Chp : 28 - Gun shots

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Author's P.O.V

Everyone was preparing for the bonfire enthusiastically. Joy and laughter surrounded everyone. Ara helped everyone with the bonfire. She was internally disturbed about Chen's behavior, as well as Jennie's. Not to mention that Chen wanted to say something but couldn't, he was very hesitant. She didn't want to talk to him either since she didn't want to hurt him by rejecting him. Little did she know she was hurting him more by ignoring him and by keeping him hanging. Seeing her over-friendly behavior with Jungkook made Chen hate Jungkook even more. He blamed Jungkook for whatever was happening and would happen.

Most of the work for the bonfire was completed so everyone decided to take shower and cleanse themselves. After getting dressed and all cleaned up they sat in a circle while Namjoon lit the bonfire. The tinder in the yard was lit up and the flames rose boldly against the darkness of the night. Before the light of the large fire that was lit up in the yard, everyone's skin glowed to the shade of orange, yellow and red. It was warm and mesmerizing.

 It was warm and mesmerizing

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Everyone's eyes reflected joy and happiness except for Jennie's and Chen's

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Everyone's eyes reflected joy and happiness except for Jennie's and Chen's. Neither of them talked. Ara decided to enjoy the bonfire. The tantalizing waft and smell of the  barbequed beef cling onto everyone's nostrils, the delicious smell of food that was on the grill attracted everyone's attention. Everyone's mouth that were dry were now filled with water more than the ocean. Jin who was cooking was extremely proud and chuckled to see his friends  like this. The smell of the delicious food attracted everyone like a dog to the bone. All of them attacked the food and in no time it was over. All of them fetched themselves a clean stick to roast their marshmallows.

All of them were so engrossed in the beautiful sighting of the bonfire until Jimin spoke. "Let's play a little game" he said with a simper. Jimin once again was successful in grabbing everyone's attention. "What's the game about?" Taehyung spoke with enthusiasm. Jimin suddenly got up and ran inside the house. "I hope it's not some stupid game" Suga said annoyed to be disturbed. Jimin came out soon enough with some bottles. As soon as Suga saw the bottles his eyes went wide and he gave a gummy smile. "Whoa I didn't know Suga hyung had eyes" Taehyung joked earning laughter and a death glare from Suga. "What? How did you get these?" Ara asked trying to understand rubbing her eyes. "Hey Ara just drink it, why do you want to know? And we require it for the game" Jimin said handing Ara a bottle of soju. "So the game's called never have I ever" Jimin said only to hear groans from everyone. "Yeah no, that's not happening. It's the most annoying game ever" Suga said rolling his eyes taking a sip from his soju bottle. "Hey hyung" Jimin said while pouting.

"How about we spin the bottle and whoever it points at will have to sing or dance" Taehyung said with his usual box smile. "You guys are really boring, how do you manage to find such interesting ideas? You really are talented" Suga spoke sarcastically. Taehyung and Jimin rolled their eyes on what Suga said. "Let's just get drunk and sing" Taehyung suggested already gulping half of the soju. After a big discussion everyone ended on Namjoon's idea of horror stories. Ara was seated in between of Jungkook and Jimin. Since it was Namjoon's idea he began with the story. Ara being scared of anything that had to do with ghosts always clung onto Jungkook's arm tightly jerking his hand. Every time she held onto Jungkook's arm his hand would jerk resulting in soju spilling on him. Jimin taking advantage o this situation scared the hell out of Ara. She jumped in surprise due to which she spilled her soju on Jungkook. "Hey seriously, what's with you and spilling things on me huh?" Jungkook said slightly tugging his once perfectly dry shirt. "She wants you to take that shirt off kook" Jimin said with a notorious smirk. "n-n-no" Ara replied blushing real hard. "If you want it, you just have to ask Ara" Jungkook said poking Ara with his elbow. Everyone was so busy teasing each other that no one noticed Taehyung gulping down his second soju bottle. He grabbed one bottle and got up catching every one's attention. Everyone followed their gaze to where Taehyung was walking. He walked towards a tree and offered it the drink. "You *hiccup* might be *hiccup* lonely *hiccup* so I brought *hiccup* you a *hiccup*drink" he said in a drunk tone. Taehyung being a low tolerant of alcohol drank two bottles of soju and now was high. None of them could hold their laughter "is he assuming that the tree is a girl?" Jimin spoke still sober enough to grasp the situation.

When the tree didn't accept the drink Taehyung started losing his temper. "I'm trying *hiccup* to be a nice guy *hiccup* here and *hiccup* you wouldn't *hiccup* even speak*hiccup*. If you *hiccup* don't talk in 5 *hiccup* 4 3 *hiccup* 2 1 I *hiccup* will punch you. Well your time is up because *hiccup* I already *hiccup*counted and *hiccup*you didn't say *hiccup* anything *hiccup*" he said lifting his fist and ready to hit the tree. Everyone started laughing even harder at the drunken young man. Taehyung punched the tree only to bruise his fist. Jimin and Jungkook rushed to Taehyung and dragged him back to the bonfire even though he punched and kicked in air in an attempt to fight the tree. Ara was laughing so hard that there were tears at the brim of her eyes. While everyone was busy Chen grabbed Ara's arm and pulled her up.

She wiped the tears of joy that were tumbling down her cheek and gave Chen a 'what are you doing' look when he suddenly pulled her in the forest. "I wanted to talk to you Ara and its very important" he said grabbing her arm more tightly and still dragging her a little far away from the camp fire. "Yah what are you doing? And if you want to talk about yesterday I need time" she said struggling to free herself from Chen's grip. "It's not that, it's about Jennie and you have to listen to me" Chen commamded. "Fine" Ara agreed stopping the entire struggle. "All the time her and I were handcuffed together she was continuously texting someone. I don't know who though. Once we reached the cliff she got a call and excused herself. Once she returned we were discussing about the plans and I felt as if she was recording us" he said letting go of her arm. "So? What are you trying to imply?" Ara reasoned. "As much as I hate to say it, I don't think we should be suspecting Jungkook anymore or any other BTS member *sigh* I think it's Jennie" he spoke while Ara's rage was slowly growing. "Are you ok? You are telling me Jennie is informing Hana? What's wrong with you? How can she be the one when Hana used to bully her? Why will she do it?" Ara said letting out her frustration and anger at which Chen sighed. "See I can" but before Chen could finish he heard a gunshot. Before any of them could grasp the situation another gunshot was heard followed by footsteps and men yelling. "Where are they?" a hoarse voice yelled. A sound of someone hitting some flesh was heard followed by someone wincing in pain. "We are not here to hurt you, just tell us where they are or we will have to kill you" said another unfamiliar voice. "We'll anyways have to kill all of you since y'all have seen our faces and we do not leave suspects, so tell us and we might give you a quick death" said another followed by another gunshot and someone groaning in pain.   

Author's note : hey guys, I know I said I won't be uploading today but I uploaded it anyways 😅😅. I thought I won't have internet here but gladly I do so I decided to post. I know the chapter is way to small but please bare with it😅😅.

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