Chp 33 - Last Detention

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Author's P.O.V

'Why would he help me out?' was all Ara could think about as she exited the cafeteria and followed her principal to her office. Her heart beating fast as she walked besides Jungkook whose gaze was low. She noticed Hana trying to hold Jungkook's hand but Jungkook shook it off many times. A chuckle left Ara's mouth unintentionally as she watched Hana's attempt to hold Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook looked at Ara in the eye. Both made an eye contact  for a few seconds. All Ara could see in Jungkook's black dove eyes was his pain and sadness. His eyes spoke more than she expected. She felt guilty and heartbroken to see her love suffering but she had to, she had to let go of him only to protect him at least that's what she thought. They entered the principal's office as the principal glared at them before speaking "this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated in this school" she began only to get cut off by Hana who was uttering lies. "I don't care who started this but all of you will have detention for a week" she said as she started writing something. Hana was getting calls from someone but before Ara couldn't find who it was Hana hid her phone, she wasn't using her regular phone but some new one making Ara suspicious. After the little meeting with the principal all of them left the room.

None of them could face eachother so they ended up bunking the classes. Having to spend time together after school had got them thinking. The day went by soon and the detention was was pretty awkward. The supervisor for the detention looked pretty grumpy and old. He was pale and had green hair, he seemed as if he didn't care. Everyone was pretty bored already. The class only consisted of Ara, Jungkook and Hana for detention.

*time skip*

Both Ara and Jungkook didn't talk to each other over the past few days because of the awkwardness between them. They would try to avoid eachother. Ara and Jungkook had similar days, their days would start with staring in the mirror and talking to themselves and their night would pass as they cried themselves to sleep. Seeing both of them like that no one could concentrate on anything.

It was Friday already and the last day for Jungkook's and Ara's detention. The sun rose waking both of them with puffy faces and red eyes. As usual they got ready and walked to school. The walk was silent and the school days seemed even more boring than usual. Ara and Jungkook would often bunk classes but luckily never get caught. Hana would always try to hit on Jungkook and Ara would always get jealous. The day passed by pretty quickly and it was time for their last detention.

Ara felt really bad and guilty while Jungkook was almost pissed at Hana for her clingy behaviour. Everyone was seated in their usual places. Ara couldn't keep her eyes off Jungkook since she missed him alot. She couldn't focus on anything but Jungkook. Jungkook was in the same condition, he couldn't focus on anything but Ara. He tried extremely hard to keep his eyes on the book he was reading and not look at Ara even after he felt her gaze on him.The supervisor had his eyes in a book not caring what was going around him, taking full advantage of this Hana walked towards Jungkook's desk and started flirting with him. The supervisor was too busy to care. Jungkook tried to shrug it off but Ara couldn't, she felt the stinging pain in her heart but she played it cool until she witnessed something she hoped she never did.

Hana knew Ara had feelings for Jungkook, she also knew that Ara was watching them so she pulled Jungkook into a kiss. Ara's eyes widened at the sight of it, tears trickled down her cheeks and she felt as if her heart was stabbed. She tried to hide her pain and control her tears but she couldn't. Hana intertwined her hand with Jungkook's. Before Jungkook could react Ara stood up and briskly walked out of the classroom. She couldn't care any less about the detention all she wanted was to run away.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was doing my work when Hana walked towards me. She pulled me in for a kiss which took me by surprise. Before I could react I heard some footsteps and sniffs which I assumed were of Ara's. I pushed Hana away from me as I stood up. I felt degusted to be kissed by her and it felt as if I cheated on Ara. I was about to run behind Ara when "why can't you love me? Why can't you be mine?" Hana asked whining as tears welled up her eyes. "Because I already love someone and my heart is already taken" I said smiling to myself making Hana's tears trickle down her cheek. "Well but she doesn't love you" Hana stated and I looked at her "oh no she does, more than you think Hana" I said smirking as I ran towards the direction where Ara ran. I was so sure now that she loves me, I just needed yo know the reason for her rejecting me.

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