Chp : 35 - Unexpected

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'Ara I never thought someone like you could be a spy but you proved me wrong. Seems like the organisation didn't have many agents so they sent a kid to face me isn't it funny? Anyways jokes apart, let's get to the business, you couldn't hide your little spy secret or maybe I was just smart enough to find out about it but guess what I want to meet you and your fake brother...... get to the given address tonight at 8'

Ara checked her phone and it was past 8. The texted that arrived was not a normal message but a threat.

'you never showed up Ara, did I scare you? Probably you just ignored the letter which you shouldn't have. As you know I get what I want and soon I'll make you and your stupid little brother come here. I'm going to have to take matter in my own hands which for you might not be good. See you soon'

"what is it?" Jungkook asked trying to snatch the letter but Ara was quick enough to not let that happen. "nothing, not something we should worry about" Ara said as she kept the letter aside and sat on the bed thinking what to do. She never noticed the letter and now something bad would happen. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jungkook jumped on Ara's bed. "tell me" he said as he shook Ara. "Hey, stop" Ara spoke trying to stop Jungkook from shaking her. "then tell me" he said grinning at Ara as he stopped shaking her. "it says" Ara replied moving away from Jungkook before saying "you are dumb, I'm not telling you" she whispered before running around her room like a five year old with Jungkook chasing her. "Hey, I'm not letting you go. If it's some secret admirer trust me I'm going to break his bones because I don't like sharing" Jungkook said chasing Ara. After hearing what Jungkook said Ara was caught off guard due to which she slowed down. Jungkook's one arm snaked around Ara's waist as he picked her up and threw her on her bed and began tickling her.

"please stop kookie" Ara pleaded squirming as Jungkook tickled her. "who's dumb now huh? Tell me who's dumb?" Jungkook chuckled. "you" Ara said as she started tickling Jungkook. both of them were a giggling mess. They stopped with the tickling and fell asleep cuddling with eachother.

The next morning something unexpected happened. Both of them were wrapped up in blankets and in each other's warm embrace. They were sleeping soundly until a coughing sound woke them up. "Ara wake up before the breakfast cools down" Chen said, Ara tried opening her eyes. She hummed in response as she tried getting up from her bed but couldn't. Something pulled her down "stay" Jungkook said hugging her tightly. "Umm...I'll leave..yeah I'll leave" Chen said as he rushed out of the door trying to not feel the pain. He just wanted to wake Ara up with breakfast in bed and talk to her and make her laugh, but his plan was ruined since Jungkook was there with her already. He left the plate on the table for Ara and went downstairs. He had to stick to his decision so he decided to go for a walk to take his mind off them. He left a note for Ara and he quickly exited the house.

Ara tried getting up again as the  fregrance of food made her stomach growl in hunger. Again Jungkook  pulled her "I said stay" he said in his morning voice. "How long" Ara asked trying to get up again. "Forever" Jungkook replied hugging her more tight. "Forever is a long time" Ara said smirking "I don't mind if it means I get to spend time with you" Jungkook replied grinning. "Too cheesy" Ara whined followed by a laugh. Taking advantage of this Jungkook hugged Ara tightly pulling her back to bed. He couldn't keep his eyes off Ara's perfect face. Her eyes, her nose and her kissable lips made him admire her even more. He thought she was perfect but little did he know that not everyone is perfect and Ara did have flaws.

"Stop staring" Ara whined. "I'm not staring" Jungkook defended "yea, you are" she said as she brought her finger closer to Jungkook's face. "boop" she chuckled . Jungkook held Ara's cute fluffy hand and pulled her close. They looked into eachother's eyes, their noses were touching and both of them were resisting the urge to kiss the other. Ara couldn't resist anymore, she crashed her lips onto Jungkook's. The kiss was slow and passionate. Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at Ara "you're beautiful" he said as he kissed her forehead. Ara instructively blushed and Jungkook pinched her cheeks. "We are going to go to watch a movie be ready... I'll see you bye" he said as he jumped out if the bed and left Ara's room.

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