Chp 44 : Remember Me?

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I was waiting at the coffee table at Mrs. Byun's coffee shop. Don't even get me started on how I ended up coming here.

*Flash back*

"Ok, what do you want me to do?" I asked Jimin hyung who was standing in front of me. "Let me start from...ummm.. remember Taehyung handed me a bag this morning? Well I had to deliver it to his best friend but I'm really super busy and so I am giving you this opportunity to help your hyung by delivering the bag for him" he said in one breath. I looked and him and shook my head. He is some hyung, I thought before agreeing. Jimin hyung handed me the bag and the address. Surprisingly it was close to my house and the friend Jimin was talking about was my childhood friend. Though we didn't talk as much as him and Taehyung hyung did, we still did know eachother. I dropped my bags home and decided to first deliver the bag that Jimin hyung handed me at the airport. As I walked towards the cafe, an elderly woman stood there with a warm smile. "You must be Jungkook? Jimin just called a few minutes ago saying you were going to come instead of him" she smiled. "Yeah, I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you" I greeted bowing 90 degrees. "What a lovely boy, let me take you inside" she said as she began walking.

We took a seat at a table near the window. It was very cosy and comfortable there. But I had this weird feeling. My heart was racing fast and I was getting nervous. Probably because I haven't seen Baekhyun in a while. My gaze suddenly fell on the female Barista. She felt fimiliar. I couldn't make out who she was since she was pretty far. But for some reason I felt as if I knew her. Mrs. Byun and I had a short chat but I couldn't really concentrate on what she was talking because of the Barista. "You must be hungry, I'll order you a drink and call Baekhyun" she said after realising that I wasn't paying attention to her speaking. She got up as I rubbed the nape of my neck. "Thanks" I spoke bowing a little. She smiled back and left. As soon as she left my phone vibrated.

Weird hyung 👽: Jungkook-ah I'm sorry you had to deliver the parcel, but did you deliver it yet??

Me : onto it

Weird hyung 👽 : thank you Jungkook. I love you soooooo much❤❤❤👽

Me : sure sure😂😂

As I was texting my hyung I felt something warm on my t-shirt. I soon realised it was coffee on my favourite t-shirt. "Aish not again" I spoke looking at the t-shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll get it cleaned" a fimiliar voice spoke. I looked up to see the girl I've been trying to forget.

*Present time*

"Ara" I spoke out of complete astonishment. "Huh?" She replied with a confused look plastered on her face. "I'm so sorry" she said as she managed to get some tissue trying to wipe the stain. "It's fine I'll do it Ara" I spoke taking the tissue from her hand. I didn't know how to feel, was I angry? Was I happy? But surely am confused. She still had that confused face. "Excuse me?" She spoke. Did she really not remember me? How can she forget me. My eyes filled with tears but I managed to keep them there. "Oh my god y/n" a motherly voice spoke. "I'm sorry Jungkook for this and y/n we need to talk" Mrs. Byun said looking at Ara. "Y/n?" I whispered. "It's ok Mrs. Byun it wasn't her fault, I spilled it over myself" I defended Ara for I don't know what reason. She looked at me and was as surprised as Mrs. Byun. "Oh my bad, Baekhyun will be here any minute, Y/n please help Jungkook with the stain " she said smiling and left. "Thank you so much for saving me or I would've lost this job" she said before clumsly rubbing the stain. "I don't know how to return this favour,I'm really thankful" she said still rubbing the stain. I held her hand and she looked at me. Her eyes were sparkling like they used to sparkle before. She probably had a new haircut since her hair were a little shorter with a different colour. I realised I was staring at her for too long so I diverted my gaze. "I'll do it myself and talking about the favour I did on you, you'll have to repay me" I spoke with a smirk. Our eyes contacted and I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. "What?" She asked backing off a little. "How about dinner tomorrow?" I spoke with a smile. "I don't even know you" she replied uncomfortably. My heart sunk after hearing that. She didn't remember me, I sighed. "I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" I said forwarding my hand for a hand shake. "Y/l/n Y/n" she replied. Y/n? Huh? Her name's Ara isn't it? I was so confused but I decided to shurg it off. "Ooh, umm here's my number and see you tomorrow" I said as I handed her a paper with my number. "Don't leak it, it's precious" I whispered in her ear which made her all pink. I chuckled at her reaction. She chuckled back uncomfortably and was about to leave when someone wrapped arms around her waist like I used to do.

She jumped a little bit but soon calmed down after knowing who it was. "Jungkook-ah so you already met my girlfriend huh?" Baekhyun said smiling. Girlfriend? Did I miss something? I was on the verge of crying as I heard my heart breaking into thousand small pieces. I couldn't stay there anymore so I just got up ready to leave. I handed him the bag and left without another word. All of them had their eyes on me....I didn't see it but I could feel it. And that's how bad my day was...

Y/n's P.O.V

This guy here was oldly fimiliar. Jungkook his name, it made my heart race when I heard it. Did I fall for him or something? Like maybe love at first sight. Maybe not, it's not possible. All these thoughts rushed through my mind while Jungkook sat there cleaning his stained t-shirt. He gave me a piece of paper with his name number on it before whispering something. I didn't excatly here what he was saying because of the closeness. He was dangerously close to me as he happily invaded my personal space. I could tell I was turning red. One more second and I would've been a tomato. I don't know why I was acting like this all of a sudden. Like usually I would just push the person or maybe fire back at him for being flirty. But this was different, more like he was different.

I was about to leave when someone hugged me from behind. I jumped at the sudden touch but calmed down after realising it was Baekhyun. "Jungkook-ah so you already met my girlfriend huh?" He said and I gave him a glare. Jungkook looked at us and then he kept his head low. He gave the bag to Baekhyun and just walked away, without saying a word, without a Bye. My heart sunk at every step he took. But I just stayed there looking at him not knowing what to do.

*Time skip*

Today was pretty weird. First Jungkook and now all these customers who kept talking about him and asking me if he was here. It annoyed me so much. I couldn't get him off my mind. Did I know him? Who is he? Was all I could think. I used all my brain cells to think if I knew him. My head started paining at this point. My vision blurred and before I could do anything everything blacked out.


Author's note : hey guys...I'm back. I know I took a little too long to upload a new chapter and I probably think it's not all that good either. I'm so sorry for that. I was really busy with high school and festival here. Ganpati festival just got over a few weeks ago and it's Navratri already. So i was really busy and stuff. Anyways happy Dussehra everyone ✌✌✌. I'll try to upload next chapter asap. Thanks for everyone who voted the chapter and thanks for reading. Hope you r enjoying the story till now.

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