1-The Runts Life

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"I'm not a fucking runt!"The poor blonde haired boy yelled trying push past the group of betas.

"Of course you are.Your a cute little omega runt."One of the light haired betas started squeezing his cheeks.

The small boy fought the urge to bare his neck to the dominant because he knew it'll only make the situation worse for him.

"Get out of my way you fucking delinquent."He pushed the beta as hard as he could but he wouldn't budge.

The dominants came closer and hovered above the small omega who tried so hard not to submit to them.Except he glared up at them.They were a lot taller than him which made it even harder.

"Don't ever push me again,do you understand?" The beta he had pushed grabbed Yoongi by his neck and growled.

Yoongi couldn't handle it anymore.The dominance over powered him as his wolf screamed at him to surrender his neck.In which he did.He gulped and lolled his head to the side,showing a clear view of his pale neck.

The beta smirked and was about to bite into his neck when a voice stopped them.

"Don't do it!"A loud deep voice came from behind them making them all swing their head to see who it was.

Yoongi already knew who it was but he was still trembling in fear.The beta frowned and grabbed Yoongi's hair.

"Look at him Jungkook.He's basically asking for it."The beta looked at Yoongi's face that was covered in a red shade.He was scared and he didn't mind showing it.

"He's scared!Just let him go Jackson. You're being annoying again."Jungkook growled walking towards the boys.

The beta assumed Jungkook was stronger than him so he just 'tsk'd and walked away will his pack mates following.

"I can't take this anymore....I hate being an omega...I hate it!!"Yoongi cried and ran over to hug Jungkooks waist and bury his face in his chest.

Jungkooks was taken back by the action but recovered quickly and hugged him back.

"It's okay...you're okay...."He whispered soft words into the omegas ear trying to calm him.

This was everyday for the omega.Ever since he got into middle school,this sexual harassment has gotten worse in high school.

Everyday he didn't go a day without being catcalled,touched or someone trying to hook up with him,but that wasn't the worst part.

He would get bullied so much that he couldn't take it anymore.He's been called runt,weak,useless and more.He is basically known for being the schools runt because he is smaller than a normal omega.

He shows this"I'm a tough runt,don't mess with me" act so he doesn't get bullied as much but it doesn't seem to work.He is so used to using that act it's now a part of his personality.

This doesn't mean he can't protect himself though.He has a tactic that he uses to protect himself...Listen(read)carefully...he kicks their balls and runs.It works a lot of time and it's has been keeping him alive to the least.

Most of his bully's are boys so this is perfect.The girls don't really bully him it's the opposite actually.The baby him and treat him like their own child.Its useful sometimes but other times it's annoying.

This is the life of the of the small and petite Min Yoongi the stubborn runt.Hopefully he finds his mate soon....

The Stubborn Runt | Yoonmin | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now