Cease to be the animal you used to beRemove the broken parts you know were wrong

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(A/N- Thank you to all who have read the two previous chapters.  The beginning of stories are always kind of boring but I am forging through and hopefully the more exciting things will get more readers. <3)

Mila jumped turning around seeing Mike right behind her. He looked down at her hand seeing the photos that she held, photos that he's been looking through for a while now. He hadn't let anyone know he had been carrying them or what he had been feeling, that he regretted his decision to ever end their relationship. Every time he thought about it he felt more and more like an idiot and seeing her again after mulling things over in his head, everything he wrongly chose and everything he missed, just reinforced the fact that he's a fucking idiot.

"I got distracted. I'm sorry," She told him beginning to walk towards the door to the room exiting it and heading back into where the equipment was.

"Camila," Mike called after her following where she was going knowing what she was going to do. The moment her hand grabbed for her purse his heart rate increased feeling the panic that his moment to talk about what was going through his head quickly fading. "Don't leave again. Please, let's talk about this."

"Mike," Mila sighed looking down knowing her wall she had fought to keep up was coming down. She watched as his feet and legs came into view of her gaze, his hand held onto her face causing her to look up at him.

"Talk to me," He begged her, the look in his eyes screamed sadness. He watched as her chin and lower lip begin to quiver as tears began pooling into her eyes.

"I'm so confused," She told him getting a small nod in response. "I don't know what to make of all this. I was so angry after you kissed me because I felt like you thought you could come back and use me. Now I see our pictures on your desk and lyrics that you wrote underneath." She shook her head gently, his hand following her movements. "I don't know what you want from me anymore. You told me you wanted to be friends but it seems like that isn't the case. I don't want mind games. I don't want to be told 'let's be friends' and then be pulled back to a place I've forced myself to leave when you come back."

Mike nodded understanding what she was saying. "Can we please sit down and talk everything through? Everything that is on my mind and everything on yours. No one-sided bullshit. I want to lay everything out on the table." Mila gave herself a second to think it over before nodding. Mike smiled softly at her leading the way to his living room and away from all the clutter that seemed to be his life lately.

Silence took over them for a couple of minutes. Mila could see that he was trying to get all of his thoughts together and what words he wanted to say. He's always been like that. He rarely said something without thinking it through although his actions were not always the same and that was obvious at the party. She always felt like it was one of the reasons he could never seem to get out of his head. Either he was constantly thinking about what he wanted to say or over things he had done.

"I am sorry for ever making you feel less than you really are and making you feel like I intend to use you," He began looking at her in the eyes. "Over the past...Six months, if not longer, I've realized that I've missed you. I've missed having you around and being there to listen or bring your humor when I need it. I miss your excited smile when you can't wait for something and the glares you give me when I do something you think is unsafe. I realized that I made a mistake by ending us and putting you through that pain. I honestly thought that if I did that I would cause you less pain and you wouldn't have to wait for me. I had so many people telling me how much the first couple of years suck and it's not just us that it sucks for but also our girlfriends. I didn't want to do that to you and instead of talking to you about it, I just ended it and expected you to stay my friend. It was selfish of me and I am sorry. Please believe me when I say I've missed you so much and I've realized that I am an idiot for letting you go."

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