In this world everybody's got a chip on both sides of their neck

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(A/N- Again, a work of fiction.  No disrespect is intended.  Just throwing that out there.)

A loud buzzing noise came from the bedside table early Sunday morning. Mila groaned lifting her left hand slapping around the table for the offending object waking her from her slumber. She was surprised to see the name that popped up when she was brave enough to open one eye to see who it was.

"Hey," Mila greeted softly pulling the charger from its port. Her bare feet touched the cold, hard wood as she stood from the bed to leave the room where her boyfriend was sleeping peacefully on his side.

"Hi, can I talk to you?" Jay asked her and right away she could tell something was troubling him. "I woke you up didn't I? I should have remembered you're three hours behind."

"It's fine. Why do you sound upset?" She asked him walking into the kitchen turning on the coffee pot to make her first cup of magical morning brew. Jason was a lot like Mike in the sense that he hardly ever got upset. Since she met him when he was eleven, he's always been a happy-go-lucky person. She could only count a handful of times when he would call her upset or with something bothering him.

"I need to talk this through with someone and you're always good at listening to me ramble," He replied sighing. Mila poured herself a cup before making sure to turn the security system off as she went outside to the back patio.

"Okay. What's up?"

"I have feelings for someone," He began causing a smile to spread across her face as she stayed quiet letting him continue. "Which normally wouldn't be bad, but Mila, it isn't a woman."

"And your battling with the idea of potentially being gay or at least bi?" Mila asked him getting a sound of agreement from the man over the line. "Jay, we've discussed this before. There is nothing wrong with being attracted or liking someone of the same sex. You had this same battle like...six years ago? Maybe seven?"

"I know, but I never acted upon it," He told her honestly while she took a sip of coffee. "I like him, Mila. Like really like him, but this is new to me."

"Does he know that this is new to you?"

"He does. He isn't pushing me into anything."

"Well, that's good. He seems like a gentleman. What are you afraid of though? What's stopping you from finding happiness and potential love with him?" Mila questioned him hearing silence over the line for a moment.

"What is my family going to think? This isn't something that is an everyday occurrence in our family," Jay admitted helping her understand what had him so trouble. He had finally found someone he connects with and it goes against the norm of society's idea of what a relationship should be. A man and a woman who fall in love. It was a bunch of horse shit to Mila and she knew regardless of this belief that the Shinoda's would support their son.

"Jason, I've known you and your family for many years and I believe I have a good handle on how they feel. Right?" She asked getting another agreeing sound from him. "Your parents and brother are not going to be upset about this or think something horrible. Everyone just wants you to be happy and if that's what's making you happy then they will support you."

"You're right," Jay agreed as the sound of the screen door opening was heard before her boyfriend walked outside taking a seat across from her with a coffee in his hand. Mila smiled at him getting a sleepy one in return while he lifted her feet to his lap. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"Is Mike around?" He asked as Mila took her turn to make a sound that he was. "Can you put me on speaker so I can tell him with you there for support? Support for me more than him."

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