43- WHAT!?

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Jimin ran all the way back and when he barged in, he saw Taehyung had once again been caught by at least 25 men as he growled and barked at Mr Kim.

Jimin was thinking. He couldn't shift and beat the shit out of everyone, I mean yeah he could but that plan wasn't stable enough. He had to get Taehyung to see him or something-let Taehyung know he was there. But how?

Mr Kim's back was facing Jimin while Taehyung was been held down right in front of him.

Jimin bit his lip and thought. Taehyung was obviously raging, he could sense the negative energy. He couldn't let Taehyung snap like before, he was going to communicate to without actually talking to him.

Then he remembered, Taehyungs mother was deaf so Taehyung had to learn sign language and he always taught Jimin even though Jimin wasn't interested. Jimin kind of knew what he was doing.

Jimin crouched down and stealthy crawled over a bit closer so Taehyung might be able to see him better. The men that were holding Taehyung were all looking down completely drained but using every last drop of strength they had.

Now, time to get Taehyungs attention. Jimin waved his arms in the air. Didn't work. Jimin wiggled his arms around. Didn't work.

Soon enough Jimin had stopped trying. Why the fuck wasn't this man looking at him.Jimin then realized he had his phone in his back pocket. Jimin jumped up in excitement and pulled it out.

He was going to use the flash to get his attention. It might be risky because it also gain Mr. Kim's attention. He turned the flash on but on the lowest level so it wasn't that bright.

He lifted his phone up and waved it slowly. He waved it left and right very slowly. Taehyung wasn't noticing him so he was getting really impatient.

What could Mr.Kim be saying that is so important, but it probably isn't that. Taehyung was just blinded by all the rage.

Jimin impatiently turned the brightness up fully and put it back up in the air. He started waving it. Taehyung eyes finally moved to the light and Jimin stopped.

Taehyung squinted his eyes confused and without wasting any time Jimin started signing to him.

"Jungkook's safe." Jimin sighed and saw Taehyung instantly relax but not completely.

do anything stupid, I've got a plan...." Jimin sighed knowing Taehyung would go ahead and do something dumb if he didn't tell him not to.

Jimin saw Mr.Kim slowly turn his head around to see what Taehyung was staring at but there was nothing. Jimin was fast enough to hide behind a pillar breathing heavily.

He heard Mr.Kim laugh loudly and peeked behind the pillar and saw he had turned over. Jimin sighed a relief and crawled back over. He saw Taehyung already looking at him so he just continued knowing he had to get this over.

"Relax, then those guys will put less effort into holding you. You'll be able to get out." Jimin signed and Taehyung widened his eyes.

Of course. That was perfect. He saw completely relax and the men let out a sigh slowly letting their muscles loose. They were loosing up too much. They looked up and Jimin gasped.

One of the men widen their eyes and pointed at Jimin. "Mr Kim there's a boy right the-"

Before he could finish Taehyung broke loose and bit the guys leg hard drawing blood through his black trousers. He started ripping their limbs viciously. He knew exactly what he was doing, before he was fighting out of complete anger but now he being tactically.

Mr Kim watched in horror, his eyes wide behind his glasses. He took a step back, he was terrified. Before he had an advantage over Taehyung but now...he didn't know what to do.

He let out a scream as he saw the bloody mess Taehyung made with his mess. His fur was plastered to blood and his sharp teeth were dripping blood as he watched Mr. Kim with dark red eyes.

Mr. Kim gave up everything and turned around to run but what stopped him had him freeze. Jimin stood there with an evil smirk.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Jimin asked sinisterly walking towards Mr Kim who was fearfully backing up.

"P-Park Jim-"

"You're the guy that beat Yoongi, WHAT FUCKING RIGHT DID YOU HAVE?!"Jimin screamed getting into his face. Taehyung had shifted back and was just watching.

"Look- please forgive me! I know I did wrong..I just-" Mr.Kim pleaded desperately and Jimin scoffed. "Why the fuck should I forgive you." Jimin growled.

Mr.Kim looked down as if thinking about what to say. Then he smirked...such an evil smirk. What was he thinking? Smirking like a crazy man when Jimin was literally about to rip his head off. He started laughing like a maniac and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

It was as if he didn't have anything to live for anymore, he had completed everything he needed to do. Then suddenly he stopped. He Jimin straight in the eyes with the most careless gaze, then he yelled.


Jimin eyes widen and so did Taehyung's. Before he could finish-

His head flew....Jimin had completely ripped his head off and threw it with. And without a word Jimin walked out. Taehyung awkwardly followed behind.

Nothing could explain what Jimin could feeling, bug Taehyung could feel all the negative menacingly aura. Taehyung just looked away and then Jimin went into a room grabbing a blanket and throwing it at Taehyung.

Taehyung knew he wanted him to cover up so he just wrapped himself in the blanket. "I'm sorry." Jimin mumbled and Taehyung raised his eyebrow. "Wh-"

"For driving you're mate to suicide." Jimin said, and Taehyung just chuckled. "Nah it's cool...I've realized I have such an amazing mate right....he is my second chance at..everything." Taehyung said love-strucked.

Jimin hummed and Taehyung sighed. "I'm sorry too...what I did was out of line...but my dad kinda-"

"It's alright." Jimin mumbled when they made it outside. "We're going to mine, that's where they're both are." Jimin said and pulled out his phone. Taehyung hummed knowing he was probably calling a taxi or something.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and saw Jimin looked broken...not mad but betrayed like someone just stabbed his back. Taehyung felt nothing but he knew what he was feeling.

I mean someone just told him that his mate was the best fuck they've had. Taehyung looked away and then suddenly felt a terrible pain in his heart and head. Emotions like depression and heartbreak flowed in and he groaned.

What the hell was going on?

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