Chapter 61

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"Please say something guys, you're scaring us" I say, hoping they wouldn't be disappointed.

Just then, Joel's mother covered her mouth and turned into an emotional mess as tears began to roll down her eyes.

"Oh my god" Joel pinches the bridge of his nose, embarrassed at his mum's reaction.

"I'm so happy for you Maya, congratulations" she pulls me into a hug as tears of happiness had left her eyes.

Now that this was over and done with, I could finally enjoy the rest of the day without worrying about my parent's reaction. In saying that, the rest of the time was spent meeting everyone and getting our photos taken. Joel and I were due for our own couple's photoshoot later on in the day.

"Oh my god, my cheeks hurt" I say after taking our hundredth photo with the different guests that had come up to the stage to greet us and congratulate Joel and I.

The day was passing by as everyone was enjoying their time on our big day.

"Maya, Joel, the photographer is ready for you outside" my mother says as she made her way to us.

She had then lead us outside to the beautiful scenery as there was a photographer ready for us with his props set up for the photos. Introducing ourselves, we were then told to get into position.

"Alright guys, I'm going to have to get a shot of the two of you, smiling at each other. Joel, hold her in your arms and just look into her eyes and try to look genuinely happy" the photographer instructs.

"I don't even need to try" Joel smiles as he pulls me into his arms while I rest my hands just on top of his shoulder. "I love you Maya" he whispers.

As soon as he had said that, a wide smile spread across my face unintentionally as the photographer began clicking away with his camera. My smile was a genuine reaction to what Joel had just told me.

"Now I'm going to need some of Maya alone. Are we ok with that?" he asks.

"Yeah no problem" Joel steps out of the shot and waits on the side as I was being given instructions on how to start posing.

The sunset was visible and it was the perfect opportunity to capture a shot before it would get dark.

"Face this way Maya and just keep looking straight" the photographer was moving around in all directions, trying to adjust to the perfect angle. "Perfect" he says as he begins to click away.

We had taken multiple different photos before our session was finally over

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We had taken multiple different photos before our session was finally over. It had gotten dark and the guests were beginning to make their way home. Joel and I had been dropped off back home to his house. In his culture, it was a symbol of giving the bride away to the man's family where the two of them would now begin their new life together.

"I cannot walk in these anymore" stepping out of the limo in front of Joel's house, I take off my heels and carry them in my hands as blisters were beginning to form on my foot due to wearing these tight heels all day.

Patricia and Joel on the other hand, were helping me out of the limousine, fixing my dress so it wouldn't get caught in the door. Looking ahead of me, I see Joel's house had been decorated with roses and colourful lights, along with a message.

'Welcome Home Newlyweds'

"Aw this is beautiful, who did this?" I smile, taking in the beauty of the decorations in front of us.

"Just the girls and I, it wasn't a big deal. We wanted to welcome the bride into our new home" she replies.

Heading inside, I was able to tell all the hard work their family had put into giving me a warm welcome.

"Now Maya, will you be able to go upstairs by yourself or did you need my help?" she asks.

"It's ok. I should be fine from here" I let her know.

"Alright no problem then. Let me just get changed and I will be right back with you in a moment" she says.

"Take your time, I'm alright" I tell her as she heads into her room to change outfits. "How am I meant to go up there with this?" I say to myself.

"Like this" without a warning, Joel had picked me up bridal style and began walking upstairs with me in his arms.

"Careful!" I squeal and giggle, hoping not to fall.

Throughout the rest of the night, Joel's family had been really accommodating and helpful. Patricia would come into our room every now and then, asking if I needed anything. As did Joel's brothers.

12:34 pm

To be exact, three months had passed since my pregnancy announcement and Joel and I's wedding. My baby bump was beginning to show along with all the symptoms of being pregnant which involved constant throwing up, back pain and constant tiredness. However, Joel's family had been extremely helpful in helping with my journey so far in the least painful way possible.

"You ready?" Joel asks, entering our room.

"Almost" I zipped up jacket, grabbing my phone.

I had an appointment to attend with the doctors. They would be performing an ultrasound right on my stomach to reveal the baby's gender. Walking up and down the stairs has been tiring but I try to stay rested as much as I can.

"Careful" Joel had held my left hand while my other hand was gripped onto the railing, making my way down the stairs.

Getting into the car, I made myself comfortable as Joel began to drive away. Placing one of my hand on my baby bump, I slightly begin to rub it.

"I hope it's a boy. What about you?" I ask, looking up at Joel.

"I hope it's a girl. That's just been my preference but I don't mind what gender it is, just as long as it's healthy" he replies as he continued to drive.

Reaching the imaging center, Joel helped me out of the car as we carefully made our way in. Our waiting time wasn't long before my name had been called. Joel had come in with me as I was told to lay down. I was then asked to slightly lift my shirt up halfway so the doctor would be able to apply the gel on my stomach which would help see the inside of my stomach clearer.

"I got you" Joel was sitting on one of the chairs as he held onto my hand since I was clearly nervous.

The doctor had then used the ultrasound transducer device on my stomach as she gently began rubbing the device on my stomach while looking at the screen.

"Interesting" she says.

Interesting bad or interesting good?

"I'm going to try it one more time, just to make sure there aren't any mistakes in the results" she says, removing the gel from my stomach and applying it on again.

This second procedure took much longer than the first and the doctor seemed to be completely focused on the screen. Joel was also looking at the screen however, I doubt he could tell what was going on up there.

"Well Maya, I have some pretty good news for you" she stands up and removes the gel from my stomach.

Walking over to the sink, she then begins to take her gloves off and wash her hands.

"What news?" I ask, putting my shirt back down and sitting up comfortably.

"The ultrasound screen here shows that you're having twins. One boy and one girl"

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