Listen to your heart those angel voices they'll sing to you

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(A/N- So I am not sure when the next time I'll be updating is.  This weekend is my birthday and obviously my friends are making me do something for it.  I am always writing on my phone so perhaps on Sunday I'll update and give you guys something on my actual day of birth. haha  Flashback is in italics.  Also, thank you to Mika Shinoda for giving me this idea!)

Mila walked along side Linsey later the following week as they hiked along one of the trails she often went on with Brad and Rob. This had become an almost every day occurrence with them since they had met. Linsey was interested in fitness and asked to join Mila's nightly walks and obviously she was more than happy to have the company. During these hikes they would find out more about each other. Mila talked about going to school for Art first before going back for Psychology and a Masters in Social work which led her to being where she is now. Linsey mentioned she was a teacher before she retired to become a Real Estate Agent which she found she is loving. They discussed the first couple of years the guys were signed and what her and Dave went through. Mila found herself partially glad that Mike had broken up with her before everything got crazy. She honestly didn't know if they would have made it with how it sounded.

"So you and Mike dated in high school," Linsey said watching as her friend nodded. "What was he like in high school?"

Mila smiled. "Pretty much how he is now except more immature. He's always been into art but he did take High School seriously. He was a jokester but was willing to listen if you needed him."

"Did you guys go to Prom together?" Linsey asked earning a smile from the woman next to her. "Oh my god, please tell me there is at least one good story from the Prom."

Mila laughed. "Well, we can always cut this short and go back to my place so I can show you pictures."

"Let's do it! I need to see high school Mike," Linsey agreed sharply turning around and headed back into the direction they had just come from. Mila led the way to the house smiling as Linsey parked next to her in the driveway. "You have no idea how excited I am for this."

"Everyone has prom pictures. I don't see why you're as excited as you are," Mila stated going into her bedroom to her closet getting the box from the shelf on top. She placed the box onto the bed and opened it.

"Jesus, did you keep everything from that night?" She asked holding up the shadow box that held the bouquet Mike had given her. Mila rolled her eyes picking up the photo album that was at the bottom. She handed it to the woman saying nothing. "Oh wow. You look beautiful! Red is definitely your color. Mike looks different but the same. I don't know how to describe it."

Mila nodded. "He did look a bit different. I think it's the hair honestly."

"So did he just assume you guys would go together or did he ask you?" Linsey asked flipping through the photos.

Mila smiled leaning back onto her headboard. "He asked me."

Mila noticed that Mike had been nervous all day. The only other time she had seen him this nervous was when he asked her out which had been close to four months ago. She asked him if he was okay and even though his words said 'yes' his eyes said differently. They had been out all day just goofing off and neglecting the studying they know they should be doing. Both, however, felt it was needed in order to keep their sanity before the process of exams started.

"Do you want to get dinner before I bring you home?" He asked her as she nodded. He drove to the restaurant they frequented greeting the owner by name. Neither one ever changed their order so Brian never felt the need to ask what they wanted, he just told the cook to start the dishes. Mila excused herself to use the bathroom after she had finished her meal. Mike was still acting weird and it was beginning to drive her insane that he wouldn't tell her why. As she washed her hands she pretty much decided that she would go back out there and demand he tell her what hell was going on with him. As she stepped back into the dining room she noticed a balloon was now tied to her chair with roses leaning against the back of it. Walking closer she saw a dessert was placed where the previous plate had been, it was the chocolate and peanut butter cake they made there and it was her favorite. Written on the plate was 'will you go to Prom with me?' Mila looked up surprised to see Mike holding one rose for her and a nervous look.

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