Welcome yeah, it's been a long minute (Part 1)

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(A/N- Today is my birthday and decided to post this as my gift to you. This will be in two parts just because this chapter is already so long and I don't want it dragging to the high heavens.)

Mila was nervous.  She's never really acted impulsively and made a decision without confirming it was okay with the person involved.  She knew Mike would be happy to see her, she didn't question that, but because she kept it a secret Mila didn't know what to expect.  Elisa and Linsey gave her the basic rundown of what they know from visiting and it didn't seem that bad.  Even though she was technically on "vacation" they still had a schedule to uphold and she got that.  Mila being the searcher of information, felt that she would have gotten more knowledge from asking one of the guys but she didn't want to chance the surprise being ruined.

As they pulled up the the gate, Linsey told the security guard who they were and after checking ID's, were let into the secured area.  Mila felt a surprising surge of excitement as the car came to a stop next to the tour busses.  A man stood waiting for them with a smile on their face. 

Mila looked on as Linsey and Elisa hugged them talking animatedly.  "Jim, this is Mila.  She's Mike's girlfriend," Elisa said putting her arm around the woman.

Jim smiled holding his hand out for her.  "Oh I've heard a lot about you.  Mike doesn't shut up if the subject turns to you."

Mila smiled shaking his hand.  "Please feel free to tell him to 'shut up'."

"No, he's a good guy who just misses you.  I heard from Ryan that he doesn't know you're coming?" Jim asked as she nodded.  "Awesome.  He's going to be so happy to see you.  All of the guys will be." He smiled at the women handing them passes.  Mila noticed that it had 'family' written on it which confused her since, technically, she wasn't family but she decided to roll with it.  "Make sure those stay on you at all times." The women nodded and Mila noticed a man taking their bags onto one of the tour busses near them.  Jim noticed this and mentioned that the man, George, was security for the guys but would be with the women while backstage.  He was making sure their stuff was safely on the bus so they didn't have to worry about it.  "Are you ready to head inside? The opening bands are about to start."

Mila nodded with the others as they walked alongside Jim who talked about how well the tour had been going.  Mila found out that Jim was the band's Production Manager and his main job was to make sure everything went right during their set.  She was impressed and intrigued by this, but didn't find herself wanting to do his job at all.  As they got closer to the guys dressing room, it was obvious that they were all in there by the amount of laughter and talking going on.  Right before Jim knocked on the door, her phone buzzed in her pocket.

'3 shows left until I am back with you.  I love you.  Thank you for dealing with me being away," Mike had sent her.  She smirked knowing that he would definitely be surprised to see her walk through the door and it made her that much more excited.

"I'm going to let Linsey and Elisa in first while you wait out here.  Then after a couple of minutes you can follow me inside.  Sound good?," Jim said seeing the mischievous smile take over her lips.  "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Mila stood near the door hearing Jim tell the guys that the women had arrived and faintly heard them greeting their husbands.  Jim came back out standing next to her against the wall.

"Mike is a good guy.  He has a really good head on his shoulders," Jim told her quietly.  Mila looked at him as he continued to talk.  "He's also one of the most talented men I've worked with in awhile.  They all are, but his ear for music is phenomenal."

Mila nodded.  "He's always been good with anything artistic."

"He told me what you do for a living.  I admire people who work in Mental Health.  It's not an easy field.  Certainly not one I could do."

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