As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars...

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(A/N- This is a work of fiction and not to be taken too seriously...if at all. Just something to help boredom and trying to be creative. Obviously I don't know anyone in the band. Also, Anna will not be in the story because I do not write negatively about actual real wives. Please leave a comment if you like this story! Thanks!)

(A/N 4/3/18- I have changed the entire first chapter because I was honestly stuck after I wrote it and didn't like how it came out.)

Camila 'Mila' Acosta will always remember when three of her best friends were unknown.  When it was the four of them walking the halls of their high school, hanging out at each other's houses after school where they did basically anything artistic and when everything just seemed simpler.  Back then there were no record deals, no big hit singles and no world tours.  Just the four of them being nobodies altogether. 

But that's not how it stayed.  Her three best friends had hit it big.  While they were in different colleges, Mike, Rob and Brad formed a band called Xero and within a couple of years landed a record contract.  They were now known as Linkin Park and following a couple of big hits and a successful first album, they were pretty well known.  Now, she was pretty much left to her own devices and figuring out where she fit in the world.  When she first graduated high school she was driven to have a career in the art field.  She didn't honestly care what she did as long as she was around it and breathing it in.  Then reality hit and she found it hard to get a job no matter how talented or driven she was.  It was during this time that she decided to start working with an agency has a mentor that worked on therapeutic skills with children and teens.  It didn't take her long to fall in love with the field and begin a completely different journey than her original one.  She found it easy to incorporate art into her sessions with her clients and teach them things that she had picked up from years of drawing and painting.  Art therapy was therapeutic and allowed many of the children to express themselves in ways they never thought possible.  Mila liked that she knew what most of her days would be like with the exception of occasional crisis' or client hospitalization.  Some weeks it was mundane, but she enjoyed it due to the fact that there were no real personal surprises or shake ups.  And then the holidays came.

Every year like clockwork her friend Caleb would throw his usual New Year's Eve gathering for some of his friends and every year she was invited.  She didn't think anything of it when she agreed to go, shit, she's gone every year since she first met him when she moved next door when she was in eighth grade.  It was one of her traditions as she saw it and she honestly looked forward to it every year.  Entering the home not too long after it had began, Mila was greeted by Caleb with a giant smile and a hug.

"Mila, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, Cal," Mila smiled feeling happy and at home as the man closed the door behind her to his house that was once his parents.  Looking around she was confused at the people around or rather lack thereof.  "You're really throwing a rager this year I see."

Caleb looked at her with a look in his eye.  "I have a surprise for you."  Mila looked at him  confused as she was taken by the hand and led into the kitchen where she instantly spotted Jason Shinoda who stood in front of someone talking with a couple of other friends not far away.  "Look who's here everyone."

Mila watched as Jason turned smiling wide at her.  "Mily!  Long time no see!"

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head she moved towards his open arms as he smirked at her.  "You know I hate it when you call me that.  I believe I told you that Tuesday when I saw you."

Jason laughed giving her a squeeze.  "Short term memory, Mils."

"Uh huh," She said pulling away catching the person standing behind him smiling at her.  "Holy shit!"

Mila covered her mouth earning laughter from the others in the kitchen as she turned to Caleb in apology knowing he wasn't a fan of swearing.  He waved her off with a smile knowing how excited she was to see their friend who had not been home in a while.  The moment his arms opened to her she walked the short distance to him wrapping her arms around him tightly.

"I've missed you, Cams," Mike told her softly squeezing her tight.  "I hope you don't mind that I wanted to surprise you."

"Of course I don't," She chuckled pulling away a bit to look at him.  "Although I am surprised Jason could keep a secret."

"Hey! I am getting better!"

"Obviously," Mila replied smiling.  "So is this why there is no big party?"

"Yeah, I'm too tired to party.  I wanted a low key New Years," Mike said keeping one arm around her as he grabbed a bottle of water with his free hand.  Mila nodded in understanding noticing how tired he actually looked in that moment.

"How long are you home for?" She asked earning a smile from the man close to her.

"About six weeks."

Mila returned his smile wrapping her arms around his waist.  "Well, welcome home.  You've been missed, Shinoda."

The night was spent eating delicious food Caleb either made or had bought in copious amounts, playing different card games while drinking different adult beverages they couldn't partake in years ago in the living room while the normal Dick Clark's New Year's Eve countdown played on the television near them.  It felt much like many of the nights (minus the alcohol) they had when they were in high school except this time, unlike all the others, she found herself treasuring it a bit more since she wasn't exactly sure how many of these nights she would get.  The cards were forgotten about fifteen minutes before midnight as Caleb handed each of them a champagne flute.

"So before we ring in this New Year, I would like to say that I couldn't be happier spending this last night of this year with people who I admire the most.  I known you all for so long, far before this weird and crazy thing they call adulthood which honestly sometimes suck," Caleb said earning cheers causing him to laugh.  "I am thankful that Mike decided to show up here instead of sleeping off his jet lag like he wanted to.  It's been a long time buddy and I couldn't be more proud of you.  You truly deserve all the success you've received and I know I can speak for all the people here when I say that we can't see what else you can do."

Everyone cheered again holding their glass up to their friend they missed.  Together they counted down as the countdown began on the television cheering the cliché 'Happy New Year' when it had finally hit midnight.  Mila smiled watching her friends hug or kiss their girlfriends turning to Mike as he wrapped his arm around her.  What she had thought would be a hug turned into him placing his lips onto hers completely surprising her.  It was something that she would have been accepting towards and happy about a couple of years ago, especially with where they stood at that moment in time, but not now. 

Pulling away from him, she looked at him trying to process what had just happened for a second before realizing that everyone in the rooms eyes were on them.  Pushing by him she grabbed her purse from the table next to the sofa and left the house beginning her walk to her car down the street.  It didn't take long before she heard her name being called from behind her and a hand stopping her movement.

"Camila, don't leave," Mike told her still holding onto her arm.

She turned quickly to him feeling her anger rise up in her.  "What the hell was that Mike?" He looked at her silently knowing she had more to say and it would only go downhill if he interrupted her.  "I don't know if you remember or not but you're the person who chose to end whatever the fuck we were.  I accepted it and still remained your friend even though to be honest it sucked.  I've supported you doing your music even though years later it's the reason you chose to stop being with me.  You can't come back after a couple of years of giving me a couple of texts here and there and expect me to accept you kissing me.  That was fucked up and I'm not going to be your toy."

"Camila," He began dropping his hand from her arm.  Mila shook her head taking a step back from him.

"Goodbye, Mike," Mila said walking the couple of steps to her car.  Getting into the drivers side she felt her emotions get the best of her, as she turned the key in the ignition she took a deep breath in holding it for a second before letting out.  Taking one look into her rear view mirror she put her car into drive and left him standing looking defeated on the sidewalk.

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