20-Christmas Day

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Merry Chrysler


  It's Christmas Day and Yoongi's school was having a big party to celebrate. Yoongi and Jimin we're getting ready at Yoongi's place.

"Jimin, does this make me look fat??" Yoongi tilted his head putting a shirt on his torso. Jimin sighed. "Yoongi for the last time, none of those clothe make you look fat. You're the skinniest person I know." Jimin insisted.

  Jimin turned on his body on the bed now looking at the wall. "Let's not go, let's just stay here and cuddle or even better have sex. Your heat is going to come sooner or later." Jimin said looking at Yoongi's bedroom walls that were covered with albums, discs and everything else related to music.

"No Jimin! I wanna go to the party. I haven't seen Jungkook for a while and I know I'll see him there."

Jimin sat up quickly at the mention of that name.  "Jungkook? Yoongi....I don't think you should hang out with him anymore..... it's for your own good." Jimin stood up and walked up to Yoongi back hugging him. Yoongi turned around instantly and pushed Jimin back. "NO! Jungkook is my best friend and you're not going to get in the way of that, him and I promised each other that we weren't going let our mates break us apart and I'm going to keep that promise!" Yoongi raised his voice. Jimin sighed and grabbed Yoongi's waist again. "I get it but he's Taehyungs mate...and you know what's going on between us, what if he brought Jungkook into it, you can't trust him."

  "He won't do anything... I've known him for all my life, he was there for me when my parents died... I can trust him, and so can you." Yoongi smiled understanding where Jimin was coming from, he just wanted to protect his mate that's all, Yoongi could understand.  On the other hand, Jimin was guilty as a mf (couldn't think of any other word sorry) but all he did was hug Yoongi tighter and kiss his head. "Okay princess, just be careful, don't be so clueless" Yoongi nodded, they stayed in that position for a few minutes until Yoongi gasped and pulled away. "We're late Jimin!!"

Yoongi ran into the bathroom to change and fix himself as Jimin chuckled and walked outside to the car.


"Woaaahhh this place looks so different!" Yoongi gasped as he looked around the cafeteria in awe. The boring old cafeteria had now been decorated with lights, photos, trees, food stands and a big tree that almost reached the ceiling. It was like a completely different place.

"They really popped off didn't they?" Jimin grabbed Yoongi's waist and pulled him to his side. They were many unmated alphas around and he swore he could smell Taehyung so he got a bit protective.

People were talking, dancing, and singing. They all had beautiful clothing on. Everything looked elegant, they even had a small band playing some classical music on the stage.

"Wow this is amaz-" Yoongi was caught off by "Yoongi!! There you are, I knew you'd show up. I haven't seen you in ages"Jungkook ran up to Yoongi and wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him. "Jungkook relax, we saw each other like a week ago." Yoongi chuckled hugging him back. "That's too long." Jungkook whined hiding his face in his neck.

Jimin quietly growled as his body tensed. He didn't trust Jungkook one bit and his wolf didn't either but he is controlling himself for the sake of Yoongi.

"Come on I have so much tea to spill!!" Jungkook dragged Yoongi away. Jimin was pissed, he saw Yoongi look back at him mouthing a quick "sorry" Jimin shook his head and went to go get some food.

"I don't trust that boy.....he is part of Taehyungs plan." Jimin's wolf spoke in a deep tense voice.

"I know he is...but we have to control our selves for the sake of Yoongi. We can't make the same mistake again like losing our temper." Jimin replied throwing a grape into his mouth.

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