No matter how far we've come I can't wait to see tomorrow with you

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Mike woke up the next morning to the sound of a series of knocks on his door. He quickly told them he was up knowing that what came next after the knocks was someone entering the room. Usually he wouldn't care but due to Mila sleeping next to him naked, he didn't want that to happen. After hearing a time stamp given to him, he knew that he had to begin to try and wake his girlfriend up. From years of knowing her, he knew Mila was not a morning person. She could get up and get moving fine, but at first she was grumpy and given that it was only 5:30 in the morning, Mike knew she would be extra grumpy.

He turned and stared at her taking in the peaceful look on her face. Even in her sleep she was beautiful. He would never know what he did to deserve such an amazing and beautiful woman willing to be by his side, but he wasn't about to question it. If anything, he could get used to waking up to this every day.

"Baby," Mike said softly leaning over kissing the bare shoulder next to him. Mila sighed turning her head to the side. "Baby, you need to wake up. We have to be on the bus in thirty minutes." Mila groaned pulling the blanket over her head. "Come on, Cams. I know it's really early but we can go back to bed on the bus."

"When you say 'really early', what time does that mean it is right now?" He heard her ask from under the blanket. Her voice was hoarse and tired.

"Five thirty."

Mila pulled the blanket down while narrowing her eyes. "Are these tour people on something? Five thirty? We didn't get in till almost midnight."

"I know," He nodded understanding how surprising tour life is the first time you're experiencing it. It was something that threw all of them for a loop their first tour. Now it was just second nature to stay up late and get up early. "I'm sorry it's so early, but we do need to get dressed and go downstairs. We can go to my bunk and sleep more."

Mila nodded getting out of bed feeling her eyes burning a bit which caused her to realize she fell asleep with her contact in. Getting her stuff together, she pulled out her sweat pants and T-shirt she had planned to wear to bed along with her contact case with their solution After she changed, she brushed her teeth and switched to her glasses noticing that Mike did the same. Mike offered her his hoodie knowing that outside would probably be cold and he would rather him be cold than her. As they boarded the bus he wasn't surprised to see Brad, Elisa and Rob already on the bus taking up one of the couches.

"Late night, Mils?" Rob asked smirking knowing his best friend didn't enjoy early morning call times. Mila grunted taking a seat at the table placing her head down onto her arms. She began to drift off back to sleep until she heard more people entering the bus, some with energy she couldn't even fathom having at the time of morning it was.

"Morning guys!" Chester said cheerfully causing Mila to groan and whimper softly. Chester looked at Mike who sat across from Mila at the table concerned. "Is she okay?"

Mike nodded stroking his girlfriend's hair gently. "She isn't a morning person. This is torture for her."

Chester nodded walking up to her rubbing her back. "Sorry, Mila. I'll be more quiet till you're awake."

"Thank you, Chester," Mila's voice was heard muffled by the table. "Mike?"

"Yes, baby?" He replied watching her lift her head up a bit to look at him.

"Can we go lay down now?" She asked groggily, her eyes squinting from the light above. He nodded standing from his seat holding his hand out for her to take. Mike took his shoes off holding her up as she did the same before placing them into the 'junk bunk' as they called it. It held their shoes and backpacks along with whatever else they threw in there. He pointed to the bunk that was his letting her get into it first as he followed. Mila reached down taking his hoodie and her glasses off placing them on the side of her on the ledge as she waited for him to get comfortable once he closed the curtain to the bunk.

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