, realizing I had thrown myself into our coat closet.

"Crap" I whisper.

My feet were shuffling against shoes that were lying around and I had no space to move whatsoever. Taking a deep breath, I leant my back against the door and inhaled a sharp breath.

"He will never find me he- woah!"

Before I had a chance to finish off the door flung open causing me to fall backwards on the ground.

"Maya? What the hell!?" Erick exclaimed.

"Oh, hi there Erick" I laughed off the situation and stood up dusting my clothes off and fixing my hair.

"Why are you hiding in the closet?" he asked confused.

"Oh see well... I uh..." I bit my lip hoping that an excuse would pop up into my brain and not leave me standing there sounding like an idiot. "Actually, what are you doing here?" I cross my arms.

"I came here to grab my hoodie, but I'll just get going I guess" his arm snakes just inches away from my face grabbing a hung up black hoodie with the warm cotton fabric dragging across my upper arm. His eyes not daring to leave mine. He was definitely suspicious. "Bye then, I'll just leave you to it" he raises an eyebrow and awkwardly shuts the closet door again.

"Shit" my hands covered my face in embarrassment.

Finding the courage to go out there again, I slowly open the door and poke my head out making sure the coast was clear. When I felt safe enough to leave, I stepped out of the closet with my right foot and ran upstairs to my room. I felt the safest being in my room because there is no way he would think of coming up here. At least that's what I hoped for. I sat at the edge of my bed with my hands resting on the sheets as my arms held themselves up.

"There you are, I thought I'd never find you"

That voice; I know that voice. It wasn't Joel, it wasn't Erick and it definitely wasn't Ingrid. It was who I first suspected; Ryan.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stutter as I quickly stood up in shock.

"Well that's not a very nice way to greet your boyfriend now is it?" he steps forward.

He locks the door and begins slowly walking towards me.

"I missed you so much Maya. Being away from you was the worst thing I've ever had to do. My angel don't ever leave me like that again and-"

His eyes moved down to my exposed chest as he stopped in his tracks only a few inches away from me.

"Princess, what are you wearing?" his fists ball up and eyebrows now furrowed.

"Nothing" I managed to whisper, still feeling weak and scared.

"You know daddy doesn't like you dressing like that. You need to be punished" he grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer.

At this point, I was too scared to touch him or argue back. I figured if I just played along and didn't act so interested he would eventually leave me alone. His face coming closer to mine and tilting to the side until I felt his breath against my neck.

"Have you been walking around all night dressing like a dirty little slut" he whispered against my ear sending chills down my spine.

His hand began to pull down my shirt as his other hand groped my now fully exposed breast.

"Please Ryan stop, we can't do this" my gaze now going down to the floor as I tried to remove myself from his grip.

"Not until you give me what I want" Ryan growled as he was now becoming frustrated because I wouldn't cooperate.

I couldn't take it anymore; I didn't want to be in the same position I was with him several years ago. I'm not that girl anymore and I don't want to be.

"Ingrid!" I yell as I tried to make a run for it.

"Just cooperate with me, would you?" his hand moved to my arm and held on tight preventing me from leaving.

"Help!" I yell once again.

"Shut up!" his eyes now filled with anger and rage.

Without a second thought, his right hand flies up and harshly comes in contact with my cheek. The slap left a stinging feeling on my skin which then lead to tears.

"Hey get away from her!" a voice yells from the door; Joel had finally arrived.

Ingrid, Joel and the boys had rushed in to see what was happening. The boys were pulling Ryan away from me as Ingrid dragged me away; my hand not leaving my red stinging face.

"Come on, lets get you out of here" she gently takes my arm, walking out of the room.

"But what about Ryan?" I ask looking back.

"Don't worry honey, the boys will take care of him. Let's just get you away from him for now"

As I was walking away with Ingrid dragging me away, I see Ryan trying to get out of their grip. The ratio was five boys against one and as strong and intimidating Ryan was, even he had no hope of getting out of there alive.

When we had reached downstairs with the other guests, I grabbed myself a glass of water and sat outside in the fresh air with Ingrid. Soon, the rest of the CNCO boys joined us again grabbing their seats.

"Where is he?" I asked referring to Ryan.

"You don't need to worry about him anymore" Richard replies.

"Who was he anyway?" Chris asks.

"Just an old friend" I nervously played with my fingers while looking at Joel and Ingrid who obviously knew I was lying.

Ingrid sympathetically rubs my shoulder to comfort me and I returned the gratitude with a warm smile. Just as I thought it was all over, I see a few police officers charge through the front door with my parents worryingly follow behind them.

"Maya Francis, you're under arrest".

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