I've got an aching head

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(A/N- Votes and Comments are amazing! Thanks to my always amazing person who tells me what they love from the chapter!)

Mila settled onto her couch ready for a night filled with wine and horror movies.  Her week was over and come tomorrow it would be one complete week down and only six more to go until Mike came home for a couple of days.  She found that her week tended to move more slow now that she actually had something to wait for which was driving her insane.  Besides working, she had begun to go on walks after work and also started a book she's been wanting to read.  Overall she didn't think she was doing so bad and was holding her own.  Mike had kept his promise of contacting her someway on a daily basis although she would understand if he was busy and couldn't do a day or two, but when she said that to him he was set on the daily contacts. 

"You're a priority to me, Cams.  I will talk to you regardless of what my day is like," He had told herAnd he has.  Whether it's just texting, a quick phone call or a longer one and sometimes a Skype chat, which were honestly her favorite, not a day has gone by without them talking.

Grabbing her remote off of her coffee table as the DVD was repeating the menu screen, she sat back on the couch with her arm raised and her index finger on the play button.  Just as she was about to press down on the rubber button her doorbell sounded into the house.  Mila looked back confused as to who was visiting her.  She tried to think back if she had forgotten plans with anyone and as she confirmed in her mind that she did not, she trudged to the front door.

"Hey," Elisa smiled at her with another woman next to her who also smiled at her.  Elisa was Brad's wife and someone she would often hang out with when either of them weren't busy with work which with both their jobs, was difficult to come by.  Mila liked Elisa and thought she was a good match for Brad.  Elisa found Brad's sense of humor and personality endearing and funny which pretty made them a match made in heaven.  Brad was eccentric and wasn't everyone's type of person.  He was misunderstood a lot but she got him perfectly.

"Hi," Mila smiled stepping back to let the women into her house.  "Did we have plans that I forgot about?"

Elisa laughed shaking her head.  "No, no.  I'm just rude and came over."

"Such a Delson thing to do, Elisa.  I think we need to discuss your marriage and how you're becoming your husband a little bit," Mila smirked earning a shove from her friend.

"I honestly meant to text you and ask about today but the week got away from me."  Mila waved this off reminding her that it was fine.  If her husband could do it, why not her too?  "Reasons why you're awesome, Mils."

"So I've heard," Mila smiled turning to the other woman holding her hand out.  "I'm Mila.  Elisa is obviously being rude in more ways than one."

The woman laughed shaking her hand.  "I'm Linsey, Dave's wife."

"Nice to meet you.  Dave told me about you before but we've never met," She replied motioning for the women to follow her into the kitchen.  "So what do I owe this pleasure of a drop in?"

"Well," Elisa began taking a seat at the island nodding as Mila held up a bottle of wine.  She took the glass from Mila offering her a 'thanks' as Linsey did the same.  She watched the woman whose house they were in grab her glass off the table in the living room.  "I've heard from a little birdy that you are back together with a certain person."

"Delson's always had a big mouth," Mila chuckled walking back to where the women were.  "Yes, Mike and I are back together."

"'Back together'?" Linsey asked confused turning to Elisa who shrugged.  "You didn't tell me they dated before."

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