Chp:4 - Surprise Guest

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Jin hyung, there's nothing to eat and I'm hungry hyung" I yelled as loud as I could. "Aish... Jungkookie why are you yelling, I can hear you" Jin hyung replied a little annoyed. "Sorry hyung, I'm starving and there's nothing to eat. I can't even find the last bottle of my banana milk, probably jimin hyung drank it." I whined. " Stop whining, you are not a small kid anymore. And don't worry I'll go shopping." Jin hyung replied calmly. He looked across the living room probably to find someone to accompany him. 'I should probably go to my room before he asks me to accompany him ' I thought to myself and quickly walked towards my room.

Jin's P.O.V

As soon as jungkook told me that the food was over I had to go shopping so I looked around to find someone to accompany me when suddenly the elevator door beeped and namjoon came out, I smiled to myself. "Namjoon you are coming with me , let's go." I told him. I picked my shoes in my hands and started dragging Namjoon without giving him a chance to say no. "Where are you taking me hyung?" He questioned. "You'll know" I said with a smirk. I dragged him to the elevator and pressed the basement button of the elevator. I had no other option than to pull Namjoon with me without his will, none of these kids like to go with shopping with me but sure do know to eat up all the stuff I buy.

As soon as we were in the basement I took the keys of the car from the key case in the basement room. I dragged Namjoon in the garage and told him to sit in the car. "Where are we going hyung?"
"Shopping" I said with a smirk and started the car not giving him chance to escape. Soon after some complaints from Namjoon we reached the grocery store. I dragged him out and told him to get whatever he wanted to. Having no choice left he took a cart and went a different way.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Poor Namjoon hyung, I thought giggling, I was peeking from my room. Suddenly Jimin hyung and V hyung came out of Hobie Hyung's room whining with Hobie Hyung behind them. I looked as they took a seat on the sofa. "Jungkookie" Hobie Hyung called. I went out to know what happened. "Jungkookie are you finished with your summer home work?" V Hyung asked. "Almost , I'm just left with the essay."
I replied. "Wow Jungkookie great job" Hobie Hyung said with a fishy smile. I just smiled in response. They are surely upto something. "Even I am almost done with my home works and because of that I'm so tired." V hyung complained. "Same here" Jimin hyung and Hobie Hyung said in unison. "Maybe y'all should get coffee, it'll refresh you huyngs" I suggested and quickly regreted it. "Aah Jungkookie, could you please get us coffee? Please" Jimin hyung pleaded. I saw that coming, shouldn't have said anything.

"Hyung why don't you get it yourself ?" I asked since I had no mood to go to the coffee shop. "Jungkookie we are mentally tired after doing so much of summer home work that we can't even move" J-Hope hyung replied. "But I don't want to go" I whined. We argued on whome to send when suddenly Suga hyung came out of his room. "Will you guys just stop making noise and disturbing me , I was trying to sleep." He yelled. "Sorry hyung" we all said in unison. "Anyways what is all this fuss about?" He asked getting interested which was not likely him but who'd want to argue with Suga hyung, so we just told him the problem. "Aish just do rock paper scissors and who looses will go get the coffee." He said and we all agreed.

Suga hyung did not participate since he was too lazy and we didn't dare to ask him either. We played one round and well I ran out of my luck and I lost. So I had to go get them coffee thinking about it I sighed. I wore my shoes and was about to leave when Suga hyung said something " get me some coffee too" I just nodded without arguing and left.

I was so annoyed by my Hyungs but I couldn't do anything about it either so I decided to get them coffee. I walked in the coffee shop reading my email about my school work when suddenly someone bumped into me spilling the coffee all over me. 'Could this get any worse?' I thought to myself. I was about to yell at the person until I saw who it was. It was a girl who was a little shorter than me but not too short, with dark hair, she was wearing a face mask but she seemed kinda cute, she was pale and slim ,I was instantly attracted to her eyes. "Sorry, sorry I didn't see you" she quickly apologized to me. Her voice was very beautiful which made me forget all of my anger. "It's ok it was my fault as well, I didn't pay attention either." I said with a shy smile. She bowed to me and apologized again and I did the same. If it were someone else I would've probably yelled at that person but I don't know why I just couldn't yell at her. I saw her waving at someone. "I'll leave now and sorry once again" she said. "Ok no problem bye" I said and she left with a guy. I couldn't see his face clearly. I should've asked her for coffee cause clearly she was out of coffee or atleast I could've her name. I watched as she walked out of the shop and then I continued.

I took my order and went home with a huge smile on my face. I wasn't mad at the hyungs for sending me to get their coffee anymore, actually I was glad that they did. "Yah jungkook you seem very happy and what happened to your t-shirt?" Hobie Hyung asked. I wasn't in a mood to argue with them so I just told them what happened. As soon as I was done talking the room was filled with ooohs from the Hyungs and soon they all began to laugh making me turn tamato red. Shouldn't have ever told them.

Jin's P.O.V

We exited the shop with two of the shop people walking behind us helping us with the grocery bags. Soon the back seat of the car was filled completely and there was no space for the remaining bags. I asked Namjoon to unlock the trunk of the car and filled the trunk with the remaining bags. I thanked the shop people for their help. "Yah, Jin hyung did you get the banana milk for Jungkook?" Namjoon asked me that's when I lost it, he's not supposed to disrespect me and second my memory is not as bad that I'd forget Jungkook's banana milk." Yah Namjoon who told you that you could disrespect me? And yes I bought the banana milk for jungkook." I almost yelled turning a little red. Suddenly I heard the car trunk shut. Well I didn't even touch it, I don't know how it managed to shut on its own, probably one of the workers might've I thought  shrugging the thought as I sat in the driver seat with Namjoon besides me and started the car.

*Time skip to BTS house*

"Namjoon call others to help us with the bags and if they deny tell them they won't get food" I told Namjoon. He called I don't know who but conveyed my message. Soon the boys came down to help us. Well except Suga but it's ok I'll tell him to arrange the these in the kitchen later.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Jin hyung wanted our help so Namjoon called Hobie hyung to convey Jin hyung's message. Well we didn't have any choice but to help him so we all went to the garage which was in the basement. "Ok so Jungkook you are incharge of the bags that are in the trunk so take them to the kitchen while the rest of us will take the bags from the back seat. " Namjoon hyung directed us. We all agreed. I asked Jimin hyung to unlock the trunk. As I open the trunk my eyes widened in shock, I was shooked. "Hyung I told you to buy me food and not kidnap a girl. Why did you kidnap her?" I asked still shocked. "Aish what are you talking about we did not kidnap anyone" Jin hyung said while walking towards me. "Then what is she doing here?" I questioned again pointing at her. He looked at my expression and knew I wasn't kidding. All of them surrounded the backside of the car and everyone was in shock.

Author' note : sorry for uploading the chapter late.

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