Chp : 39 - Betrayed

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Ara's P.O.V

"JENNIE" I fairly yelled to which Hana laughed.

I kept staring at her with confusion written all over my face. She came closer to with a gun in her hand and a smirk on her face. "So how did you like our little surprise? " Mr. Cho asked smiling eye to eye. I was still confused and shocked seeing Jennie like that. I was brought back to reality when I heard my dad and Chen groan in pain. I turn back to see blood on the corner of Chen's lips while my dad was stumbling as he held his stomach tight. My dad seemed weaker than usual. The guards held them tightly making it difficult for them to move. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. "You deserve it" Jennie spoke before punching me again. "I never expected anything like that form you, Jennie" I replied after I regained my strength as the guards held me from the back. In response to what I said she just laughed. "I never wanted to do this Ara but you made me do it" she said as she threw another punch at me. I was even more confused now. "Me?" I questioned. "Yes you Ara" she spoke clenching her fist. For some reason I couldn't hit her, even if I wanted to I just couldn't. I still thought that she had some missunderstandings that were important to be cleared up. "What do you mean" I replied.

"Yuri just finishes her already" Hana said growing more and more impatient. "Y-Yuri?" I stuttered, was she the one spying on us the whole time?. It sounded cliché but it was the truth. The traitor was no other than Jennie or Yuri as her real name was. She threw another punch at me making my lip bleed. "Why?" I asked with the feeling of betrayal as I tasted my blood that was running down from my lips. "If you are expecting a emotional story then let me tell you it's not" she paused for a mere second before continuing. "Might sound cliché but It's the fact, like it or not. I was told to this job before I knew you more like blackmailed. The truth is, I wasn't Hana's best friend anymore, one day her father offered me this job but I denied it since I didn't want to get any blood on my hands but they blackmailed me into it. She bullied me like usual and you came to save me. I thought you were a nice peron.  Alternatively I developed feelings towards Chen. I decided to talk to you about all of this. The time we were at Jungkook's vacation house I was pretty sure it was the right time to tell you about it, about everything, about how Hana made me do all of this even when I didn't want to. I walked to your room to find Chen already sitting there. You wouldn't even know what it felt like Ara, I hoped I never saw what I did. My heart broke in two while I felt betrayed. I told you I liked Chen but you made a move on him. I felt nothing but hatred towards you. That's when I decided to accept the offer Mr. Cho had. You did not steal the one I loved but also the one Hana loved. And you expect what? To be happy forever? No and it doesn't end here. You are just the person who ruins everyone's life, Bts will be happy, once you and you're fake brother are gone forever" as her story proceeded the guards grip on my hand loosened taking advantage of this I cut off Yuri's sentence with an unexpected slap. My body had taken control over my brain. Yuri stumbled a little holding her freshly bruised cheek.

"You don't even know what happened Yuri" I fairly yelled. "Oh well I do, I know how you are cheating on Jungkook with Chen. I know how you did all of this just to hurt me. I know how you back bitched me whenever you were with Hana. You never wanted to be my friend so you insulted me behind my back" another slap was enough to shut Yuri but the guards caught my hands soon after. "You don't know Yuri, whatever Hana told you is nothing but lie. I thought of you as my friend and I never back bitched you" I said calming Yuri. I could tell that Hana was filling Yuri ears with lies but more surprisingly she believed Hana. "And you want me to believe that? I saw how Chen confessed to you Ara. I know" she said denying the fact. She had tears in her eyes. It was clear by now that whatever she did was just because of a missunderstanding, the ones that were deliberately created by Hana. "No you don't" I replied before receiving a punch from Hana. "Didn't I tell you to finish them? They are too annoying" she said before lading another punch on my cheek. "You want to kill us only because you want to hide the fact that you lied to Yuri" I replied pissing Hana off. She took out her Swiss knife and held it against my neck ready to kill me.

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