17- Im Telling The Truth

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  "Yoongi...Yoongi wake up." Jimin whispered lightly taping Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi groaned and sunk further into the mattress covering himself with the blanket. Jimin chuckled, he wanted to let him sleep more but they had school and he knew Yoongi wouldn't want to be late.

"Princess school starts in 3 minutes" He lies trying to get Yoongi worried enough to wake up. And it worked. Yoongi gasped and stood up too quickly that it made him dizzy. Jimin noticed it and rushed over to Yoongi and caught him before he hit the ground. "Princess slow down I was only joking." Jimin chuckled as he held Yoongi waist tightly.

"Ugh!!" Yoongi yelled and pushed Jimin away harshly. Yoongi hates being woken up especially if he doesn't need to. "Why would you wake me up then?!! I hate you!!" Yoongi hit Jimin's chest one more time and stomped out of the theater room.

'Is he on his period or something??' Jimin thought. He shook his head and began cleaning up the pillows and blankets before Yoongi called out to him. "Jimin...where's the bathroom." He mumbled peeking his head at the side of the door frame. Jimin "uwu" ed at the sudden cuteness overload.


"Follow me Princess" he grabbed Yoongi hand and led him to the bathroom. Yoongi looked at their locked hands and blushed. He was always weak to holding someone's hands especially his mate's.

"Here it is...you need help with anything like taking off you clothe don't hesitate to call m-" he started "shut up! Go away perv." Yoongi cut him off and stomped into the bathroom slamming it shut.


Jimin drove them to school in a rush because they already pissed a whole period. They got out the red Porsche and Yoongi was trying hurry inside the school but Jimin stopped him by grabbing his arm and pulling him to his chest. "Slow down princess, let's walk in together." He said in a flirty way leaving wet kisses on Yoongi's neck. Jimin had no intention of going into the school, he just wanted to cuddle with Yoongi and blow his brains out.

"Jimin we're already like 2 hours late!! We don't have time for this!" Yoongi insisted dragging Jimin into the school. Jimin groaned but followed either way.


Yoongi Pov

I actually made it to 2nd period on time surprisingly. I walked in and I could feel everyone's stares on me. What is it now?
I rolled my eyes and sat down waiting for the teacher to come in.

A few minutes later everyone was still staring at me. I've had enough of this.

"What are you guys staring at!? Can I get my face back!?" I yelled slamming my hand on the desk. I swear these guys get annoying every day. They all turned around but didn't seem bothered probably thinking I'm just a weak omega.

"Ohh so you think you can boss now cause you have an alpha mate now huh?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned my head around and met eyes with one of my worst bullies.

Jay Park.

He was a beta from a big and famous pack called "JYP" His pack had a big rivalry against mine.

  "Leave me alone! I'm already annoyed enough" I exclaimed and tried to sit down but before I could he grabbed my hair and pulled me back against his chest.  I cried out and by now everyone was just staring at me and not doing anything about. Fake ass hoes.

He threw me and I hit the ground with a small groan. He hovered above me and tried to grab me but suddenly another hand grabbed his before he could get to me.

  I gasped as I saw Taehyung grabbing Jay's hand tightly looking straight into my eyes. What the actual fuck is going on?  "Yoongi I need to talk to you." Taehyung said not even acknowledging the fact that Jay was fighting to get out of the tight grip.

"I-I-" I couldn't put my words together considering I was still trying to comprehend the situation. Soo....Jay was trying to beat me and umm Taehyung walked in and he is asking me to go talk to him while also having j-

"Yoongi! Snap out of it! I need to talk to you it's urgent." Taehyung deep voice knocked me out of my thoughts.

"I told you to stay away from him!.....this is for your own good" Jimin's words suddenly rang in my head.

"I c-can't...please leave me alone," I mumbled and walked out of the classroom ignoring the fact that Taehyung was chasing after me after letting Jay go.

"Wait Yoongi!? What's wrong, I thought you trusted me?"

  Ignore him, ignore him! Ignore him Yoongi!

"I told you to stay away from him Yoongi! Why must you always disobey me?! This for your own good Yoongi!"

Sigh...I don't know but this feeling of not wanting to disobey Jimin is urging me to just run away from Taehyung but my curiosity is killing me!!

"Yoongi!!" Taehyungs deep voice roared through the halls as he grabbed my waist and pulled me back.I squeaked and shut my eyes tight afraid that he was going to hit me..but don't I trust him? I'm supposed to trust him right?

"I'm not gonna hit you! Why are you running away from me I thought we were cool?" Taehyung squeezed my waist tightly as he spoke with worry in his voice.  I turned away too ashamed to look him in the eyes. "I-I g-go-t to-t-t..-i ca-nt" I just couldn't form words! "Yoongi speak clearly....why are you running away from me?" He let go of my waist grabbing my chin and making me look up at him. He clearly looked stressed but who cares right? He's not my mate...

  I sighed and smacked his hand away beginning to speak "Jimin told me not to be around and that everything you said was a l-lie..." I spoke with a straight expression looking him directly in his eyes. "What? Seriously? Even after everything I told you, you still think I'm lying!? Yoongi you can't trust him!" "Then who should I trust!? He's my mate! You are just my friends mate! You realize that right? Why are you so caught up on it anyway? Jimin was right, you just want revenge for what he did to you!" I yelled in his face as I panted hard. I stomped away with shaking fingers.

  I don't why but hearing him say that I can't trust my mate got me angry. I can trust Jimin....right?

3rd Pov

 While Taehyung and Jimin were arguing, someone was in the sidelines watching....not listening but watching..

  "but Taehyung is my mate...why is touching Yoongi like that...his my mate...my Taehyungie...Why does it always have to Yoongi? Always Yoongi!!! Taehyungie is  MINE!!" Jungkook thought his face turning red from anger and jealousy.

  He had to get rid of Yoongi somehow..even if he's his best friend....his mate always came first.


 IM BACK HOES!!! IM BACK AND THRIVING.. The exams went better than I expected but i got through, i managed to finish a whole science fair project in one week considering i procrastinated a whole 2 months for it but EVERYTHING went well and its winter break also expect some more updates LUV YOU!!!!!

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