Chp : 41 - Concussion

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Jungkook's P.O.V

It took awhile to process what had happened. I looked at Hana who went running to her almost dead father as they whispered something. My attention diverted to Ara who was slowly falling down. Her head was a bloody mess. Before she could fall down and get hurt I ran towards her as I held her in my arms. I was scared of loosing her.

"We'll have to go Kook, the place will blast any moment now" Namjoon hyung said slightly pulling me towards the exit. I picked Ara up in my arms trying to control my tears. "Hold in there, don't leave me" I whispered before walking behind the hyungs.

*Time skip*

After walking out of the woods Jin hyung managed to get us a car. We went to the nearby hospital with Ara and her dad for the first aid. The car ride was silent with me trying to control the urge if crying. I couldn't afford to loose Ara since I loved her more than anything, while others trying to confront me.

As soon as we got to the nearest hospital I rushed inside with Ara in my arms trying to find a doctor while hyungs filled the required forms. Her blood wouldn't stop flowing which worried me. The doctors told me to leave Ara on the stretcher. In middle of all this fuss I forgot how tired I actually was with all the fighting. As soon as I placed Ara on the stretcher I collapsed on the ground having no strength to get up. My heart raced at an unbelievable speed when they strated taking her to the ICU.

Seeing me on the floor all the hyungs ran towards me helping me get back up. My vision started to blur as I couldn't hold in my tears. I don't remember what happened next but I think I passed out. The next thing I remember is waking up a white room. "You need to take care of yourself Mr. Jeon. You will need to rest for atleast a week and we are going to keep you under observation" a man in long white coat which I assumed to be the doctor spoke as he noted something on the papers he was carrying.

"We'll give you a discharge in a few days, for now all you need to do is rest" the man in the white coat said with the warmest smile. I smiled back and nodded in agreement. I was lying on the hospital bed thinking about Ara. I missed her so much right now. Suddenly the door opened revealing my hyungs. I gave them my warmest possible smile as they entered the room. "How is Ara?" Was the first question I asked. "Ummm... She'll be fine" Namjoon hyung said sitting besides me. We talked for sometime but it wasn't like usual. Something was off about them. All of them acted weird, and wouldn't answer questions about Ara. I decided to shrug it off since I'll go and see her when I get discharged. I didn't realise when I fell asleep while talking to the hyungs.

*Discharge day*

I woke up the next morning panting for air. I got the most weirdest dream ever. The doctors got in with some papers. "You need to sign here Mr. Jeon" he said as I signed on the document. "Now you're good to go but don't forget to take care of yourself" he said with a smile and left the room. That is when I realised I was going to get the discharge today and could finally meet Ara. Namjoon hyung got me some clean pair of clothes as I quickly changed into them as I threw random questions about Ara at Namjoon hyung.

*Time skip*

I was currently getting ready and checking myself in the mirror. Ofcourse I wanted to look presentable, after all I'm going to meet her after a whole week. "Hyung do I look.." I was about to ask Namjoon hyung when he answered being completely annoyed "you look great Jungkook. How many more times do you want me to tell you that?". I rubbed the nape of my neck with a sheepish smile "sorry" I spoke. Namjoon hyung sighed and walked towards me. "Kook I've got to tell you something important" he said placing his hand on my shoulder. "Nothing can be as important as Ara, so tell me later because now I'm not going to listen to you" I said giggling as I dashed out of the room and walked towards Ara's, ignoring everything Namjoon hyung was saying. I pushed the door open and my eyes couldn't be more wide.

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