Encore do you want more

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Mila had barely seen Mike since the night she had gone to the studio. When she left for work in the morning he would get up to talk and spend time with her before she had to leave. After work, he was heading out to go to the studio. This routine was repeated for the rest of the week. She had tried to stay up to greet him when he came home, but ended up falling asleep on the couch both times and was only woken up when he carried her upstairs to their bed. If she totaled everything together, they had probably spent upwards of maybe two-three hours together awake from Wednesday through Saturday. It wasn't lost on her just how tired he looked each morning he got up to spend time with her, especially Saturday morning when she had to send him back to bed once he began falling asleep at the table. Regardless of all of this, when Sunday came and he woke up excited it was practically contagious.

All the LP wives, fiancée and Jecca were carpooling due to the guys all driving themselves to the show and they had asked Mila to come along with them. However, she had already planned on surprising Micah with the show since he had no clue the collaboration was even happening between Mike and one of Micah's favorite rappers. Mike was the one who originally brought it up to her and mentioned it could be a good pre-birthday kick off for him to be there. She knew that Mike would introduce Micah to the rapper and which meant his year would be made.

"So where are we going?" Micah asked driving into the city with his sister in the passenger seat.

"The Roxy Theatre. The guys are playing there tonight," Mila replied fixing her red lipstick in the mirror. While she definitely went for her normal comfort wear, she did try to spice it up a bit. She wore jean shorts that had frayed edges, a flowy Grey tank top and her white converse. Her hair was up in a messy bun with pieces framing her face while her makeup was done with dramatic lashes and a bold lip. It was different than what she's used to, but she thought she looked good.

"Wow," Micah breathed seeing the line of people outside. "That's a lot of people." Mila smiled directing him where Mike had told her to go. With the amount of production crew, theatre staff, all the guys and she was sure some of Jay-Z's people, the area was packed practically to the brim with cars. Not surprisingly, it took more than a couple of minutes to get the 'all clear' for them to head back to park and grab their passes before heading backstage. "Why does it say 'family'?"

Mila turned seeing him reading the pass with a confused look on his face. "Because we are. Duh!" Micah laughed nodding seeing a man smile at Mila when they spotted her prior to giving her a hug. "Jim, this is my brother Micah. Micah, this is Jim their production manager."

"Nice to meet you, Micah," Jim smiled shaking the other man's hand. "You're sister here is an amazing person. I liked her the moment I met her."

Micah beamed with pride. "Nice to meet you as well. Mila is very hard not to like. She's definitely the better egg of our family."

"Okay, you both can stop," She laughed shaking her head. "Where are the guys?"

"I'll bring you to them," Jim said leading them to a dressing room which was a buzz with talking and laughter. When they had walked up the stairs Mila was sure with how loud they were that the door must have been open, but alas it was shut and everyone inside was just being loud. "Have fun guys."

They siblings thanked Jim while Mila knocked on the door before entering. Everyone turned smiling at them as they entered the room. Right away Mila noticed various open beers in the room and knew that the party had already began without them. One by one everyone greeted Mila and Micah with various handshakes or hugs with kisses on cheeks. Mike hugged Micah welcoming him to the show accepting the thanks that was given to him.

"Hi, Beautiful," Mike smiled looking at his girlfriend. "You are looking mighty fine tonight."

"Am I?" She smirked wrapping her arms around his waist watching him nod while lowering his face to hers. "I could say the same about you. But that's everyday."

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