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I feel like this book is more Taekook than Yoonmin right?


"Dad forget about it, we've lost." Taehyung mumbled running his hand through his hair.

"Taehyung how could you give up so easily? After everything you've be-" his father started "Jungkook was my everything!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs but Mr. Kim didn't even flinch.

"He's gone now!!...I'm done, okay? I'm done." He trailed off feelings tears in his eyes.

Taehyung was bein pressured and he couldn't handle. His mate just beat the shit out of him and didn't have the will to keep going but of course his father had other plans.

"You fucking pussy, I knew I should've had someone else do it. You're fucking useless." His father spat. It hurt Taehyung that he disappointed his father but honestly nothing could hurt more than his mate leaving him.

He missed Jungkook so much it was making him go insane. He regretted everything, if only he could turn back time but too bad he fucked it up.

"I guess I'll have to do this on my own." Mr Kim said and Taehyung froze. He whipped his head around fast and was hit directly in the eye with a thick wooden stick. He let out a loud groan as he fell backwards holding his eye.

"D-da-" Mr. Kim stepped on Taehyungs elbow hard erupting a loud scream from Taehyung. "Pathetic!! I swear to god!" Mr.Kim hysterically laughed.

"I'm going to have Yoongi and you won't stop me..," He smirked walking away leaving Taehyung there completely vulnerable. "Maybe even Jungkook." He laughed and Taehyung's first instinct was to stop Mr .kim so he did.

He grabbed Mr. Kim's ankle with all the strength his had left and pull him back. Mr. Kim looked down at him as if he was a roach and scoffed kicking Taehyung's face one last time before walking away.

Taehyung lay there completely useless and regretting everything. He want to end everything because he had lost his everything but he couldn't end it now, Jungkook was in danger.

"Jungkookie..." he whispered softly slowly slipping into into unconsciousness.

"T-Taehyung?" A voice rang in his head and that instantly made him open his eyes. He sat up groaning in pain. Jungkook was mind-linking him. "Jungkook!? Jungkook baby." He said and heard Jungkook cry which hurt his heart.

"Baby please don't cry. Please tell me where you are, Mr. Kim is com-" He started "N-no, you're gonna h-hurt me again." Jungkook sniffed and the mind-Link was gone.

Taehyung shook his head in fear. "No...no no no." He had no way in finding Jungkook now!

"Calm down." His voice spoke. "His wolf is telling me where they are..."

And so Taehyung started his journey....


"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" Jimin growled at Taehyung and pulled Yoongi away from the door and to his side.

Taehyung looked down sadly. "Jimin I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I know what I did was bad bu-" "No what you did was despicable." Jimin spat and Taehyung froze.

"Yes-yes despicable but please, you guys need to leave right now...please keep Jungkook safe..Mr.Kim is coming for you Yoongi, you have to believe me."

Jimin pulled Yoongi closer protectively "Even if what your saying is true, Jungkook is not our problem. Protect him yourself." Jimin said with furrowed eyebrows.

Taehyung held the urge to cry right then and there. He clenched his fists. "Please, I don't deserve him and I shouldn't get the right to even be anywhere near him...please this is all I'm asking for." He begged looking down.

"That's your prob-" Jimin stopped when he smelt something so irresistible that made this hormones rage. He looked at Yoongi and saw he had wide bulging eyes and was holding onto his stomach for his dear life. His face was completely red.

"Yoongi what's wro-"
"J-Jimin pleas-." They we're both cut off when they heard a blood curdling scream from Jungkook upstairs. Taehyung lifted his head instantly and suddenly felt a rush of strength. "Jungkook!" He cried and ran upstairs.

Jimin couldn't care less when he saw Yoongi slowly lose his balance and whimper in pain. "Yoongi what's wrong princess." He held Yoongi softly. Yoongi was blazing hot feeling soft liquid leak out of his hole.

"W-we have- ah!- to h-help J-Jungkook." He whimpered trying to his best to stand up straight and he actually managed. "No no princess, that's his problem not ours we d-"

"No! Jungkook's my Bestfriend I have to help him!" He pushed Jimin away and raced after Taehyung. The room was empty the window was open wide and he jumped knowing it wasn't that far off the ground. He ignored all the pain he was feeling in his lower stomach and the slick pouring out of his hole.

"T-Taehyung!! Please!" Jungkook voice called and Yoongi followed it and it led him to what seemed like a battlefield. There was 4 alphas wolves standing side by side right in front of Taehyungs giant wolf. They were growling and hissing at each other as if communicating.

Yoongi trembled at the amount of dominance that was oozing from the whole situation. He looked behind all that and saw Jungkook cry out as he was roughly bit in the leg by the wolf and carried off. Taehyung let out a loud growl and Yoongi gasped ,his heart beating fast.

He tried to run after him but a heard a loud deep growl from behind himself. He fell to the ground submissively and saw Jimin's grey wolf walking towards him menacingly and Yoongi cowered away.

"J-Jimin p-please help him." Yoongi said softly pointing to Taehyung who was trying to fight off 4 wolves at once, he was winning even though he was injured. All for Jungkook.

"No we're going back, you're going in heat and we can't have you around others" Jimin mind linked. "Jimin please!! I'm fine!! Just please help him!!" Yoongi cried tears gushing down his face. The tears were out of the amount of pain he was feeling and he just really didn't want anything to happen to Jungkook.

Jimin's wolf stared at him for a moment before joining the fight with an eye roll.

"Go save Jungkook, I'll hold them off." Jimin said to Taehyung who nodded and went to save Jungkook.

Taehyungs wolf ran through the woods sniffing around to find Jungkook's scent. He was scared shitless, he already fucked up everything he couldn't let Jungkook get hurt anymore.

Meanwhile Jimin didn't break a single sweat fighting off the four wolves, Taehyung only struggled because he was injured to begin with. Jimin already knocked out 2, 2 more to go. Jimin jumped on top of the wolf and began scratching at him with thick sharp claws drawing blood from the other wolf.

"No!! Get away from me!" Yoongi cried out and Jimin instantly ran over there and bit the wolf's leg breaking it. Jimin had finished all of them off and looked over at Yoongi. He a had a big bloody claw mark going down his calf. He started crying.


Taehyung searched and sniffed everywhere to find Jungkook but there wasn't a single sight of him. He whimpered in sadness, he had lost him once again.

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